Bones Recap – Intern Fired: Season 11 Episode 16 “The Strike in the Chord”

Bones Recap - Intern Fired: Season 11 Episode 16 "The Strike in the Chord"Bones Recap - Intern Fired: Season 11 Episode 16 "The Strike in the Chord"

Tonight on FOX Bones airs with an all new back to back Thursday May 19, season 11 episode 16 called, “The Strike in the Chord” and we have your recap below. On tonight’s episode a body found in a rat lab at Lynwood University turns out to be the head of a male a cappella group who recently ejected one of their best singers.

On the last episode, a private investigator’s body was found frozen in ice after being thrown in the Potomac, and the investigation revealed that the victim was a fixer who had a long list of enemies.  Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the FOX synopsis, “a body found in a rat lab at Lynwood University turns out to be the head of a male a cappella group who recently ejected one of their best singers. Meanwhile, Booth hopes to go on a summer vacation with Parker; a new intern joins the Jeffersonian; and Aubrey’s college experience becomes a topic of interest.”

Tune in at 8PM EST on FOX to watch Season 11 Episode 16 of BONES. We’ll also be updating fans right here as the show airs so be sure to check back in with us. Brennan and Booth have had a long television run. Do you like that their characters mix up business with home life? Hit up the comments and tell us your thoughts about their tangled relationship!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#Bones starts with a man and woman breaking into a secured area planning to release some research rats. They see a body swarming with dead rats on it. At Booth and Bones’ house, he’s eating late night cereal and she lectures him about blood sugar.

He’s hoping that Parker will call and then he does on video chat. It’s late at night for them since he’s getting up in London. Booth is excited to meet his son for a hiking trip on the Appalachian trail. Parker says his ride is there and he has to leave. They end the call.

Booth says back to bed then they both get texts. There’s a body at the university rat lab. Bones calls her dad to come watch the kids. Booth gobbles down his cereal. Cam and Aubrey head to the university bio-lab and she says some great advances happen there.

Aubrey says she’s so squinty. Hodgins is already there and he says there’s no bugs and the rats ate him. Hodgins says most of the rats burst from over-eating on the body. He has three live ones left and being shipped back to the lab.

Cam says two days ago for TOD and Bones says late teens. Booth tells them about the kids that found the body and they decide it was a body dump. The rat cages were all opened and freed to eat the body – the rats were hungry because of the experiment they were in.

At the diner later, Aubrey and Booth talk about the clever killer to dump the body there. Aubrey talks about how Jessica has turned him onto some pretty brain podcasts lately and recommends a good one on bacteria.

At the lab, Ms Mills, a new squintern, shows up. She’s thrilled to finally get a shot. Cam welcomes her and then Bones takes over. Bones asks her about the fracture on the skeleton and she says trauma but doesn’t expand on it. She speaks in short sentences.

Bones tells her come up with findings of your own, don’t just rephrase my statements. Mills promises to try. Angela checks out the nice rat habitat Hodgins has built them and says they’re just rats. She gets an ID on the body and says it’s Scott Hill, a sophomore at the college.

Booth and Aubrey go see Scott Hill’s roommate and tell him that the guy is dead. He says that’s awful then tells them he needs to study for his final. He says they weren’t close and Booth asks who would want to hurt him. He says Scott was always with the Whippersnaps.

Aubrey says it’s a really good a cappella good. The roomie says it was really competitive. Parker calls Bones and says he got into a creative writing class at Oxford this summer and she congratulates him but he says he doesn’t want to disappoint his dad and asks her to talk to him.

Mills works with Hodgins and she says she found cause of death. Hodgins cautions her not to jump to conclusions and Bones says it’s likely but they can’t jump to that conclusion. She tells her don’t wave remains, they’re fragile. Mills runs off and right into something.

Bones worries as the girl limps off clumsily. She’s a hot mess squintern. Aubrey says singing is everything to the Whippersnaps and nothing else matters. They go to Whipperspace. The three stars of Pentatonix are guesting this episode – the two guys in the guy group and the chick in the rival lady group.

Booth and Aubrey interrupt rehearsal and Booth flashes his badge to shut them up. Aubrey sings along for a moment. One of the guys snaps at another. Julian makes a dad joke and Ted is irritated. Jake is pulled aside for questioning. Ted and Julian mock and accuse him of killing Scott then storm out.

Jake tells them nationals are coming up and Aubrey asks if it’s NCAC. They ask why he didn’t report Scott missing and he says he didn’t have time for it – he just took control. Jake says he was in his room running his scales and can ask anyone in the dorm since they could hear him.

He says Ian Johnson was Scott’s BFF but he kicked him out of the group and the guy left school. Cam finds Hodgins bottle feeding one of the rats and she’s icked out. The rat nuzzles him and she’s disturbed. She found what she thinks is a splinter.

He says it’s oak. She says she found bacteria in the larynx that’s odd too. Booth and Aubrey look at a trophy case at William Johnson’s house – he’s Ian’s dad. He takes them to talk to Ian. Ian is playing his keyboard and singing.

Booth says he can’t believe he kicked out that voice. Ian says he can’t believe someone did this to Scott. He says he hasn’t seen him since he kicked him out. They ask why he kicked him out and he says Scott was acting weird and keeping secrets and told him he wasn’t cutting it.

He says he was here at home Friday night and the dad says they have security cameras and Booth asks for the tapes. Ian says he would never do this. Angela says Dr Hoffman called for Hodgins and said he had good news about a study.

Hodgins says it’s an experimental surgery for nerve regeneration. She says surgery is up for discussion and he says he gave her amazing news and she’s being skeptical. He says it’s his decision and he’s getting his legs back.

Mills shows Bones a fracture she found and Bones says there was force applied when he was pressed against something hard. Bones thinks he was struck in the neck that fractured his hyoid. Bones chews her out for not offering more insight and Mills panics.

Aubrey checks Scott’s playlist with Angela and says it’s very telling. Aubrey says he found something very different from what the Whippersnaps has been doing and says it’s crazy. Angela asks what’s up and he admits that he sang in college but she can’t tell anyone.

Angela says so and he says he can’t let Booth find out and says it will wreck his manly reputation. They check his play list. One says for Liz and it’s love songs. They see he was listening to it at Nickerson Hall, the English department.

Then they check the college security footage and see Scott and a girl. Booth and Bones show up looking for Elizabeth – she’s a Gingersnap, one of the rival female group singers. Aubrey points out a note and says they weren’t hooking up – they were singing and points to some sheet music.

Aubrey and Booth talk to Liz and they ask her if Scott kicked out Ian to add her to the Whippersnap. She says it was a big idea. They accuse her of killing him. She says it was a chance to break new ground and it was good for women.

Liz says she didn’t kill him and says if people found out in either group, they would have been furious. Mills shows Cam some ulna fractures and Cam says she has to stop being afraid of Bones. Mills explains her theory that it’s defensive wounds.

Cam goes to check the tissue and says good work. Mills is pleased. Bones tells Booth that Parker called her about a creative writing program and says he’s an excellent writer. He says summer is about fun and Bones says writing might be fun for him.

Booth says this decision isn’t up to her and asks why his kid called her. She says shouldn’t it be up to Parker. Cam says the bacteria was strep. She says Scott and other kids had five strep-like infections. The biomedical lab created the bacteria.

Cam sees that one of the Gingersnaps worked in the lab – Esther Hines. They bring her in and she’s all flirty with Aubrey but he shuts it down then accuses her of infecting the Whippersnaps. He has pics of her kissing all the guys that were infected.

He accuses her of bio-terrorism. She caves and admits it. She says she didn’t know Scott was trying to recruit Liz and says the Whippersnaps by-laws wouldn’t agree and says the old guy Johnson wouldn’t sign it because she asked him to sign it to let her in and he said no.

Cam says she found microphages in the biceps and says it’s bruising. Looks like a handprint. She says someone grabbed him hard and Angela determines the size of the hand. She sends it to Booth to check for a match.

They bring in William Johnson for further questioning. They ask why he didn’t mention Scott approached him to change the Whippersnap by laws. Booth asks him to put his hand on the one from the lab. He says the handprint will match but he didn’t kill him.

William says they argued and he did grab him but let the guy go. He says look at Julian and Ted since they ran against him for director and were more qualified. Ian told his dad that Scott threatened them because he knew they were buying term papers.

Bones points out a bunch of mistakes that Mills made on some fractures. Bones tells her that her mistakes have delayed the investigation. Bones tells her she’s fired. Mills says she can do better and Bones says she can’t take the chance.

The girl is heartbroken. Bones pats her shoulder in comfort as she cries. The guys go back to the Whippersnaps. Bones has a search warrant and kicks all out but Ted and Julian. They found out that the ladder there was the weapon. Ted and Julian insist they didn’t kill Scott.

Aubrey talks to Ted and Julian back at the FBI and they both freak out and babble. Aubrey shuts them and says slow it down. He says one at a time. He asks if anyone can alibi them and it’s each other. Ted says Scott blackmailed them but it was for the best.

Julian says after they saw how good he was, they didn’t mind. He says Scott even gave him anti-anxiety medication before a performance then the guy starts to hyperventilate. Angela shows Bones the ladder on the victim and they wonder how it could happen.

Hodgins says one of the rats came through and said he found wood in the feces including maple, pine and alder – some wood that was compressed. Hodgins asks where’s Mills and Bones says she fired her. Hodgins and Angela ask how she can fire her in just a day.

Bones finds more results and Hodgins says you just fired our friend but Bones is unmoved. Aubrey finds Booth still prepping for the hike and Aubrey says the ladder isn’t the weapon. Aubrey says Scott didn’t have a prescription for the meds he gave Julian.

Hodgins shows Cam the results – he found condrils and says they’re found in meteorites. The roommate is an astronomy major. Hodgins asks Cam if she can get Mills back her job but she’s not sure it’s the right thing to do.

Bones spots a meteorite sample with blood in Scott’s room and then a bookshelf. Booth also spots anxiety meds and Bones asks McKay if he killed him for stealing his meds. McKay says Scott took his meds and he had a panic attack and he lost a fellowship because of him.

He says he hit him then he fell back and pulled the shelf down on himself. Booth arrests him. Angela and Hodgins talk about the surgery. She’s against it and he says she’s right. He says he won’t do it and says he just wanted to find something that worked.

Angela says they’ll keep looking and he says it’s fine. He then brings up the rats and asks if they can bring them home. He says she can’t lecture him on the value of life and then condemn them to death. Angela says Booth wants them to come over.

They head to the house and Cam and Angela show up too. Booth says he found something important they have to see. Booth says it’s about Aubrey and says he’s been hiding something from them. He plays the national a cappella championship. They all applaud.

They see Aubrey singing in a quartet and he’s so embarrassed. Cam says that’s such a hairdo. He says go ahead and Booth says he read the short story that Parker sent and says he may be a better writer than her. He says he’s going to let him do the writing program this summer.

Booth says life has to be enjoyed and says if Parker turns out like her, he’d be so proud. They all clap for Aubrey’s big finale.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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