Dance Moms Recap – Everyone Hates Ashlee: Season 6 Episode 4 “Now You See Abby, Now You Don’t”

Dance Moms Recap - Everyone Hates Ashlee: Season 6 Episode 4 "Now You See Abby, Now You Don't"Dance Moms Recap - Everyone Hates Ashlee: Season 6 Episode 4 "Now You See Abby, Now You Don't"

Tonight on Lifetime Abby Lee Miller’s Dance Moms continues with an all new Tuesday January 26 season 6 episode 4 called, “Now You See Abby, Now You Don’t,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, the minis prepare to compete with their first group dance; Maddie and two other ALDC girls book a photo shoot; and Maddie and Brynn face off with their solo routines.

On the last episode the new mini team arrived at the ALDC L.A. as Abby stresses over the new dancers and her continuing legal troubles. Meanwhile, Kendall’s position on the Junior Competition team was threatened; and Jill went after Ashlee and Brynn. Did you watch the episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the Lifetime synopsis, “the minis prepare to compete with their first group dance; Maddie and two other ALDC girls book a photo shoot; and Maddie and Brynn face off with their solo routines. Later, the chaotic studio leads Abby to make a huge announcement that could tear the team apart.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be another drama packed evening, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Lifetime’s Dance Mom’s season 6 episode 4– tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new episode of Dance Moms tonight!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#DanceMoms begins at ALDC LA with Abby making a tearful phone call. She says she has had it and asks for help. Jill is annoyed that Abby is late to class when all of them came in early as she demanded. Jessa says Abby has so much legal drama going on she’s distracted.

Maddie shows up and gets big hugs. Jill says they have the whole team and hopes Ashlee and Brynn are over. Maddie talks about working on a movie set and says it was a lot of fun but she misses her friends and dancing with them.

They hear Abby screaming at someone and Jessa talks about Abby living in the back room of the studio. The minis come in and Jill suggests sending a mini mom to find Abby. Jill tells two of the moms to go on in to her office. Abby is on the phone crying.

She says there’s nothing more she can do and tells the person on the phone she has no bra on, her hair in rollers and legal issues. She says she’s finished. The mini moms leave. Jill thinks Abby needs to stop tarnishing her brand.

Melissa and Jill go back and Abby screams at them to get out and says don’t bring the cameras in. Melissa wanted to announce Maddie’s new photo shoot and wants Abby there. The moms have now been there two hours with no Abby.

Holly fusses about pyramid and Ashlee brings up Brynn winning overall and says that’s why Melissa doesn’t care about pyramid. Ashlee says she knows Jill is upset because this is not Kendall’s year like she thought.

Ashlee talks about Kendall being a smart ass just like her and mentions that Kendall told Brynn she couldn’t be in the photos at the last competition because she’s not part of the team. Jill rages and curses then walks out.

Sergio and James are outside and Melissa spots them – the guy is two hours early and Jill is screaming. He is there for Seventeen Magazine about doing a story on Maddie and shooting some other dancers.

Jill says Abby will let this slide even though she said no outside projects. Jill wants to make sure Kendall gets the spot instead of Brynn. Holly and Jessa rush over. Sergio and James introduce themselves and they talk about the photo shoot for Maddie.

He says he’ll choose two girls to work with Maddie for an eight page spread. He watches them dance in trios. He checks out the other girls then Ashlee speaks up and says Brynn does a lot of modeling.

Sergio and James decide who to choose. Then Abby comes out and Holly says that lured her out of her dark cave. Holly says she knows Abby is going to speak up. Abby talks up Kendall and Kalani. One of the guys wants Nia, but she downplays that.

Sergio and James announce they definitely want Nia and says they call her mini-Beyonce at their office. Holly is thrilled. Then they tell them Kalani is gorgeous but it’s not the right shoot for her. They tell Mackenzie and JoJo they are too young.

It’s now down to Kendall and Brynn. Jill pipes up that Kendall is Maddie’s best friend. They go with Kendall. Ashlee is annoyed but Jill is ecstatic. She tells Brynn there will be other times for her. Abby says this is a great opportunity.

Then she says they have to get ready for competition. Sergio and James ask to do pyramid. She lets them do it. Abby says they’re going to Santa Monica this week and the group routine is called Elite. She says the minis are also competing.

Abby says Maddie has a solo called Bond Girl. Brynn gets a jazz solo called She’s Magic. Ashlee is thrilled that Brynn is going up against Maddie. She hopes Maddie will be intimidated and Brynn beats her.

Abby works with Brynn on her solo the next day before the minis come in. She thinks Brynn can step up and replace Maddie when she’s out. Ashlee is thrilled that Abby is in a good mood and working hard with Brynn.

Ashlee tells Jessa she’s glad it’s just the two of them and says it’s hard to have no one. Jessa says no one was her friend when she first came and advises her to be a team player. Ashlee says she thinks Jill is dealing with menopause.

Jessa says it takes two to fight and Jessa says it can be better to get along than fighting. Jessa thinks Ashlee is going to face more issues if she doesn’t listen to her. The girls and moms head over for the Seventeen magazine shoot.

Holly says this is as big as it gets and she’s excited to also be away from Abby for the day. Maddie tells the Seventeen guys that Jill is crazy and wants this more than Kendall does. Gianna works with the minis. Abby says the minis are the future.

The mini moms talk about being there for their kids. Ashlee tells them she’s the only sane one there and Jessa says that’s why she doesn’t fit in – she’s throwing the team under the bus. Jessa says she needs to be loyal to the other team.

Back at Seventeen, Jessa calls Jill, Melissa and Holly and says Ashlee is talking shit about all of them. She tells Jill the menopause remark that Ashlee made and Jill says Ashlee’s boob job is too tight and is squishing her brain.

Abby works on the mini group routine. Jessa thinks it’s a hot mess and the mini moms talk about how the small team is troublesome. Ashlee calls out one that’s struggling and Jessa agrees and says Peyton is not keeping up.

Her mom gets defensive and says she’s three years younger than the others. Jessa says that doesn’t matter to Abby and her mom walks out cursing. Now it’s the elite group rehearsal. It’s the day before the competition and Abby isn’t there.

Jill tells the mini moms that Abby sent an email that she’s resigning. Holly says Abby has been all over the place and says since the minis showed up, Abby is getting crazier. Gianna works with Maddie on her jazz routine next.

Melissa really wants Maddie to beat Brynn to show that Maddie is irreplaceable. It’s competition day and Abby isn’t there. Melissa says Abby isn’t coming and Holly tells the mini moms that she’s been doing this for years and they have no control.

The mini moms are really upset that she’s missing their first performance. Ashlee says she’s glad Abby gave Brynn a lot of time and says Abby told her that she’s a dream to work with and says she’s certain Brynn will beat Maddie.

Jessa says she hopes the dance gods knock down Brynn. Maddie is up first with her Bond solo. Melissa says it’s her first solo of the year and it’s important that she win first place. Melissa is all teared up and says she’s fabulous.

Melissa says she knows this will be some of her last performances since Maddie is getting so many other opportunities. Kalani gives Brynn some encouraging words before her solo. Ashlee is confident her daughter will win this.

Holly says both girls did well and says Brynn’s was strong and competitive but Maddie’s was more like a Broadway level number. Ashlee critiques Maddie’s number then says Brynn’s was harder.

Jill says Maddie could do Brynn’s solo but Brynn couldn’t do Maddie’s. Jessa criticizes Brynn and points out marks she’ll have taken off. Ashlee says JoJo is one of the worst dancers on the team and Jessa goes off on her.

Brynn asks her mom to stop saying and she says they’re walking all over her. Brynn says she doesn’t like it and says she can just show them by dancing. She doesn’t want her mom to affect her relationships with the other dancers.

The elite girls help the minis get ready for their group number and Holly says it’s nice they are taking them under their wing. She says she wishes Abby was just as devoted to them. Gianna gives them a pep talk.

The elite girls cheer on the minis and now it’s time for the group dance. They kill it. Maddie is happy to be back with the team. Now it’s awards time. It’s solos first. Ashlee is upset that Brynn takes 4th place. Melissa is happy.

Maddie takes 2nd place and Melissa shouts what? A guy takes 1st place. Ashlee is happy. Now it’s the minis. They take 2nd place. The elite team takes 1st place at least. The moms are thrilled. Jessa says Abby can resign and they will be fine.

She says the girls can do anything. Melissa congratulates the minis. They spot a surprise in the dressing room – it’s a sneak peek from the photos shoot. Gianna says the minis are competing again next week.

Jessa hopes Abby will show up to work next week. Melissa says that Ashlee said Brynn’s solo was harder and Gianna agrees it was. Ashlee trash talks and the other moms pounce on her and tell her that she lost and wasn’t even close to Maddie.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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