Billions Recap 4/3/16: Season 1 Episode 11 “Magical Thinking”

Billions Recap 4/3/16: Season 1 Episode 11 "Magical Thinking"

Tonight on Showtime the show Billions airs with an all new Sunday April 3, season 1 episode 11 called “Magical Thinking.” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Axe loses big on a bad trade.

On the last episode, Axe and Wendy did some soul searching; Chuck suffered a devastating setback. Did you watch last week’s episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the Showtime synopsis, “Axe loses big on a bad trade; Chuck finds proof that could save the case.”

Tonight’s Shameless season 1 episode 11 is going to be great, and you won’t want to miss it. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Billions— tonight at 10 PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments down below and let us know how excited you are about the this new show, what are your thoughts so far?

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#Billions starts with Wags telling Axe that Mafee wants to see him to talk about BioLance and Axe says fire him. He says they’ll lose $400 million. Mafee comes in and says this is keeping him up nights. Axe wants him to sit tight and Mafee says they’re going to lose.

He asks if the others agree with him and Mafee says they all do. Axe says he told him he understood the risks and Mafee says they should wait and get in later. Axe says you’re fired. Wags says you heard him. Mafee questions him and then says he tried.

Mafee asks if he’s still fired and Axe says goodbye. Axe listens to the BioLance announcement. Everyone listens. The guy says they were denied FDA approval. He says they have five more years to get there but only three more years of cash so it’s a dud.

Axe looks worried. Mafee is still there and Wags asks what’s the damage. He’s told $430 million or maybe twice that. Axe comes out of his office and goes to Mafee who is packing his desk. Axe says you know never to listen to me about shit like that and says he loves him and couldn’t fire him.

Mafee unpacks his stuff. Wendy goes to see Maria about a job opportunity and says Roma wants to give her the tour. Roma tells Wendy that they value culture and fit and says they have a lot of senior PMs that are women and tried to use a little less ego and be more collaborative.

Roma says it’s a delicate balance. She says they need someone to curate the balance who has seen the other side. Roma says they need them to access their assassin side when they need to. Roma says she’s the best performance coach in the industry and they need her.

Wendy asks why she thinks she knows what she wants and Roma says she’s an instinct trader then asks if she’s wrong. Roma says there’s a better way than life being a zero sum game and tells Wendy to think about it. Axe texts her that he needs her.

Adam comes to Chuck’s house and compliments him on the swanky place. Adam says he’s impressed he made a federal judge disappear. Chuck says he knows the replacement nominee and congratulates Adam. He says he should be happy and laughing like Hank Kingsley.

Chuck says he’s worried with Adam out of the AG’s office, his boss will be likely to look kindly on his office. Chuck says he needs someone to look out for him in DC. He says he knows some candidates so he can foam the runway on the way out.

Adam asks if this is still about Axe and Chuck says it’s about justice. Chuck says he’d hate for this to stall in judicial committee and says thinks can be delated. Chuck says he can make Senator Vandeever drags him to the bench.

Chuck says this won’t be pleasant so he needs to know Adam will do what he wants. Adam agrees then says he should try restraint. Lara takes her sister Lou to an interview for being an in-house chef at Axe’s firm. Her sister is apathetic.

Axe comes down and tells Lara he blew something badly and can’t come to Lily’s tonight. He says he needs to talk to Wendy because it’s in his head. Lara says he can’t trust Wendy because they don’t know what side she’s on. Lara says Wendy will ask about Donnie.

Lou tells Lara she can’t cook for those animals after one checks her out and says the place needs a pole. Lara says she was just trying to help and says she wouldn’t have a problem if it wasn’t for this. Lara says she wouldn’t have been running a restaurant if it wasn’t for her.

Lou says Lara hasn’t even hung out in the old neighborhood. Bryan tells the team to pack up the Axe case. Wendy comes back to work and hears a couple of traders talking about Axe f-ing up. She comes to Axe’s office and he thanks her for coming back.

He asks where she was and she doesn’t answer but says she’s here now. Axe says he made what could be a billion dollar mistake and needs an adjustment. She asks if he wants a real session. He says he needs to sharpen his focus and start digging out tomorrow.

He says he needs to find out why he wanted to make the mistake. Wendy says this could take a while. At home, Chuck mixes up the dog’s food then stares at his watch. Carrie the sitter shows up and says Wendy has things to do that were last minute.

Cuck checks his phone and sees a text from Wendy he didn’t notice then he takes off. Wendy and Axe go into her office. He sits and she grabs a notebook and sits with her back to him. He stands and comes to sit in front of her.

She tells him to tell her about today. He says people think you can do anything if you’re successful and then you start to believe it. He says he forgot he’s not Superman. He says he’s not usually wrong and she says when you are, you take your medicine and moved wrong.

He says he asked Mafee and when he said everyone agreed it was the wrong move, I had to prove I wasn’t wrong. Wendy says it wasn’t to prove anything to them. Bryan wonders why he hates Axe and them so much and Kate says they’re richer than him and are criminals.

Bryan asks if they do what they do for the reasons they say. Kate asks if he means to keep the markets fair. She tells him she knew a brilliant guy in school. She says he works at Spartan-Ives now and made $20 million when he should have been curing cancer.

She says that f-ks society. She says they have to try. Bryan shows her something he had made for Chuck – it’s a framed copy of Axe’s settlement check he tore up. Bryan says he’ll leave it on Chuck’s desk. He offers her a drink. They go into Chuck’s office.

Axe and Wendy sit in the break room now eating. He asks how she’s handling everything and she says it’s not how they work. Wendy says the Donnie thing got to her. Axe says people withhold information all the time. Wendy says she hopes for patients to be truly open with her.

Wendy brings up Donnie again and that he messed up big right after he died. Axe says he got Donnie the best medical care and helped out the guy who took out a machine gun in front of cops. He says he takes care of his people and they know that and she should too.

Axe walks away from the table and tells Wendy to come on. Lara and Lou are out in their old stomping grounds and talk about being kids. Lara says let’s go joy riding. Chuck goes to see his dad and says he may have been too harsh with him.

Chuck Sr says he’s getting old and doesn’t get things anymore and wonders why his son is there. Chuck says he needs a favor. Chuck says he needs a Senator to push through a judiciary nomination. Chuck Sr asks how he makes Vandeever materialize to do what he wants.

Chuck Sr lays into his son. Chuck thanks him when agrees to do what he wants then says he’s sorry. Chuck Sr pats his face and Chuck leaves. Wendy and Axe are throwing objects off the balcony into a trash can below.

Axe tries to throw a ceramic globe and misses and it smashes. He says he wants to do a computer next. Wendy says he’s like Kobe trying to shoot and score. Axe asks why he couldn’t see it before – his blind spot – and Wendy says the blind spot may work for him.

She says figure out what part of your self-image is false and lose it or make it work for you. Bryan and Kate are in Chuck’s office making out on his desk. They start laughing and she says it’s so cliché. She says she wants to do something dangerous.

Chuck calls Nancy looking for Wendy but gets voice mail. Chuck goes into a bar. He meets Ira there who shows him a pic this chick just texted him. Chuck asks how do you get them to swipe right on you and he says put the Porsche in the Tinder pic.

Ira talks about how it was being in Russia when the wall came down and you had to pay someone to protect you – cops or the mob. He says Chuck Sr is his protection like that. Chuck says he doesn’t have to like it.

Ira asks where Chuck is when he checks his phone. He says he doesn’t know where Wendy is tonight. Ira says f-k. Chuck says he doesn’t like the way this feels and says it’s continental drift right now. Ira says the young girls are just not like Wendy or his Elizabeth.

He says he remembers nights with Liz and she was asleep and he wanted to tell her things but didn’t wake her then things got plowed under with routine. He says he’d like those nights back and would give up these nights.

Ira tells Chuck he has no game. Axe tells Wendy he never cried over Donnie and should have. She asks the last time he cried. They are out walking outside the building. She says she likes their expeditions but should have been home hours ago.

She asks again last time he cried. He says YouTube videos of soldiers coming home and surprising their kids at home or at a baseball game. Wendy asks Axe what if he’s not perfect and misses things sometimes. Lara and Lou are driving and talking.

They pull up somewhere and a guy opens a gate. Lara drove them to an airfield to get into a chopper. They drink and fly. Lara says she’s not the same she once was and says the old her would have told Bobby to f-k off for blowing her off to spend all night talking to Wendy.

Lara says she needs something and Lou asks what it is. Lou talks about their mom buying them scratcher lottery tickets then says Lara won. Wendy tells Axe they’ve gone as far as they can and brings up Donnie. He says tell me what you know.

She says she knows he used Donnie as a shield and left his family rich. She says he saved his kingdom and rewarded the knight who fell on his sword. She admits she doesn’t know how. She says he punished himself by screwing up the trade.

Axe says he stole time from Donnie without his permission. He says the doctor offered him an experimental treatment but it could have extended his life a few months maybe til Christmas, maybe long enough to testify against him.

Axe says he turned it down because it didn’t suit his purposes and he’s punishing himself for denying him that chance when he cared about him and doesn’t like what it says about him. Wendy says he’s punishing himself because he didn’t really care about Donnie and that’s what scares him.

Axe says yes. He says when he heard he died, he felt relief. Wendy says he’s been asking himself something and says he needs to say it out loud. Axe asks if he has to and says people who have the capacity to feel nothing are sociopaths – is that what I am?

She asks what he thinks and he says he doesn’t know. She says he’s manifesting guilt and it’s crucial. She says his wiring is exposed and crossed. She says a sociopath wouldn’t give a shit and he’s practiced at turning off his feelings.

She says fix it or go on like this and see what happens. Lara and Lou land in the heli in a parking lot. They are allowed into the mall and a store is opened for them. Lou is thrilled. Bryan and Kate go shoot off fireworks together.

They hear sirens and he says run. They do. Back at the office, Wendy tells Axe there may be aftershocks from what they did tonight and he says she took him apart and put him back together. He asks if she’s tired or disgusted.

Wendy says he is a difference maker but he’s not a God. She says pancreatic cancer takes everyone and no magical thinking could change that. She says she’s not disgusted with him and that’s not even on the table. He says some of her wires are crossed too and she agrees.

He asks if that’s why she’s been looking at other jobs and she asks if he’s been drilling for that all night. He makes some guesses about where she’s looking and she admits Zenobia. He asks if she thinks it would be better there for her.

She says that’s for a different session. Chuck is a car and asks the driver to pull over and kill the lights. He opens the door and gets out. He walks up the sidewalk and looks up. Chuck sees Axe and Wendy standing close and talking and laughing.

He hangs his head and goes back to the car. He tells the driver to take him back to the city. Chuck goes to a secret kink club. He goes to a room and knocks. Troy says enter. She greets him as Mr Martinez and sys it’s been a long time.

She turns him around and says he’s been a wretched speck of shit. She ties him down and torments him then he says Red – his safe word. She unchains him and he says it’s me – I didn’t get permission. She asks from Mrs Martinez then asks why he’s there.

She says go get permission and asks if Wendy doesn’t role play anymore and says Wendy was an all-star in workshop. Chuck says she’s intractable and distant. Troy says they should go see someone and can both come there if they want.

Chuck hears a disturbance and finds out a guy was following him all night and taking pictures. He has the camera so maybe no one else will see them. Axe comes home to find Lara and Lou passed out in new clothes and says it must have been some party.

Lara says they made their own then asks how he is. He says he’s better and asks if she wants to go to prom. He tells her he cries at sentimental things like commercials and doesn’t tell her. She says okay. She says she’s glad tonight helped but don’t do that to me again.

He says he won’t and kisses her. Lou wakes and sees them making out. She turns away. Wendy is home in bed typing on her laptop when Chuck comes home. She’s making notes on her session with Axe. She closes her laptop.

Chuck comes home and goes to their bedroom. She’s in the shower. He sees her laptop and opens it. There’s a password screen and he types it in – remember they shared passwords a few weeks ago. He reads about Axe bribing the cops to make the Danziger thing go away.

Chuck emails the file to himself then deleted the email from her history. He closes the laptop and she comes out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. He glares at her.