Dance Moms Live Recap: Season 6 Episode 7 “Debbie Allen to the Rescue”

Dance Moms Live Recap: Season 6 Episode 7 "Debbie Allen to the Rescue"Dance Moms Live Recap: Season 6 Episode 7 "Debbie Allen to the Rescue"

Tonight on Lifetime Abby Lee Miller’s Dance Moms continues with an all new Tuesday February 16 season 6 episode 7 called, “Debbie Allen to the Rescue,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, the stress of Abby Lee Miller’s legal woes causes her to reach her limit and kick the girls out of her studio; the mothers contact Debbie Allen.

On the last episode Abby’s back, but she’s only focusing on the minis; and a new mini auditions for the team. Later, the moms complain when Brynn was chosen for the lead role in the junior team’s only routine; and Brynn’s future at the ALDC depended on a win with Maddie set to return next week. Did you watch the episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the Lifetime synopsis, “the stress of Abby’s legal woes causes her to reach her limit and kick the girls out of her studio; the mothers contact Debbie Allen, who offers her studio so the girls can rehearse for their upcoming competition.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be another drama packed evening, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Lifetime’s Dance Mom’s season 6 episode 7– tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new episode of Dance Moms tonight!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

This week on Dance Moms Jill and Melissa are at the studio and Abby is not dressed. She tells them that she is not working today and that they have to deal with an issue that came up. Abby says that “the mothers have no idea what is going on and that her problems sometimes have to take precedence over working for the mothers and their daughters.” Jill tells Abby that if they can’t rehearse at her studio they will go to Debbie Allen’s studio. Jill tells her that they want to be there for her and that she needs to come out and be with her kids.

Meanwhile the girls are rehearsing for the next performance. Brynn is leading rehearsal until Abby decides whether or not she wants to come out and lead class.

The moms are worried that there could be an issue between Ashlee and Kira when the team gets to Phoenix. Ashlee says that she doesn’t know what will happen between her and Kira.

Abby still hasn’t come out to work with the kids and the moms are worrying about to tell the children. The moms ask how the kids would feel about going to another studio. One of the girls says that it doesn’t make sTense for them to leave their studio when their outfits say Abby’s dance studio. However the girls know that they need to rehearse so they decide that if they show up the next day and the doors are locked they will head over to Debbie Allan’s studio. The girls are shocked when Jill tells them that Abby doesn’t want them there.

The next day, after trying to reach out to Abby again the moms take their daughters over to Debbie Allan’s studio. The girls are worried because they don’t have costumes for the competition. They call Kira and she agrees to provide costumes for the team.

Brynn worries that she will lose her spot on the team, but she is also excited to preform in her home town. Ashley is upset because Brynn was supposed to perform for Abby but Jill tells her that “it might be better if Abby doesn’t show up this weekend because they are going to get beaten.”

As the group performs their “well oiled machine” group routine Debbie Allen comes in and meets the moms. She wants to watch the girls perform and they are excited to show her. JessaLynn tells Debbie that she is “greatful to her for allowing them to use her dance space. Debbie tells her that she is happy to help.

She then asks the girls to show her their routine. After they go through it Debbie asks them what the premise of the performance is. The girls tell her that they represent a human machine.

Debbie asks “who has a solo?” Kelani steps forward first and Debbie is very impressed and tells her that she has “amazing control over her instrument.” Brynn is up next and Debbie tells her that she ” has no passion.” She also tells her that if she did then people would be drawn into her performance.

The mom’s meet up with Kira and Maddie is back with the team. The mom’s tell Kira about what is going on with Abby and how she insulted the team and was angry that they went to Debbie Allen’s dance studio. Kira is upset when she hears that Ashley has been talking trash about her newborn baby.

Abby shows up at the studio where the team is practicing. Jessalynn and the rest of the moms go out to see whether or not she will come inside with the team. Abby tells them no and the moms get fed up. Eventually Abby does decide to come in and she asks them to show her their group routine. The girls go through it and Abby is pleased. She tells them that “They need to work together and perform like a well oiled machine whether she is there or not.”

On day one of the competition Ashley is nervous for Brynn. She says that “Brynn needs to earn her spot on the team by beating Kelani.” When Kira and Kelani show up Kira is accosted by Ashley and they ask her why she is there. Ashley calls Kira “a user, a manipulator and a liar.” Kira calls Ashley “pathetical” and Ashley tells her that is not a word. The fight between the two women gets so intense that Kira decides to leave because she “does not want to deal with her.” Jill says that Ashley “needs to learn that Kira and Kelani are on the team and she and Brynn are not.”

Kelani performs first and her performance is beautiful. Abby is sitting in the audience watching Brynn and Kalani perform, but she doesn’t look happy. When it comes time for the group performance Kira has come through and brought costumes. Abby comes backstage and gets upset that the shorts don’t match. She is trying to change the costumes so that they “look good on stage.” Kira is upset at Abby’s micromanaging. She tells Abby that “she wasn’t there to do her job and because she didn’t show up the girls are not focused.”

At the awards ceremony the first place solo award goes to Kelani. The group second place award goes to Firestone. First place goes to Well Oiled Machine. The moms are so proud and feel that they did it without Abby. Abby asks why she was there? She says that she is “not a dancer.” when asked if she is supposed to lead by example. Abby tells the group that Brynn is on probation. Kira says that she will not come back to the group as long as Ashley is there.


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