Billions Recap 3/6/16: Season 1 Episode 7 “The Punch”

Billions Recap 3/6/16: Season 1 Episode 7 "The Punch"Billions Recap 3/6/16: Season 1 Episode 7 "The Punch"

Tonight on Showtime the show Billions airs with an all new Sunday March 6, season 1 episode 7 called “The Punch” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, the pressure starts to affect Axe. (Damian Lewis)

On the last episode, Wendy facilitates a deal that hinged on a meeting between Chuck and Axe. Did you watch last week’s episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the Showtime synopsis, “the pressure starts to affect Axe; Chuck uses the past to his advantage.”

Tonight’s Shameless season 1 episode 7 is going to be great, and you won’t want to miss it. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Billions— tonight at 10 PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments down below and let us know how excited you are about the new show of the Billions, what are your thoughts on the show so far?

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#Billions begins at the new Hampton’s house and Axe is swimming. His kids are with a pal at an arcade. Bruce is drinking beer at the arcade then takes off with the kids in his SUV driving erratically. Axe ends his swim and the kids run into the house.

Bruce peels out before Lara can say anything to him. Her friend calls and says Bruce was drinking around the kids then let. She thanks Lilly for calling. Lara asks the boys if Mr Layner was acting weird. They tell her he was making remarks about money to make them feel bad.

Lara asks if he was drinking and they say he had a beer can in the car. The kids tell Lara and Bobby that he was drinking. Axe is furious. He hops dripping wet into his Jeep and pulls out. He speeds down the road. Bruce is by his pool making margaritas.

He tells Axe he got his precious f-ing babies home. Axe punches him and the guy says it’s going to cost him. Axe says it’s worth it and takes off. Spyros comes to see Chuck at the office on Sunday. Spyros asks for a Cortado  – it’s coffee with microfoam.

Spyros says he blew up Axe’s settlement conference so now he wants a lead role and says his stink will be all over this. Chuck says he recused himself and Spyros says that’s for show and they both know it. Spyros threatens to interview Wendy.

Chuck says he can come in during business hours and he can talk to Bryan’s team and he’ll work hand in hand with the SEC. Spyros says he’s running point and tells Chuck to agree. Chuck says he’ll tell his people. He leaves and Chuck calls Dale and says he need’s Martina’s contact info.

Donnie Caan shows up to meet Dale, Terry and Bryan who fit him with a wire. Terri says that Axe deserves this. They tell Donnie to make a deal directly with Axe but he says it won’t be easy. Donnie shows up to his house and says he needs to check on the Kemlot deal.

He asks Axe if he should pull the trigger tomorrow. Axe says wait because he’s not sure. Axe invites him in for a drink and they sit and talk. He and Donnie talk about Pavlov’s study. He tells Donnie he’s shown restraint and that’s good and tells him about the punch.

Donnie says Axe’s kids should be proud he stood up for them. Donnie says if he could do that for his kids and Axe encourages him. Donnie looks sad. Chuck walks by the conference room where Bryan leads a meeting about the case and it kills him to walk by.

The lawyer meets with Lara and Bobby and turns out Bruce is planning on filing civil and criminal cases. They tell Lara that Lilly needs to speak up and Lara says she’ll get him too. They bring in the former Southampton PD.

The guy says someone has video of him striking Bruce and he will be arrested soon. He says Bach reached out to him so he reached out. The guy says getting confirmation of the drinking will take the air out of the charges.

He says he’ll get a backdoor arrival for the lawyer Bach, him and Axe. Wendy meets with Chase about potential jobs. She doesn’t want anything in finance and says she can’t work for a competitor. He says she won’t get the work she wants and the compensation too.

Chase says corporate HR jobs won’t let her work with clients. He says working with clients is non-profit so not a lot of money. It’s one or the other. Wags talks to the team and Donnie says now is the time to knock the rest of their enemies off the canvas.

The team has a trophy for Axe. It’s a boxing trophy for punching out Bruce. The team cheers. Axe takes it and chunks it in the trash then walks out annoyed. He sees Wendy coming in and calls out to her. He goes into her office and she mentions his rash actions.

Axe brings up the meeting with Chuck and she accuses him of self-sabotage. Axe says that was self-defense. She got a different story from Chuck and Axe doesn’t tell her different. He says he went into the room and made a deal.

Lara talks to her sister and says it bothered her that her kids didn’t call her about Bruce’s drinking. She says her kids have no street smarts. Bryan and his team meet with Chuck about the contractor suit they’re pursuing the keeps Bryan back.

The door closes and he asks about his informant at Axe. Bryan says they need a Chinese wall. Chuck glares and Bryan caves. He says they noticed Donnie Caan loading up on Rubinex, a biotech company. He says they guy made a monster profit.

He says he couldn’t provide research on the trade and linked him to insiders. He says they took him down. Lilly tells Lara she’s not sure about what she told her about Bruce. She says Keith told her they can’t have any press because of his business.

Lara looks at her and Lilly says that’s her husband. Then Lilly says she has to go. Lara watches her leave. Axe watches the video of him punching Bruce. Wags says it’s not good. He says they need more of the original and says this has been edited.

Mike Dimonda is the one who got it in his in box and has an exclusive. Dimonda won’t give the source. Axe thinks and says there were six people on his left. Bruce’s wife and kids were there. He says the wife had a platter in his hand.

He thinks and says the kid’s GF was there and two teen girls had their phones out. Axe says finds them, get the original video and says pay what we need. Axe gets a text from Lara that says Lilly is f-ing them and he tells Wags he has to go see Lara.

He goes with Bach and the former cop to the Hamptons PD. The Chief says billionaires punching millionaires makes it worse.  Tommy says who will do the sweeping under the rug then says when the video goes public, there will be pressure.

He tells the former Chief with Axe that it may be out of his hands. Chuck comes home and finds Wendy opening mail. Wendy asks Chuck how the settlement meeting went down. He says everything was laid out then things get unpredictable.

He says a big game fish often has one final thrash in them as they get close to the boat. He says Axe tore up the check. Wendy tells him about the dinner they have tomorrow and Chuck tries to get out of it. He says that couple is creepily close.

The boys complain about their cheese omelets and Lara makes them apologize to the chef. They do and she says get in the car. She takes them to the beach and they fuss about the water being cold and brown. She says you’re going to clam.

She says they had to collect clams or they didn’t eat when she was a kid. She tells them how to feel for clams.

Raul meets with Wags and Axe about the Bruce incident. He says this looks like Axe is slipping and is out of control. He says he doesn’t want to pull his money but will if there’s a conviction even for a misdemeanor. He says settle and get an NDA signed.

Dimonda is ready to publish and Axe wants to meet with him first. Spyros comes to see Chuck and he’s stunned to see that Chuck has Martina Slovis there being interviewed. Spyros is shocked and Chuck says he warned him.

He says way back in the day, he noticed Martina was freaked out about him and then they talked and she told him that Spyros raped him. He asks why Chuck would believe him. He says he didn’t then he found Spryos and mentioned her name.

He says Spyros told him “I f-d that little piece, what did she say?” Chuck says that’s when he knew and calls him sick. Spyros says it’s he said she said and the statutes are run out. Chuck says get back in line or I will work with Martina to destroy your life like you did hers.

He threatens him. Turns out they had Martina there for a job interview. Chuck thanks the woman who interviewed her. Axe watches some guys at a bar – they’re singing an Italian song. Nick and Sal sing. Dimonda is there with Axe.

Dimonda says he knows he wants to talk about the video. He says he’s running it no matter what. Axe says he wants him to hold it a day then he’ll get him a meeting with a network chair. Dimonda says someone will see him traveling on Axe’s dime.

Dimonda says he doesn’t have to run the piece tonight. Wendy and Chuck are with the Gilberts. Chuck is clearly unhappy and Wendy asks them about work. They produce luxury bathrobes for upscale hotels. Chuck asks how they can work together that much.

He says he doesn’t understand the 24/7 and asks don’t you want to… Wendy asks what. The Gilberts say the used to live siloed then made a conscious decision to join their lives – they even share passwords. Chuck says that’s not very secure.

Wendy says they know each other’s passwords and they discuss it. Chuck says he has to change his every nine months but is happy to tell her. The Gilberts talk about dividing responsibility at work. They say one takes care of the hugs, the other the kisses.

At home, Wendy and Chuck laugh about them. Chuck asks if she’s seen anything like that psychologically. He says after 17 years, no one can be that in love. She slaps him hard. He comes to her and she shoves him onto the bed hard then signals him to stay.

He goes limp. Lara tells Axe they have to toughen up the kids. He says they’ll get tough when they need to and she asks how. She says they grew up tough and Axe says he was still an animal when they met. Lara says they are the rich kid and have no grit.

Axe says they’ll put them in the foreign legion for the summer and make men of them. Axe says she can come up with something and he’ll support it. Wendy wakes and finds rope, handcuffs and other implements of their kink.

Chuck left a note saying he turned off the alarm so she could sleep and gave her his password. Chuck tells Bryan he’s glad he has the Axe case but asks about the informant some more. Chuck says he used to rough up informants every few weeks to remind them of the danger.

Bryan nods and Chuck says use a secure location since Axe has contacts all over. He says there’s a place he’s used before. Bryan is irritated. Wendy meets with Donnie and asks why he hasn’t been to see her in weeks.

She says Axe brought him close and asks how that feels. He says Axe is a great resource. Wendy says he used to be much more open then says he’s withdrawn. She says she can sense it right now. He says he’s tired and then makes another excuse.

Wendy meets Chase later who says he couldn’t stop thinking about her problem. He orders her a drink and says she’s his most interesting client. She says don’t flatter me. He says he found a job that might be her Shangri-La.

He says they don’t use outside headhunters so he won’t charge her directly. He says it’s blue chip consulting and the clients are crazy geniuses that will be a challenge so she’ll have to up her game. He says he can tell she’s excited.

Wendy says she has questions. He says it’s platinum comp and it’s hers if she wants it. She insists on paying his commission. He says drink up. They toast. Donnie meets with Bryan and hands him today’s files but says he has nothing yet.

Bryan says there’s a move that people try called the Bojangle where they string us along hoping we’ll lose interest. Bryan says it won’t happen and says don’t try it with me. Donnie says the price of any betrayal is flesh. Bryan asks if it’s Shakespeare and Donnie says Steven King.

Donnie says it makes him sick to think about selling out Axe so he can be with his family and tells Bryan if it’s not good enough, go f-k yourself. Chuck lurks in a closet listening. He asks if Bryan wants him to keep it up and he tells Donnie yeah.

Chuck comes out of the closet and Bryan rages at him for being so reckless. Chuck says they can talk tomorrow and he will hear his complaints. Chuck says right now, good work. He walks out on a fuming Bryan.

At home, Wendy comes in and she asks what he did. He says he had a committee meeting. She says she had a drink with Billie and some of her school pals. They’re both lying. Lara throws sleeping bags at her boys and says get sweatshirts and toothbrushes and says they’re going on a campout.

She says it’s time to learn life skills. Axe tells them to get ready. Axe’s assistant has the whole video and says no one else has it. She says she got it for her budget and it all looks bad for Bruce. She says it’s on the way to Dimonda now.

The camping leader takes the phone from one of the kids. The other kid hides his. Axe’s video is online and it’s gone viral. The ex-Chief says the charges are done since Bruce made an admission of DUI. He hands him a bag of cash.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving are hashtagging Bobby as a hero. Lara says his phone is blowing up and Raul even tweeted his support. Chuck watches the video and is supremely annoyed. Bryan comes into Chuck’s office and says he’s not doing it this way.

He says appoint someone else lead on the Axe case. Bryan says he has to protect his integrity and Chuck calls it ego wanting to take down Axe. Bryan says they have more resources than any other prosecutorial division in the world and he will use them as he sees fit.

Chuck says he says I instead of we and forgets that history won’t care who won or lost this case. Then Chuck says as an aggregate, these cases matter. Chuck gives him a whole woohoo speech about the working man.

Chuck says we’re sold the idea that the playing field is level but we both knows it’s not and Axe is sawing the legs off it. He says every dollar Axe takes from fraud, it’s money from decent people. Chuck says you need me because I am willing to stare beyond conventional morality.

Chuck says he can even the table back out. He tells Bryan to sit in his chair. He’s hesitant but then does. He tells Bryan someday he’ll be in that chair for real and will remember this moment and understand it differently.

Chuck says it’s his case and he won’t let him walk away. Chuck asks can you do a better job with or without me in your corner. He tells Bryan to stay in his chair and think about it. He leaves him alone so he can appreciate being in the boss’s seat.

Axe gets a text and leaves the house. Donnie meets Bryan and drops off a flash drive and tells him he’ll be happy. Axe goes to pick up the kids at the campout. They run to the car and the leader comes after them and says what the hell? Axe says Gordie was smart to hang onto his phone. He offers the kids real food.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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