Chicago Med Recap 10/27/16: Season 2 Episode 6 “Alternative Medicine”

Chicago Med Recap 10/27/16: Season 2 Episode 6 "Alternative Medicine"Chicago Med Recap 10/27/16: Season 2 Episode 6 "Alternative Medicine"

Tonight on NBC their new medical drama Chicago Med airs with an all new Thursday, October 27, 2016, episode and we have your recap below. On tonight’s Chicago Med season 2 episode 6, Dr. Choi  (Brian Tee) is impressed by a science geek and her friends.

Did you watch the last week’s Chicago Med episode 45 where a car accident that occured at the Chicago Marathon left a victim in critical condition and tested the mettle of Dr. Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss), April (Yaya DaCosta) and her fourth-year medical resident brother Noah (guest star Roland Buck III)? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s Chicago Med episode as per the NBC synopsis, “Dr. Manning (Torrey DeVitto) tends to a young cancer patient and struggles to inform the parents of her dire condition. Elsewhere, Dr. Reese (Rachel DiPillo) gets contacted by Danny (guest star Nick Marini), the troubled young man, and turns to Dr. Charles (Oliver Platt) and Det. Lindsay (guest star Sophia Bush) for help in resolving a difficult situation. Goodwin (S. Epatha Merkerson) and Maggie (Marlyne Barrett) do their best to clear the logjam in the hospital and Dr. Rhodes (Colin Donnell) fine-tunes his instincts after both Dr. Latham (guest star Ato Assandoh) and Dr. Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss) pick up on things he doesn’t.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9PM – 10PM ET for our Chicago Med recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check our Chicago Med recap, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Joey Thomas (Peter Mark Kendall) and Dr. Sarah Reese (Rachel DiPillo) are walking to work, while Joey is describing one of the specimens he is trying to figure out. Reese is concerned that she is being followed, which Joey brushes off telling her it’s just a part of her first year working in psych

Dr. Choi (Brian Tee) pushes Maggie Lockwood (Marlyne Barrett) to get their patients to their medical floors, Maggie sarcastically responds that she didn’t notice how busy it was. Maggie finds Dr. Manning (Torrey DeVitto) and informs her that one of her regular pediatric cancer patients, Haley Klein is coming in. She comes in incoherent, and very jaundice.

Dr. Choi helps Manning, and reassures the parents they will find out what is happening. Dr. Manning asks when her last chemo was, and they say a few days ago. She tells them Haley could be in liver failure, Choi say they need to intubate. They rush her up for scans, and Manning tells the parents they can come with them.

Sharon Goodwin (S. Epatha Merkerson) meets with Maggie, who is insistent that they need to divert patients to another hospital. Goodwin refuses and tells her to use ICU for beds until further notice. Dr. Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss) meets his patient on a gurney in the hallway, who is having pain in his belly button.

April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta) notices an irregular heartbeat on the monitor and Halstead asks him if he has a history of it, when he says no and they check his belly, the patient believe it could be nothing, but Halstead says he wants to do some tests to just be safe.

Dr. Rhodes (Colin Donnell) is will his patient Mr. Collins who came through his heart surgery no problem; when Dr. Rhodes is done, Dr. Latham (Ato Essandoh) insists on checking him over himself. They disagree on the diagnosis when Latham says they need to do another surgery and orders an OR to be booked. Rhodes tells him he doesn’t hear what he hears and says surgery isn’t necessary. Latham says he can do another echo on him on the table, but he is getting into his scrubs.

Dr. Choi and April are in with a young patient who has a obstruction in her stomach. He assures the mother it is not a growth and clearly a foreign object. He asks her what she has eaten. When pressed, she says she ate a carrot, but the Choi says its either something metal or ceramic.

Her mother asks her what it is, and she asks if it will come out naturally, but Choi tells her whatever it is, it could cut the bowel ad he doesn’t want it to travel through her body. Choi asks the mother for permission to sedate Shannon and to go through her esophagus to remove it, the girl is nervous but her mother tells her she will be fine.

Manning consults with neurosurgeon Dr. Abrams, who confirms that Manning was right. She tells Haley’s parents that there is significant swelling in her brain, caused by acute liver failure. She says they have her on medication to bring the swelling down, and he will put a drain in her brain to relieve some of the pressure. Manning tries to comfort Haley’s distraught parents.

As some of the medical staff is on break, Reese notices someone watching her; it turns out to be her patient Danny from last week’s episode. Reese offers him help, and explains that they know he is stuck in a sex trafficker ring. He says he doesn’t want help, he just wants to kill himself. Reese goes to see Dr. Daniel Charles (Oliver Platt) for his advice on the situation, and he tells her to refer him to the psych clinic and it is a bad idea to try and treat him on her own, outside the hospital. Reese tells him Danny is suicidal, and Dr. Charles tells her he needs to get help in the proper clinical setting.

Dr. Charles also tells her to cut off contact because she is too emotionally involved. He asks her if she could handle it if this doesn’t end up well. Reese says she could handle that; Dr. Charles tells her that a crucial part of his job is to protect his staff, and she is headed down a dangerous path and has to step away.

April hands Dr. Halstead his patient, Mr. Logan’s panels and he asks him how he is doing. He says the pain hasn’t changed, and he would like to get out of there. Halstead shows him the x-rays and says his lab results are little bit off the norm and he doesn’t feel comfortable discharging him yet; and tells him he would like to do a CT scan of his abdomen, which he agrees to.

Rhodes and Latham finish up the heart surgery, and Rhodes is awfully quiet when it is done. He explains to Manning that Latham hears sounds that are almost undetectable, she says it is the same when he plays music. Rhodes explains how incredible it is, but before their conversation can go any further, Choi asks Manning about the metal piece he pulled out of his 14-year-old patient; she has no idea what it is either.

Choi invites her to come with him to find out what it is. They learn that Shannon made it herself, and she says it’s a prototype of a robot, that you can swallow, that will clear blockages or repair the intestinal wall without surgery. Choi tells her that it doesn’t clear blockages, it caused one. Manning demands to know what is going on in their basement.

Shannon’s mother explains her daughter and their friends are “body hackers” and “Bio hackers”, and that the DIY generation has turn her basement into a lab. She orders her daughter that she can no longer do this kind of thing, and Shannon asks if she can have it back. Choi gives it to her mom, and says it is up to her. Manning is in shock about how dangerous it is, asking if they can call someone about it, but Choi tells her it’s not illegal.

Maggie continues to struggle with freeing up beds in the ED. She sees an empty room, but one of the nurses informs her it always stays empty because the doctors believe the room is bad luck. Maggie tries to convince Dr. Rhodes to use the room for his patient and he says he’d rather not; Maggie decides to fight fire with fire. She asks Dr. Rhodes to put her in touch with a wine guy that he knows.

After his Ct scan, Mr. Logan tells Halstead that his pain is completely gone, and asks if he can leave. Halstead tells him no, telling him he needs surgery immediately; explaining that if that part of his bowel died he needs it removed or he will die. He pages Dr. Rhodes right away.

Manning is with Dr. Abrams, who is struggling with how sick Haley really is, warning Manning how bad it is. Haley is put on dialysis, but she informs them she may need a transplant. She encourages them, but walks away broken hearted.

Chicago Med returns with Drs. Halstead and Rhodes arguing over whether to perform surgery. Halstead forces his beliefs on the situation and Rhodes agrees after what he learned from Dr. Latham earlier that day.

Dr. Manning goes to see Dr. Charles. admitting that she did something today she shouldn’t have done. She feels guilty for telling Haley’s parents that she could pull out of the dire straits she is in. She says that because she wants Haley to pull through, she gave her parents hope when there really isn’t any. Charles tells her she can’t torture herself, and she definitely cannot fault herself for caring, and Haley’s parents wouldn’t want anything less.

After their talk, Dr. Charles meets with Reese, and shares a story with her about one of his patients from years earlier. He loved their sessions and looked forward to them, but one night he got a phone call, that she had jumped off the roof of her building, leaving a note behind saying, “Sorry, I am done!”

He explains he couldn’t understand why she killed herself. He reviewed and studied all their session notes for anything that pointed towards her death. He wanted to know if he could have changed what he said or done, but when he couldn’t figure it out, he sold his practice and joined Chicago Med and promised to never get so involved with a patient again.

He apologizes for dismissing how she felt about the Danny situation, and if she gets involved with him outside the clinic than it could be dangerous. Reese tells him she wants to be involved, Dr. Charles tells her to grab her coat because she needs to meet someone who can help.

Dr. Charles calls in Chicago PD’s Dt. Erin Lindsay to meet with Dr. Reese. They tell her hypothetically because legally they cannot reveal who the patient is, but Lindsay tells Reese about the drugs and torture; and that if he trusts her enough, Lindsay tells her to be very careful and his fears are legitimate. If the traffickers find out that he wants to get out and could potentially become a witness against them; they will kill him. Reese looks at Dr. Charles and Lindsay in shock.

Rhodes is performing surgery, and he admits to Halstead that he was right, and they need to open him up. Choi is standing at the ED desk, when Shannon leaves with her mother, with the piece of metal in her hand.

Dr. Manning and Dr. Abrams are with Haley who is unresponsive, and they ask Manning what she isn’t telling them. Dr. Abrams tells them the swelling in Haley’s brain is effecting her brain stem, her stats fall, and they try to revive her, but Manning announces her as dead, and leaves the room crying as her parents hold her.

Dr. Choi goes to Shannon’s house and asks to see the basement, telling her mother that he is concerned about what is happening. Reese meets with Danny in an alley, and tells him what she is thinking he might not be depressed if she were living in another situation. Danny tells her he can’t leave, they will find him and kill him. She encourages him that they can get him off the drugs, get the tracker out of him, and save him. Danny flees saying it is a bad idea.

Dr. Manning goes to the playground outside the hospital, where Dr. Choi comes to sit with her. Manning feels like she failed Haley; that she didn’t do enough. She hated feeling so helpless watching such a little girl slip away. She asks how many more kids like Haley do they have to lose. Choi then tells her about Shannon, and how he went to see her lab and how incredible it was that they were trying to find cures and medical solutions for everything. He comforts her by saying these kids are doing in a basement that 10 years ago, you couldn’t even do in a hospital lab. Choi tells Manning she should go visit because the cure from cancer could come out of a lab just like that one.

Dr. Rhodes’ friend, Keoni arrives at Chicago Med’s ED, and Maggie shows him the room the doctors refuse to use. He tells Maggie that it is not a healing atmosphere, and promises to heal it. Rhodes asks Maggie about the “Shaman thing”, and she tells him to show some respect, and for a man who considers a room to be unlucky, he is not one to judge!

EMS arrive with Danny, who has a self-inflicted wound to his right side. He calls out for Dr. Sarah Reese, Choi orders them to page her. As Dr. Choi attends to his wounds, he admits to Reese that he wants to get away from them. He admits that he wasn’t trying to kill himself, he was trying to remove the chip. He begs her to help him.

Dr. Manning comes to see the lab, and Shannon explains everything and how her biology teacher is helping them, but she doesn’t really understand what they are doing. She is just there to make sure they don’t kill themselves. Manning is impressed with their work, and she asks Shannon what she knows about the cancer Haley died from, and asks Shannon if she wants to work on that, she agrees.

Dr. Rhodes and Maggie wait for Keoni, who comes out and says he has cleared the room. Maggie says they are now using the room. Rhodes asks him if he really believes he did anything. Keoni explains about the physics and soundwaves, how they imprint themselves on objects. The objects look the same, but they change, usually with a lot of anger or sorrow; not helpful to the ill. Rhodes asks how they can fix that. Keoni explains that you cannot erase things, but you can write over them.

Dr. Choi cuts into Danny’s chest and removes the tracking device as Dr. Charles tells Reese this was a big first step for Danny, but she needs to remember this is just the beginning. With Danny watching, Reese takes the chip with the intent of throwing it out, but the garbage truck had already passed. She drops it in the water floating passed the hospital and into the drain.

Dr. Rhodes tells Dr. Halstead that his patient Mr. Logan is doing fine, said thank you and wants to know when he can go home. Halstead laughs and begins to walk away. Dr. Rhodes says it was a tough diagnosis, how was he so sure? Halstead explains that during his 4th year he did rotation with a very old-school doctor, who didn’t even need a scan, it was all in his hands; and they don’t make doctors like that anymore. Rhodes says he thinks he knows one like that still. They say their good nights.

Dr. Halstead goes to a seniors’ home to see Dr. Rowan, with a bouquet of flowers. He reminds her that she was his teacher and she was the best. He tells her that what she taught him, helped him save a man’s life today, and he wanted to say thank you.

Rhodes follows Latham to the doors but turns around, unable to speak. He goes upstairs instead, to listen to heartbeats while we see Dr. Manning spends time at the lab, and Reese continues to speak to Danny.


Cristie Geroux:
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