Dance Moms Recap 2/2/16: Season 6 Episode 5 “Abby’s Replaceable”

Dance Moms Recap 2/2/16: Season 6 Episode 5 "Abby's Replaceable"Dance Moms Recap 2/2/16: Season 6 Episode 5 "Abby's Replaceable"

Tonight on Lifetime Abby Lee Miller’s Dance Moms continues with an all new Tuesday February 2 season 6 episode 5 called, “Abby’s Replaceable,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, after resigning the previous week, Abby Lee Miller locks the team out of her studio.

On the last episode the minis prepared to compete with their first group dance; Maddie and two other ALDC girls book a photo shoot; and Maddie and Brynn faced off with their solo routines. Later, the chaotic studio leads Abby to make a huge announcement that could tear the team apart. Did you watch the episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the Lifetime synopsis, “after resigning the previous week, Abby locks the team out of her studio. Elsewhere, Debbie Allen invites the ALDC to work with her; guest choreographer Nakul prepares a Bollywood routine for the minis; Kalani and Nia are pushed to their breaking point with a duet; and Peyton and her mom struggle with two dances.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be another drama packed evening, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Lifetime’s Dance Mom’s season 6 episode 5– tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new episode of Dance Moms tonight!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#DanceMoms begins with Jill talking about how Abby is a wreck, eating all their snacks and wasting time. She says it’s hard on the kids. Jill says the kids are Abby’s brand and she can’t give up. Ashlee is stunned she still wants them to compete under the name ALDC.

The core moms tell Ashlee that Abby will be back. Maddie is out filming a movie and they look around for Nia. She’s around the corner on her cell phone and starts crying. Nia is bawling about a social media post. She posted a video on turns and it got a lot of criticism.

Jill tells her haters gonna hate. Holly says this is all really hard on Nia and she can’t let the girls’ careers fall apart because Abby is freaking out. Gia is there and says they are still competing and says she has the routines. Gia says normally it’s pyramid but that’s not her thing.

She says it’s Fierce Dance Competition this weekend and there are no solos but three duets. She says Nia and Kalani are doing an African routine. Holly is thrilled. She says Aisha Francis is coming into work with them. She has a mini diet for Peyton and Alexus.

Last is Kendall and Brynn. Ashlee starts asking which part is harder and Jessa says Ashlee wants her to have the harder part and Jill says just be thankful to have a duet and says if Abby was there she would tell Ashlee she just blew it for her.

Gia says the group dance needs a lot more work since it’s the whole group – the minis and the elite. She brings in Nakul and his assistant Monica. He’s a choreographer. He’s the Bollywood guy from So You Think You Can Dance. He’s teaching a large group number.

Jill says she’s in love with Nakul and says he’s just what the kids need. She hopes the minis can keep up. The moms go sit while rehearsal starts. He says they are all princesses. Sari asks about Abby’s resignation. Melissa asks why they are still there since Abby resigned.

Sari says Gia invited them back. Jessa says there’s barely an elite team and probably won’t be a mini team. Tiffanie says they put a lot on the line to get here and are not going to go anywhere. The group number starts. Holly says the girls have never danced together and Abby isn’t there.

Jessa says these minis can’t remember the choreography along with the hand gestures. She thinks it’s ridiculous.

It’s two days before the competition and Ashlee and Jessa start arguing again. Holly says they don’t have access to the studio because the minis are in the studio. Holly says there’s a lot of room for error. Nakul tells the minis how they have to move.

The mini moms worry about the group number. Gia pulls Alexus and Peyton’s mom to talk about their duet. Tiffanie is nervous. She thinks Kerri is a ticking time bomb and will mess this all up. Gia tells Peyton she’s on the wrong foot and Kerri is annoyed at her picking at Peyton.

Kerri thinks Abby should be there and that’s why she came there. Holly says she has to bring Nia and Kalani to Debbie Allen’s studio for a class. Kalani says the Bollywood dance is hard.

She says the minis can’t pick this up in three days when it’s hard for the older dancers. Nakul tells them it’s a mess. He tells the moms he’s worried. He says Areana and Peyton are both struggling to learn their steps.

Kerri says Peyton has never done this. Jessa says it would probably be fine if her daughter wasn’t also doing a duet. Tiffanie thinks Peyton is going to mess things up for the whole group. Holly leaves with Nia and Kalani to go to Debbie Allen’s studio to meet Aisha.

She tells them just to dance from their hearts. Debbie Allen is there and greets them and says she’s thrilled they are here and Holly says they’re competing with African dance for the first time. Nia is nervous and says it’s intense.

Abby tells Debbie about all of Abby’s drama and Debbie says the girls can train there while Abby is gone. Debbie says Kalani and Holly both did well and says they do Cirque de Soleil, hiphop, and Latin dances too. She tells them expand your horizons.

Holly says Debbie’s approach is the opposite of ALDC and says Abby’s mantra is that everyone’s replaceable. Holly says in LA, Abby is replaceable too. It’s one day before competition and Holly says they can practice at Debbie’s studio.

Melissa is hesitant and says it’s too far to drive. Holly says if they don’t have a place next week, they should go. Melissa says hell no, she’s not doing it. Melissa says that’s her opinion. She says she’d like to meet Debbie Allen but wants her girls to dance at ALDC.

Jessa thinks that Holly is right but they need to keep the team together. The mini moms come in and the other moms ask if they were rehearsing all night. The mini moms argue and Melissa says if they can’t work as a group, they’re not in trouble.

Brynn and Kendall work on their solo. Jill says she loves when Kendall dances but doesn’t like that she has to deal with Ashlee and says she’s awful. Gia criticizes Kendall. Ashlee says it will be flat if they don’t get into character.

Ashlee says Kendall only wants to play the pretty girl and can’t play a character when she’s assigned. Ashlee says Kendall is old news and doesn’t want Kendall to mess it up for Brynn when it comes to the duet.

Aisha works with Kalani and Nia and says it’s stressful since they just have one week. Jill says Kalani is totally stressed having to learn Bollywood and African dance in the same week. Aisha tells the girl they aren’t taking it seriously and need to pull up. She lays into both girls.

Holly and Jill talk to the other moms after Nakul pulls Nia and Kalani back for the group rehearsal. Holly says Aisha is tough and Jill says she thinks Kalani will cry. Ashlee says it’s just because they’re used to easy numbers.

Kalani calms down and Nakul calls them in. Peyton is lost and Melissa says she’s about to break down and it’s too hard on her. Holly says they’re all hitting a wall and have no leader. Jessa says there’s a lot of cards against them right now.

It’s competition day and the ALDC gets huge applause as usual but Jill thinks they are doomed this week with no Abby since she resigned and the minis in the group. The other moms want to know if the minis rehearsed last night like they were supposed to.

Kelli says she threatened to call the cops on Tiffanie. She says Tiffanie started recording her and then Kelli and Tiffanie get into a curse war and Tiffanie starts crying. Jill says if Abby was there, she would have kicked the moms out. Melissa says they have to stop this.

Kelli says she doesn’t know these women. Jessa says the problem is not the other moms it’s that Peyton can’t learn the steps and that’s the problem. Holly thinks Kerri is taking on too much. Gia is not happy with the duet. Kerri snaps and takes Peyton out of the room.

Peyton is all in costume and ready to go and Kerri says she won’t let her daughter be picked on. She says she deserves a mentor and teacher that will be with her. The producer comes over and she says she’s not doing the duet. They try to talk her into staying.

Kerri says she’s going to throw up and goes into the bathroom. Holly and Mackenzie go talk to Peyton to try and get her to stay. Mackenzie says she was six when she started too. Kerri says she’s proud of her and tells her to shine.

Kerri says she realizes Peyton needs to stay and she won’t stand in her way. It’s time for the numbers. The mom goes to take their seats. Kerri says she’s so nervous. It’s time for Peyton and Ali’s duet and she’s worried it won’t go well.

The crowd seems to love it. Kerri says she’s so proud and it’s what they came there for. Kerri says Peyton deserves to be on the team. Kalani and Nia are next with their African number. They have live drummers there playing. Holly is concerned.

They get big cheers and Holly says she’s so proud of them and says it was incredible. Now it’s Kendall and Brynn’s duet. Jill says Ashlee is so worried that Kendall can’t play the dark punk rocker but says she has faith in her daughter.

Ashlee thinks Kendall blew it and didn’t put enough energy into it to play the character and says their duo looks pitiful compared to Nia and Kalani. Ashlee says Kendall didn’t do enough and Jill says Brynn was boring. Jessa points out that Brynn was late.

Ashlee says Jessa always butts in when it comes to other kids. Gia listens and doesn’t comment. Gia says go get ready for group. Jessa says this group is hard with the minis and Abby isn’t there. She says the mini moms aren’t ready for this.

Nakul shows up while they’re getting ready. He talks to the girls and says they are doing something very cultural so they have to deliver. He gives them a pep talk and then walks them to the stage. Kerri is freaking out that Peyton will mess up.

Now it’s time for the group number. Jill is annoyed that Abby bailed on them and the kids are stressed and the minis are with them. Nakul seems pleased. Jill says it impressed her and says a couple of the little kids were late and hopes the judges watched the big girls that did great.

Awards time is next. Mini duets are first. Tiffanie says they need to win for Abby. Ali and Peyton win first place. Kerri is so happy she won and calls it her defining moment. In the junior category, Brynn and Kendall take 3rd place. Ashlee says it’s Kendall’s fault.

She says Jill is babying her and it’s going to get worse. Now for the teens, Nia and Kalani take first place. Holly is thrilled and says they found their inner strength to get success. Now it’s group awards.

Kerri says if the group doesn’t win, the other moms will blame the minis. But the Bollywood number wins first place. Jill is thrilled. Nakul congratulates them and Holly thanks him from bringing this art form to this group.

Holly says they proved they can win without Abby. Jessa says the new moms need to learn to work as a team. Kerri thinks she made an ass of herself. She says her sanity is at risk.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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