CSI: Cyber Recap 2/14/16: Season 2 Episode 13 “The Walking Dead”

CSI: Cyber Recap 2/14/16: Season 2 Episode 13 "The Walking Dead"CSI: Cyber Recap 2/14/16: Season 2 Episode 13 "The Walking Dead"

Tonight on CBS CSI: Cyber returns with an all new Sunday February 14, season 2 episode 13 called, “The Walking Dead” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, the team tracks a black hat hacker who digitally “killed” Avery’s (Patricia Arquette)  ex-husband.

On the last episode, an airborne computer virus in New York City jammed cell phones when callers dial 911. Meanwhile, D.B. met a woman after responding to a mistaken text sent by her. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the CBS synopsis, “Avery and the Cyber team attempt to work with black hat hacker Stella Kaine (Kelly Osbourne), to track down the hacker who took identity theft to a new level and digitally “killed” Avery’s ex-husband.”

Tonight’s season 2 episode 13 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s CSI: Cyber at 10:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are so far with this season.

Tonight’s recap starts now:

Avery Ryan received a particularly weird call on tonight’s episode of “CSI: Cyber”.

Avery had been in her office and was looking through some files on a recent arrest when someone called claiming to be the insurance company. Apparently they had wanted to verify that she was Andrew Michaels’s wife and Avery Ryan. And after she told them that yes she was Avery but she was Andrew’s ex, they told her that it was ok. It didn’t matter that she was his ex because she had still been listed on Andrew’s insurance policy.

Although, no one had notified Avery that her ex-husband had died. So naturally the poor woman was thrown off kilter. Avery had been married to Andrew and she had a child with Andrew so she had grieved for him when she found out he was dead.

And later she told D.B. that Andrew had been the one for her. Which she knows sounds silly out loud, but Avery told her friend that she had always thought she would have another chance at making things work with Andre. You know somewhere down the line.

But, it turns out that Avery had nothing to worry about. Her ex-husband was alive! And he had gotten detained by TSA when he tried to come back into the country with a passport that automatically registers that his supposed death.

Andrew it seems had been digitally murdered and such a thing was proving to be a new trend that had real life applications. And sadly Andrew hadn’t been the only victim. The national electronic death registration had listen nearly eighty people as dead.

And two of those people had been eye-witnesses in a case against Rafael Pintero. But once dead, it didn’t matter that they could be physically in the court ready to testify. They’re testimony was automatically thrown out because it’s harder to prove you’re alive then what some may think. So Rafael got to walk and he ended up killing two of the witnesses that had testified against him.

Therefore, the Cyber team had been asked by Violent Crimes to stop these digital murders before Rafael finds the last witness they have against him.

So in order to stop the deaths, the team first had to track down their hacker by cross-referencing code they had found on Andrew’s computer. And apparently their findings had led them to Stella Kaine. Not only did Stella have an arrest record but it also listed the fact she tends to reuse some of her old code.

Yet Stella was really a team player. She had wanted immunity before she spoke to anyone about her side business and even then she had been pretty stingy regarding detail about the other hacker. The one she claims not to know though she did this other hacker was the one to “kill” witnesses.

And so Stella later told Krumitz a sob story. About how she had met this hacker back in Michigan who she was to automatically connect with. Then she had gone to say that she had been in recent commination with the hacker.

Which is how she knew his online handle as well as many his ticks, but the one thing that Stella had been clear about was that she and this other hacker were not friends. Stella claimed that she has line when it comes to her business and that she never crosses it. Yet this other guy took joy in crossing the line.

While Stella admitted that she would do practically anything for money, she said she stopped short at creating death certificates for children or for cops.

However, Reaper32 advertises himself on public sites as a someone willing to digitally kill cops, lawyers, and key witnesses. So Avery figured out who would be the best person to trick the hacker into a meeting – her ex-husband.

Unfortunately, Andrew was engaged and he was about to marry his fiancée when his death certificate stopped his application for a marriage license. So Avery had him use his very real situation as bait. He created a video for the hacker and he asked to get his life back. And the hacker had replied.

But the man Andrew had later met had merely been a decoy. The decoy had been asked by Stella to pretend to be the other hacker meanwhile it had just been her all along.

So Krumitz for one had taken personal joy in re-arresting Stella. He had thought she was crook even as she pretended to be on their side and all his friends had wanted him to ease up on her. But Avery had to let go of Andrew by the end of this episode and so she didn’t feel like celebrating with the rest of her team.


Kristine Francis:
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