Conviction Premiere Recap 10/3/16: Season 1 Episode 1 “Pilot”

Conviction Premiere Recap 10/3/16: Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot"

Tonight on ABC their new crime drama Conviction premiere with an all-new Monday, October 3, 2016, episode and we have your Conviction recap below.  On tonight’s Conviction recap, a woman who heads an agency attempts to reverse cases where innocent people were jailed for crimes.

Conviction stars Hayley Atwell (“Marvel’s Agent Carter”) stars as Hayes Morrison, Eddie Cahill (“CSI: NY”) as Conner Wallace, Shawn Ashmore (“X-Men,” “Quantum Break”) as Sam Spencer, Merrin Dungey (“Alias,” “Once Upon A Time”) as Maxine Bohen, Emily Kinney (“The Knick,” “The Walking Dead”) as Tess Larson, Manny Montana (“Graceland”) as Franklin “Frankie” Cruz and Daniel Franzese (ABC Freeform’s “Recovery Road,” HBO series “Looking”) as Jackson Morrison.

On tonight’s Conviction premiere as per the ABC synopsis, “Hayes needs to dig herself out of what could be a publicly embarrassing situation. She makes a clandestine deal with her adversary, Conner Wallace, to take on the Conviction Integrity Unit (CIU) and justice system in order to save face, not only for herself but for her family. The first case Hayes pushes her team to consider is that of Odell Dwyer, a handsome former high school football player, who has been in prison for eight years for murdering his girlfriend.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10PM -11PM ET for our Conviction recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television recap, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Former First Daughter and resident bad girl Hayes Morrison had once again ended up in trouble on tonight’s season premiere of “Conviction.” Hayes had apparently gotten booked on cocaine possession and after what appears to be a lifetime of seemingly bad choices it did seem as if her luck was finally running out. However, when she least expected it, someone who was turning out to be an unlikely friend had decided to offer her a lifeline. District Attorney Conner Wallace was ambitious and so he had wanted to help Hayes who admittedly had connections that he didn’t. So Wallace had told Hayes that he could get her off on the charges, but he wanted something out of it.

Wallace was eventually going to run for a new political career and he had wanted to win some brownie points with the city first. So Wallace came up with the idea to start a citywide Conviction Integrity Unit that he knew would make him look good. Wallace had told everyone in the press that the CIU would examine cases in which prisoners claimed they were innocent and as a cherry on top he had nominated Hayes Morrison who was still a crowd pleaser to run this unit.

But Wallace hadn’t told anyone much less Hayes was that he was originally going to offer that job to someone else. She had simply had to guess for herself and fortunately she was pretty good at deducing that pretty ticked off attorney that Wallace looked over was still going to be on the Unit.

So she was right in that regard. Hayes hadn’t been allowed to decide who would be in the unit so her second-in-command was someone with a grudge; however, Hayes decided to play that to her advantage. She had gotten Wallace to agree that she could pick the cases and in exchange she agreed to play nice. What she thought was nice was considered to be a mess by the others in the CIU. There was forensic expert, a former detective, and even a former ADA in the unit, and most of them had thought Hayes had been a little too much. She was blunt almost to the point of being rude, if not outright rude, and the detective pick up on there being more to her joining the unit than she let on.

Hayes though had played it cool through everything. Hayes picked a case that she thought would be an easy win because it involved a young and good-looking black man and the evidence against him had been minimal at best. Yet, the case soon took a life of its own when it began cutting into Hayes’s personal time. She had thought Odell Dywer had been innocent because there had been one eye witness testimony, no DNA, and Odell had also been tried by an all-white jury. So getting enough evidence to free him should have been easy, but for some reason it was harder than it looked and at one point it did seem as if Odell did commit the crime.

Odell had been convicted of murdering his girlfriend and the CIU actually found enough evidence to believe that he truly did kill Anna Ramos. Anna had written in her diary that she was frightened of him and Odell’s own behavior might have played into that. Odell had been steroids to help his performance as a football player and Maxine Barton who was the detective in the unit had found out that Odell had also bought a gun off his dealer right around the time that Anna was murdered. However, what nearly made Hayes drop Odell’s case was the fact that the unit had nothing to refute the minimal evidence that convicted him.

Hayes, though, couldn’t drop the case. She had tried and then she had shot herself in the foot. Hayes had apparently gone off on a rant in front of everyone and she had described in great detail why she had been put in charge of the unit. So Odell’s mother had gotten an earful. The other woman had heard that Hayes had been arrested for possession and she said that she was willing to go to the media with what she knew if Hayes didn’t drop her son’s case. But not that surprisingly Hayes’s new second-in-command had tried to use that opportunity to make a power play.

Sam Spencer knew that he had gotten shafted for the job as being the one in charge of the CIU and so he had told June Dwyer that he could be the lead attorney if that would make her more comfortable. Though June had said she didn’t want him. She had wanted Hayes because she said Hayes had more pull being the former first daughter. So whether Hayes liked it or not she had to start paying more attention to the case because she couldn’t risk her possession charge coming out and ruining her mother’s chances at running for Senator.

Hayes and her mother had complicated relationship however she was trying to be the good daughter for her own mother. So she had started to look into Odell’s case and she had even gone to her mother’s fundraiser. Yet, Hayes ended up learning something at that fundraiser. She found out that it had been her mother that had actually made a deal with Wallace and that her mother had been safeguarding her own political future. And so that had gotten her angry and she had decided to find out what Odell had to say about the evidence because Hayes had been tired of dancing around the subject.

However, Odell said he bought the gun to be tough and that he bought the steroids in order to better his chances at a football scholarship. So Hayes had asked him about Anna’s diary and Odell had replied that Anna couldn’t have been talking about him. Odell said that Anna must have been referring to someone else so that’s the story that Hayes decided to stick to. She told her team that they needed to look into who else Anna might have been scared of and in time her team eventually realized that Anna’s case had been mishandled from the beginning.

The lead detective had gotten the eye-witness to say that it had been Odell he had seen when really Anna’s time of death had been off. Anna hadn’t been killed in the afternoon, she had been killed at night when Odell had an alibi. So they looked into who else Anna might have been talking about a family friend stood out. The friend had been Hector Esparia and his initials which were H.E had made everyone think that the he Anna was referring to was her boyfriend Odell. But Hector had a temper and he had left the murder weapon at his ex-girlfriend’s place. The same ex-girlfriend that looked exactly like Anna.

So Hector had been guilty from the start and, by turning him, Hayes and her team were able to vacate Odell’s conviction.

Yet, Hayes warned Wallace that she would be going after his cases next.