Bones Recap Spring Premiere Recap 4/14/16: Season 11 Episode 11 “The Death in the Defense”

Tonight on FOX Bones airs with an all new back to back Thursday April 14, season 11 episode 11 called, “The Death in the Defense” we have your recap below. On tonight’s episode Hodgins’ (TJ Thyne) rehab continues eight weeks after the explosion that left him paralyzed, but he’s not quite ready to accept spending the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

On the last episode, a political journalist was found dead after writing an article exposing corruption at the NSA, and Hodgins became paranoid when he’s convinced their investigation was being closely monitored. Did you watch the last episode before the hiatus? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed mid-season finale recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the FOX synopsis, “Hodgins’ rehab continues eight weeks after the explosion that left him paralyzed, but he’s not quite ready to accept spending the rest of his life in a wheelchair. Meanwhile, Brennan and Booth investigate the death of a public defender whose long list of clients reveals plenty of murder suspects.”

Tune in at 8PM EST on FOX to watch Season 11 Episode 11 of BONES. We’ll also be updating fans right here as the show airs so be sure to check back in with us. Brennan and Booth have had a long television run. Do you like that their characters mix up business with home life? Hit up the comments and tell us your thoughts about their tangled relationship!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#Bones begins with Hodgins being moved from his hospital bed into a wheelchair. He’s spent eight weeks in the hospital. The doctor says they’ll keep an eye on his feet and he says there was tingling. Angela comes to wheel him out and Dr Levy tells him to take it easy.

Booth tells Bones things are getting back to normal but Bones says that’s not the case. She says Hodgins will likely never walk again. She says she examined his tests but Booth says he’ll work hard. Bones says that’s not what it’s about.

Bones gets a text about a body they’re bringing to her lab and Booth drops her off at work. Bones looks at the body and Wendell and Cam are with her. Wendell notice a lot of predation and Bones spots some signs of stabbing.

Wendell and Bones decide it may be blunt force trauma because the stab wounds were healed. Wendell checks out the blow flies and says the body is one day old but the decomp doesn’t match it. Hodgins is there with Angela and offers a theory.

Angela says he made her bring him by. Hodgins says tropical storm Bertha is the answer. Wendell says he misses him. Cam says maybe they can have lunch but he insists he wants to work the case. Everyone shares worried looks but he’s pleased with himself.

Cam tells Hodgins he needs to take care of himself but he found something of interest. It’s a necklace in the pocket with an inscription for a particular Catholic church. Wendell says some small bones are missing including fingers and bone fragments from the skull.

They wonder if the tropical storm washed those bones a little ways away. Cam agrees to let Hodgins help. The priest says Andrea Torres is the woman whose body they found. He says she survived a stabbing from a mentally ill client.

He says Drea was a public defender and says she told him if Christ as alive today he’d be a public defender. Bones says given Jesus’ socio-economic status, he couldn’t afford law school. Wendell and Hodgins have Angela run a model of where the bones might be.

Angela isn’t happy he’s still at work. Cam says once the bones are found, he goes home. Angela runs the model they requested. Hodgins has an idea of where the bones should be. Cam says she’ll send someone out and Angela says husband home to rest.

He wants to go to the scene and says he knows what to look for. Angela says his wheelchair won’t make it in the mud. That stops all the talk and Hodgins stops short and says he can still help. Aubrey tells Bones that Drea was top of her class and could have chosen her job.

Tim the intern tells them where to find her boss Alex Pollack. Her boss asks if she’s okay and Aubrey says she was murdered. Booth asks for them to talk in private and Pollack asks Tim to step out. He says he tried to call Drea this morning.

He says she lost a case on Friday and took it hard. He says he saw her Friday evening late at the office. He says many of their clients have violent histories. Booth asks for her computer and case files and he agrees. Aubrey is going through files and Carolina helps him out.

Aubrey is upset about Hodgins but she says he saved his life. Caroline shows him a file on a woman named Carla who should have gotten a plea deal. She’s in jail but her husband D’Shawn also has a violent record. Hodgins is on a video call with Wendell who is on site looking for the bones.

Wendell puts a go pro on his helmet at Hodgins direction and they start looking for the bones together. Wendell slips and falls and Hodgins laughs. He tells Wendell to stay put and points out the grate ahead. He asks him to reach through.

Wendell says there might be an animal and Hodgins says that’s more fun. He finds the bones and Wendell says king of the lab. That kind of hurts Hodgins a bit. Booth brings in D’Shawn and tells him that Drea was killed.

He says Carla wouldn’t take the plea deal that Drea got her. He says Carla was innocent and that’s why we didn’t take the deal. He says Drea believed his wife but let her decide. He says he was in the emergency room with a sick kid the night she was killed.

Wendell comes to see Bones with bones and she tells him she found more fractures. Bones says it looks like impact from an object. Wendell says it’s a straight line and Bones says maybe a single impact. Wendell measures and says Hodgins found steel alloy.

They wonder if it was pipe and Wendell says maybe Hodgins can stay. Bones says Cam thinks it’s bad for his recovery but he says him being stuck at home may be worse. Bones says his metaphors won’t help and says he can’t fight his way back to his nerves growing.

Wendell reminds her his cancer recovery was unlikely but she says the two are unrelated. Angela is on Drea’s computer and Angela says she has no social media which is odd. Angela wonders if she had another device.

Angela asks Cam if she’s sticking with her position that Hodgins is done. Angela says they were making plans two months ago and having more kids. Cam feels bad. Angela finds social media with an alias and a post from a pal that says last night was scary  – it’s a girl named Kelsey from her hometown.

Aubrey goes to see Kelsey and she says a woman picked a fight with the woman and shoved her. Kelsey says the woman had a badge too and she says the badge said AUSA on it. He asks her to look at some photos.

Caroline finds Booth ready to interrogate Vanessa, one of her lawyers. She says the woman was an Olympic shot putter and is strong. Carolina says she also has a bad temper. Vanessa says Drea ran her mouth and she shut her up.

Booth asks her about a case that Caroline showed him and he reads that Drea beat her four cases in a row. Vanessa says she hated her and pissed her off. She says she worked late Friday night and didn’t kill that precious angel.

Cam finds Hodgins working with an electronic exercycle. He says now he can work and take care of his physical therapy but she doesn’t like it. She gets the tox report and says Drea had cocaine in her system. Hodgins goes to swab for more evidence and ignores Cam.

She finally speaks up and says he’s off the case. He says he needs to be there but she says she has to look out for him even if he won’t. She says he’s off the case and he gets teary and then wheels away with his feelings hurt.

Aubrey goes back to Drea’s boss who knew that she used drugs. He asks where she got her drugs and Pollack says some DJ. Aubrey takes off. Wendell comes to see Cam who was looking for evidence of cocaine use.

She found some non-human cell in her nasal passages. He says ask Hodgins but Cam says he’s off the case. Wendell says he’ll take it to one of the biologists. Angela and Hodgins skype and she’s happy to see the physical therapy equipment being unloaded.

Angela gives him an update on the case and he says that makes it worse. She says sorry and he ends the call. Cam tells Booth and Bones that the cells were from a snake scale. They wonder if it was pet dander and Booth says Hodgins would love this but Cam says she had to send him home.

He’s not sure and says it should be Hodgins choice. Cam says she can’t let anything more happen to him and Booth says work gave him hope. Bones doesn’t agree with Booth’s attitude on Hope. Aubrey was looking for a DJ with a python and he texted with a name DJ Woma.

Both interrogates the DJ who lies and says he doesn’t know her but then says he did leave the club with her and went back to his place. He says they fooled around and he got pushy but she likes that sometimes.

He says he broke a necklace and she got mad and punched him. He says when she hit him, he told her to leave. He says he wanted to call her a cab but she insisted on walking even though it’s a bad neighborhood. He says he went to the local diner after she left so he’s got an alibi.

Angela comes to see Bones who asks how Hodgins is doing. She says Hodgins is unhappy at home and Bones explains the myth of Scylla and Charibdes. She asks which was chosen in the Greek myth and Bones says he took a calculated risk.

Angela shows her a search she did for spyware. She shows her she found something called Web Sneak and says someone was cyber stalking her. Angela tries to trace who installed it on her computer. Tim the intern is brought in for questioning.

Turns out the kid is a computer whiz. Aubrey asks why he put spyware on Drea’s computer. He says he protected her. Aubrey asks from who and he says criminals and guys she dated. Aubrey prods that point but Tim clams up.

Aubrey says talk to me for Drea and Tim says he wants a lawyer and that’s what Drea would tell him to do. Wendell shows Bones a pattern on the skull fracture. Aubrey says the DJ’s alibi checks out. Turns out the DJ lives near Drea’s boss Pollack.

They want Caroline to get them a warrant. Angela shows Cam and Bones a sky view of Pollack’s place. They spot a dumpster and his balcony is above it. Bones says she could have hit a corner. Angela models to see if the edge of the dumpster match it and finds a match.

That gives them a crime scene and Bones goes to call Booth. They bring in Pollack who plays dumb and says she only stayed a minute. Booth gives him photos of the dumpster and Pollack plays lawyer. He says Tim told him he had him install spyware but he says the kid misunderstood.

Pollack offers many other theories and is using all his lawyering and says it’s circumstantial. Caroline says the judge denied the warrant because of the William Howell trial and the guy took case files home to work. Booth says he took the case files home to block it.

Caroline tells him they need more evidence to get the warrant. Bones finds something else with the skull and it looks like she was struck with something sharp. Looks like it’s from after her death. Wendell says he needs Hodgins there for it but Bones says he can do it.

Wendell calls Hodgins and then Angela finds him talking to the lab. She’s annoyed and tells Hodgins she knows he’s essential to the team but is essential to her. Wendell walks away from the web cam to give them privacy.

Hodgins says without his work, he can’t be the man she fell in love with. Angela says that was persuasive. He says he and Wendell found something Booth needs to know about. Booth and Bones go to Pollack’s place and they flash the warrant.

Bones and Booth head inside and he tries to block them. Pollack says he’s going to call a judge. Bones says they found a precise Shiraz that he bought last Friday. Bones says he painted the railing and Booth tells Pollack to sit.

They are annoyed that there is fresh paint and she wants to pry the nails out where the paint didn’t reach. Pollack protests but she pulls out a nail and finds nothing. Booth tells him to back off. She pulls up another and gets traces of blood.

Booth tells Pollack this is your one chance to help yourself. He says he loved Drea and she was angry when he told her. He says she hooked up with drug dealers but turned him down. He says he just wanted to apologize to her and she went over the railing.

Booth says he’s going to need a good lawyer. Angela comes to see Hodgins and says Cam is there. She says she needs to say something. Cam says she sent him home because of her not him and felt guilty. She says she let him work after the bomb went off even though he was hurt.

She says if she sent him home he wouldn’t be paralyzed now. She says she was scared when he showed up but knows it’s not her decision. Cam says if he wants to come back they could use him. Angela says she’s worried but it’s up to him.

Hodgins says he’s going back to the lab. Booth packs up art supplies and says Christina is a mess. Bones says her creative expression takes priority then says Hodgins is coming back to work. Bones says she’s worried about them.

Booth says have faith and she says she has science. Bones hugs her and says they have three beautiful kids and he loves her and Hodgins and Angela will be fine. Bones is happy that Christina drew a skeleton but wants to fix the number of bones and Booth won’t let her.

Dr Levy calls Hodgins and he’s certain it’s good news but it’s not. She says his nerve endings are showing signs of atrophy. She says sorry and he ends the call. Angela comes in and asks what the doc said. He lies and says Levy told him things are great. But then he rolls away upset.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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