Bones Recap 5/5/16: Season 11 Episode 14 “The Last Shot at a Second Chance”

Bones Recap 5/5/16: Season 11 Episode 14 "The Last Shot at a Second Chance"Bones Recap 5/5/16: Season 11 Episode 14 "The Last Shot at a Second Chance"

Tonight on FOX Bones airs with an all new Thursday May 5, season 11 episode 14 called, “The Last Shot at a Second Chance” and we have your recap below. On tonight’s episode the murder of an ex-con who was living in a halfway house, but vanished, is investigated, and a suspect is linked to Booth.

On the last episode, a social worker’s remains were found, but evidence suggested the victim had been dead for months before the body was dumped in a park, and the case got even more twisted when it’s linked to a serial killer known for desecrating corpses. If you missed it, we have a full and detailed mid-season finale recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the FOX synopsis, “the murder of an ex-con who was living in a halfway house, but vanished, is investigated, and a suspect is linked to Booth. Meanwhile, Brennan is called to testify about her assault of an unarmed individual during a past case, which could result in a suspension; Aubrey and Jessica miss another chance for a first kiss; and the rift widens between Hodgins and Angela.”

Tune in at 8PM EST on FOX to watch Season 11 Episode 14 of BONES. We’ll also be updating fans right here as the show airs so be sure to check back in with us. Brennan and Booth have had a long television run. Do you like that their characters mix up business with home life? Hit up the comments and tell us your thoughts about their tangled relationship!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#Bones starts with Booth asking Bones if she’s ready for her testimony tomorrow about her punching a suspect – the man advocate. Bones says she has no remorse and won’t listen to her hubby’s advice. Aubrey and Jessica talking about binge watching Star Wars.

He says he threw out his back and she says he should have stretched. They talk about letting moments pass and he goes to kiss her and gets a bloody nose then a text about a body then a cab splashes them. It’s really bad.

Cam, Jessica and Angela look at a body found after a mudslide. Jessica says it’s a female, African American and early 30s. Hodgins says she was in a shallow grave for about two weeks. Hodgins asks about Bones’ hearing and Jessica says she’s her hero.

Bones is at her hearing and the committee says they take it seriously. Bones rattles off stats about how many agents have killed suspects. She says the man deserved it. She has no remorse. They tell her that they’ll talk to Booth tomorrow and she may be suspended from Bureau work.

Bones shows up to work and says the hearing did not go so well. Cam says let’s focus on the case. Cam says it looks like heart damage from drug abuse. Bones points out a surgical rod in the body that looks too old for the age of the injury.

Bones says they can track the rod. Angela complains about how Hodgins is treating her lately. Aubrey tells Booth about the awful Jessica encounter. They then focus on the case. He thinks the body came from Perkins Home, a gang infested area.

Booth talks about a drug called Wiley Monkey that has cocaine and heroin plus toxic chemicals. Booth says the first kiss is always awkward. He says he and Bones had plenty of those moments too. Angela talks to Sebastian then it gets weird when Cam comes in.

Cam tells Angela she thinks the victim was drug-free for a decade. Angela found evidence that Lola Marshall is the victim a former crack dealer who ran off from a halfway house two weeks ago. Aubrey and Bones go to meet Thomas Hemingway, the manager of the halfway house.

Thomas tells them his job involves tough choices. He says Lola was in group therapy and says she got a job at a Donut place and was a model inmate until she went missing. Aubrey asks who would know if she went back to the life and he says her roommate Jasmine.

Bones and Aubrey talk to Jasmine about Lola. She says she doesn’t think she ran off. Jasmine says she told her she was beaten once in prison and spent months in the infirmary and got her GED and turned her life around.

She says Kenny J didn’t like Lola and she testified again him. Bones says he was in prison with Kenny Johnson. Jessica shows Cam fractures she found that looks like she was beaten in a rage. Hodgins tells Angela to do her and he’ll do himself and she says that’s not a marriage.

Cam comes in and Angela says she’s done. Cam gives him some tissue that has a burn mark. She and Angela walk out. Hodgins stews. Aubrey reads Kenny’s rap sheet and Booth says he had his back in jail. Aubrey says he looks like bad guy but Booth has faith.

They go see Kenny at his auto shop job. Kenny greets him warmly. Booth tells him Lola Marshall is dead and he says they ignored each other at Next Step. Kenny shows Aubrey a scar he got in jail defending Booth. He tells Booth he’s no killer. Aubrey says he can’t cover for the guy and Booth snaps at him.

Cam tells Jessica the burn is gunshot residue and Jessica tells her about the weird almost kiss. Jessica says going slow is hard and Cam says maybe it means good things to come. Angela goes to Sebastian’s studio and she’s awed by his work.

He says photography is truth and beauty. Sebastian is checking her out then kisses her. Angela stops then kisses him back and they undress each other. She dozed off at her desk and that was just a dream. Hodgins wakes her rudely and says it sounded like a bad dream.

He says he found where the victim was when she died. Hodgins tells her she said his name (i.e. Sebastian’s) in her sleep. He rolls away angry. Aubrey meets Hodgins who tells him she was in Northeast Baltimore. Hodgins says he found rock salt too.

He says it’s only used in poor neighborhoods then says fresh tar in her shoe treads and says that narrows it to Kennison Ave. She was at the co-ops that day. Jessica tells Cam she found fractures on the fingers. She says it’s defensive wounds but Bones says she thinks buried alive.

Jessica also shows her signs that Lola gave birth very young and they wonder if her kid killed her. Booth brings in Lola’s daughter and Bones asks if she resented her mother. Booth knows Kalani visited Lola. Bones looks at her and says she’s pregnant.

Kalani snaps and says her mother told her she’d help take care of her and her baby and she says they were going to be a family. She cries and says she’s alone again. She says her mom was saving up for an apartment for them when she got out of the halfway house.

Kalani says her mom was frustrated and it was something about Kenny waiting in the car. She says it’s some guy from the halfway house. Booth looks upset. Maybe Aubrey was right that he was giving Kenny too much credit.

Bones talks to Hodgins about some areas she wants him to swab for trace. She tells him about Kalani and says she remembers being on her own at that age too. She says she cares about him and he says that doesn’t matter when things are out of reach.

Bones encourages him to redefine his expectations like Kalani must now do. Hodgins says what if he can’t find an alternative. He says survival is not always living and he rolls out angry. Booth comes back to see Kenny and confronts him about the Lola lie.

Kenny says he didn’t kill her but he can’t have FBI sniffing around his job getting him fired. He says Kalani is his daughter but he just found out a month ago. He says Lola wanted him to meet Kalani but he couldn’t go through with it because he’s ashamed of himself.

He says that’s why he stayed in the car then says he drove Lola back to the halfway house and that’s the last he saw her. Angela tells Bones that she had a sex dream about Sebastian and Hodgins knows. Bones asks if she wants to cheat on him.

Angela says no but says Hodgins is different and distant and it doesn’t feel like a real marriage anymore. Bones says Hodgins can still physically have sex but Angela says he’s given up so that doesn’t matter. Angela feels hopeless and Bones hugs her.

Jessica and Aubrey go to the halfway house and find what they think is the crime scene. It’s Lola’s bedroom she shares with Jasmine. Aubrey wants to talk and she says not now. They find blood trace on a lamp. Jasmine comes in ranting and Aubrey arrests her.

Jessica pops the lamp open and finds it’s full of drugs. Jasmine is not surprised – it’s Wiley Monkey. Jasmine says Aubrey can’t prove the drugs are hers. He asks about her past murder and she says her stepdad was touching and abusing her.

Jasmine says she didn’t know Lola was dead until they told her. Aubrey asks if Jasmine’s supplier killed Lola. She says he’ll kill me but won’t say who. Bones and Jessica look at rib damage. She goes to find Angela and they run a scenario.

She says she thinks Lola was lying down when she was shot and debris blew into her ribs. Hodgins comes in and says steel and polyester carpet fiber like a car trunk. Bones thinks the killer thought she was dead when he put her into the trunk then shot her when he found she was alive.

Hodgins lists off some car models and Bones says there was a BMW. They bring in Thomas and accuse him of the murder and of using Jasmine to run drugs. Bones says he killed Lola when she found out. Thomas says he’s a public servant.

Aubrey says they have evidence of Lola dying in his car. Thomas says he just made a little something on the side for once. He says those fools would be back in the life with or without him. He says you can’t send me to jail, they’ll kill me. Aubrey scoffs.

Hodgins comes to see Angela and says he doesn’t want to come home with her. He hands her a folder. He says it’s all his money, property and everything is hers. Angela asks what this is. He says they’re broken and it’s his fault because he’s miserable and making her miserable.

Angela says change and he says no and she calls him a coward and says she won’t let him do this. She says she needs him. She says she’ll see him at home. Kenny sits waiting nervously to meet Kalani. They hug. Bones tells Booth he did a good thing.

He says Kenny has reformed and deserves a second chance and a family. Bones says it’s time for his testimony at the hearing. They head out. Hodgins comes home and finds Angela crying in bed. He comes over to her and takes her hand.

Jessica and Aubrey eat ice cream and she mentions she’s cold and he hands her his jacket. She calls him her boyfriend. He says he wants to kiss her and says it’s like a T-Rex because he’s built it up in his head. She says no hurry and says see you tomorrow then she’s almost run down by a car.

He pulls her out of the way and she falls on him then kisses him. At the hearing, Bones says she takes full responsibility for her actions and will accept their punishment. Booth is asked if he’s certain Bones won’t do this again.

Booth says she made a mistake and they all do and all will make mistakes and should be able to learn from them. He says he can’t say if she’ll punch anyone again but says they should give her a chance to try. Bones says she will succeed in not hitting people.

The committee says she’s on six months’ probation overseen by Booth and if she messes up, he’ll be in trouble. They bicker and Booth says they accept. Bones says no. The bickering contines.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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