CSI: Cyber Recap 3/2/16: Season 2 Episode 15 “Python’s Revenge”

CSI: Cyber Recap 3/2/16: Season 2 Episode 15 "Python's Revenge"

Tonight on CBS CSI: Cyber returns with an all new Sunday March 2, season 2 episode 15 called, “Python’s Revenge” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Cyber’s most notorious criminal, Python, kidnaps Avery’s (Patricia Arquette) surrogate daughter and makes the team decipher a series of elaborate code-like puzzles to get her back.

On the last episode, when a jogger’s body was found, the Cyber team use the fitness tracker she was wearing at the time of the murder to retraced her steps for the entire night leading up to her death. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the CBS synopsis, “Cyber’s most notorious criminal, Python, returns to kidnap Avery’s surrogate daughter, making the team decipher a series of elaborate code-like puzzles in an attempt to save her life.”

Tonight’s season 2 episode 15 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s CSI: Cyber at 10:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are so far with this season.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#CSICyber starts with Avery and DB at her new place. He says they need more for her housewarming. She hears a music box playing in some of her boxes of stuff but she says she doesn’t own a music box and that isn’t one of her moving boxes.

DB slices it open and they find a tablet and she says it’s video of the day that Hannah died – the last moments of her daughter’s life. She says the nanny was driving and it was an accident. Then a message comes up and says you couldn’t save your daughter, can you save me?

There’s something else in the box. It’s a head. Avery says she doesn’t recognize the woman. There’s a print on the plastic her head was wrapped in. The team comes to her new place to work the scene. Krumitz is creeped out and says the tablet is now dead.

Elijah says the moving company dropped off one more than they picked up and he wants protection on Avery. She says no and says it must be someone she cares about. They tell her the print belongs to Miguel Vega.

Vega is beating on a guy to try and find out where Python is. He ignores the call from Avery. The team can’t find much on the tablet. Brody and Raven work with Krumitz. Brody spots a pattern of useless characters in the code.

It says now the games begin with a dark web address. They check it out. DB says the Jane Doe died from asphyxiation and the head removed after death. Avery keeps watching the clip of her daughter. She says there must be something she missed.

She says she had a patient emergency that day and couldn’t take her daughter to dance. Elijah says Miguel quit Interpol and has gone dark. Elijah says he’s in danger or a suspect. Elijah says Miguel checked his voice mail so they know he was in Bethesda.

Krumitz pings them and they come to look at the dark web portal. They are supposed to enter a name. They enter Miguel’s and it says try again. Then they try Avery’s name. Still wrong. They spot something in the sign – it says the path to salvation is finding Grace.

Avery says that sign is not what it said back in – it’s been changed. She says type in Grace Clarke. She was Hannah’s BFF. That’s correct. Then it pulls up a live stream of Grace tied up crying and says he told her if she can’t save her, she’ll die.

She has some sort of chemical bomb on her chest with a dead switch that she has to keep her fingers on. Avery thinks about the Python case and says the head in the bag was his mother and Python is back. Grace cries and says she doesn’t want to die.

They get a screen grab of the vials of chemicals. Avery tells her to calm down. She can hear Avery’s voice. She says the room is dark except for the window. They ask if she can see the camera and she says it’s dark. They ask if she knows anything.

She says he drugged her and left her there. Then Python is on the screen. Avery demands she tell him where Grace is. Say a prayer and follow a star. He says it’s a game for them to play. Avery says she won’t play with him.

Python says he asks questions and correct answers buys time. He says three wrongs and she dies. DB asks if they can win and Python says of course. Avery asks how much time they have. Brody can’t trace it.

There’s a riddle about being bound in leather in front of them. Krumitz works on the location and Avery tells Raven to keep Grace calm. Avery tells Grace to tell Raven everything about her abduction. Avery goes to call the director.

It says one of many, bound in leather, right in front of you. Brody says books are leather bound. He spots one. He says it’s the only one bound in leather. It’s Treasures in Art. She tells Grace to hold tight to the trigger. The book answer is wrong.

Grace screams in pain. DB has Brody enter a painting name from the book and it’s right. The clock resets and a bunch of number pop up with 183 minutes on the clock. 183 BC is the picture the painting was done.

DB says Python wants her to focus and says Grace is alive and they will find her. In Bethesda, Elijah goes looking for Miguel and finds him. He asks why Elijah is there and he says Python is back Miguel says he’s working a case.

They come to blows over it. Elijah tells him about Grace and says help us find her. Grace tells Raven she was near the library and didn’t see his car because it was dark and happened fast. Python is attack CTOC and they wonder how he got in.

Raven says the system was clean yesterday and says he could shut them down. They have to fix it to keep Grace alive. Brody comes in and says system shutdown is the protocol and Avery says they’ll stay online and the others can shut down.

Krumitz says the bug was planted on 11/23 – the day Python walks in. Avery tells them to sweep CTOC and see what he left. Krumitz says the site is safe but it triggered dormant malware. Elijah comes in with Miguel and they both look banged up.

Avery takes Miguel with her and isn’t happy to hear what he’s been up to. He says Interpol wouldn’t let him follow up on a lead on Python. He says Python is nervous because he’s getting close. Avery says he’s dangerous and Miguel going rogue makes him vulnerable.

Miguel says every night he puts his godson to bed upset and says Python killed my partner and I’ve given up everything to find him. Avery says go ahead but take Elijah along. He thanks her and leaves. DB wonders if the numbers are a sequence.

Brody says no and they wonder if it’s a key. They start looking at chemical translations. Brody says it’s a recipe. DB gets a text from the DNA lab and leaves Brody working. DB says DNA is a match for Python’s mom and they found a suicide note but no body.

DB says it looks like she hung herself based on marks on her neck. Avery points out some symptoms of Grace. She has dilated pupils and DB says she’s stoned. He says it’s likely potassium chloride and then heroin and the last one if a sedative.

He says he wants Grace to release her grip and Propofol is the last one. She will fall asleep and suffocate. Krumitz says he found the area of intrusion. It’s the surge protector they didn’t replace. He pops it open and finds how he hacked CTOC.

He says it was injecting malware anytime someone logged on then today it triggered the malware. The video feed and the device are working together. Krumitz says they can keep Grace on screen or protect CTOC. Not both.

Miguel and Elijah go to the place where Python’s recent shipment was moving. They don’t have a warrant and Miguel says he’s not a cop. They head inside. They spot Asher shoving things into a furnace and then he grabs an automatic rifle and fires at them.

Miguel gets hold of Asher and holds his face to the fire. They show him a pic of Python and he says he doesn’t know anyone. He says he gets rid of things for people. He says he burns bodies. He says dogs, people. He says he was sent an old lady with no head.

He says he cremated her and gave the ashes to the guy in the pic. It’s Python, he just didn’t know his name. Grace asks Avery to tell her mom she loves her. Avery says don’t give up. Grace says she’s tired and can’t hold on but isn’t hurting anymore.

Avery gives her a motivational speech. She leaves her with Raven when Director Silver shows up. He tells her they are all waiting for CTOC to reboot and says Python has access that’s risky and the Bureau is at stake. Avery says this is right.

She insists she would make the same call even if it wasn’t someone she cared about. In Pennsylvania, Elijah and Gabriel go over the facts. Elijah thinks he’s taking his mother’s remains to spread them. They take off looking for Python.

Brody and DB are in the lab cooking up chemicals. They grow crystals. It’s quartz. DB says that’s how you make it. The solution is quartz but there’s no answer. Brody doesn’t get it. DB says they should leave the answer field blank and gives his theory as to why.

They do it and it’s correct. They all sigh. Next up is a snake eating itself and is a Greek symbol. Avery says this is a stall tactic so he can take over CTOC and Krumitz has an idea. He says she may need to die for them to save her.

Krumitz says he thinks he can figure out how to help her. He says a shodan map shows every device in the world online including her camera. He says he needs the make and model of it and she needs to get it. Avery says they need her to try and reach the camera.

DB says she’ll have to drop the switch but then they’ll have 25 minutes to find her before she does. She stands and walks as far as she can then drops the switch and reaches for the camera. She falls over. Avery screams for her.

Grace says she can’t see it and Krumitz sees it it in a mirror. Brody says there are 226 on the map. Raven and Krumitz work on it with Brody. Python is there and says well played. Avery threatens him. Python says this is his fault.

Avery says he’s weak and that’s why he didn’t come for her. Python puts a bag over her head and starts to suffocate her. Avery begs him to stop. He leaves and Avery tells her to relax and stop gasping. They get Elijah and Miguel on the line.

They tell them about the ashes and they are down to three cameras. Raven says she’s at Nash Medical Center which is abandoned because Nash is a star in the constellation. Python drives by smirking and they have to choose Grace or Python.

They call it in but keeping going for Grace. They find her and run over. They pull off the bag and she’s not breathing. They start CPR. The team watches from CTOC. Grace gasps to life. They saved her. Later, first responders are on scene and Avery is there too.

Grace thanks Avery and then Renee is there and hugs her daughter. Avery steps back and Grace tells her to go to talk to Avery. Renee thanks her and Avery says there’s no need. Renee says she rehearsed calling her 1000 times.

She says Hannah was so happy that day and says she sneezed and Hannah said bless you. She says those were Hannah’s last words and she has thought about it every day since. They hug. Renee thanks her for saving Grace again.

Miguel tells Elijah to call him if he’s in Barcelona. He says he’s not going back to Interpol yet. Avery says rejoin Interpol and be Cyber’s liaison. He seems to want to work alone and Avery says be careful. He touches her hand then drives away.

They are rebooting CTOC and replacing every single piece of hardware. Brody tells Krumitz that he’s clutch. Raven agrees. DB says Avery’s place was swept and a detail is outside. He says he’s coming back tomorrow to help her unpack.

He promises to bring lasagna. They hug and he heads out. Avery kicks off her shoes and pours some wine. She gets her tablet and settles into a chair. She conks out. Was her wine drugged? She wakes to silenced gunshots and grabs her gun.

Someone is in her apartment – it’s Python. He says he killed her detail and it’s just them and mother and he pours out her ashes. He says he wanted her here to see it. He says she dies or he haunts her dreams forever. She shoots him – looks like Python won’t bite again.