Dance Moms Recap Brynn Gets a Win, Again: Season 6 Episode 13 “ALDC Does Vegas”

Dance Moms Recap Brynn Gets a Win, Again: Season 6 Episode 13 "ALDC Does Vegas"Dance Moms Recap Brynn Gets a Win, Again: Season 6 Episode 13 "ALDC Does Vegas"

Tonight on Lifetime Abby Lee Miller’s Dance Moms continues with an all new Tuesday March 29 season 6 episode 13 called, “ALDC Does Vegas,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, The ALDC travels to Las Vegas to perform several routines, including a unique David Bowie tribute. Later, conflict within the group ensues when Kendall defends Ashlee.

On the last episode, we were treated to additional footage. Maddie was nominated for a People’s Choice Award, which lead to rumors; the moms were furious with Abby when she took an unexpected date to the ceremony; and a new mini’s attitude caused a dance disaster. Did you watch the episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the Lifetime synopsis, “the ALDC travels to Las Vegas to perform several routines, including a unique David Bowie tribute. Later, conflict within the group ensues when Kendall defends Ashlee; and the moms grow concerned that their daughters are too involved in the team’s drama.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be another drama packed evening, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Lifetime’s Dance Mom’s season 6 episode 13– tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new episode of Dance Moms tonight!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#DanceMoms starts with the girls coming in and taking seats. Abby is looking for a costume and rants at the moms about her stress. She wants them to give her space and says she will come out to do pyramid when she’s ready.

We see a flashback to Jill complaining last week about the score sheets and Brynn getting her ALDC jacket but then crying. Ashlee says that should have been a happy moment for her daughter but the moms ruined it.

Maddie, Mackenzie and Melissa talk in the car about Ashlee and how she’s not a team player. Melissa says the other moms argue but they come together. Maddie talks about preferring to take a movie over being in a competition. Melissa says it’s something to think about.

Ashlee asks if any of the moms care that Brynn is now on the team. Holly says it is what it is. Abby is ready to do pyramid and says they did really well. Abby congratulates Brynn on taking her trio to victory and says she was outstanding and adds she’s now a member of this team.

Ashlee starts up some stuff and Jill pounces on her. Ashlee says she’s jealous that Brynn had a better season than Kendall and it’s all over social media. Jill says it’s a flat out lie. Holly says let’s just move on and Jill says every fricking day it’s her and tells Ashlee don’t speak or look at my child.

Kendall screams at Ashlee – why are you so mean? Ashlee says the kids are becoming like their mothers. Jill says grow the f-k up and tells Abby she can have Ashlee and says she’s over it. Abby says she knows why Kendall gets so upset because Jill does it.

Jill screams out me or her and calls Ashlee a bitch. Jill calls Ashlee a pig. Brynn cries and tells her mom she won’t scream at Jill because she’s not a brat. Abby then goes to talk to Kendall and says ignore her – you have to deal with this on jobs. Jill and Kendall end up walking out.

Holly tells them they need to set an example for their girls and says she wishes she could fix this. Melissa says Mackenzie, Kalani and Brynn will get solos and Abby asks how she knows and she says they won the trio. Abby has planned a group number as a David Bowie tribute.

Abby has the girls going to Las Vegas for a competition and hopes that can downplay the animosity. Mackenzie says she feels bad for Brynn for all the fights with the moms. Abby tells the girls that Kendall and Jill running out wasn’t smart and says you should stay and beat them at their own game.

She tells them about the Bowie tribute and group rehearsal starts without Kendall. Holly says the dance is great and says it’s all about differences and says the moms are like that. Holly says when they yell at each other in front of the kids, it’s bad for all of them.

Ashlee says she doesn’t want to be the bad guy and wants them to move forward and past it. Brynn is doing a Star Wars inspired acrobatic routine. Ashlee is excited about her solo as an official team member. She says Brynn needs to tune out all the drama.

Jessa says Brynn has had plenty of solos and who cares and says Nia should have a solo. She says even the kids said it. Ashlee is annoyed at their harping and whining. Abby and Maddie go out to talk and eat lunch. She takes her away from the moms to talk in private.

Abby tells Maddie it was nightmare insane yesterday. They were there five years ago when Maddie was so much smaller. Abby says all the things she hoped for Maddie have come true and then gets teary and says her mom would be proud of her too.

Maddie says she gets asked on the red carpet if she wants to just act but says she always wants to dance. Abby says she wants the rumors to stop that Maddie is leaving. Jessa asks why Brynn didn’t do school today. Ashlee is annoyed and starts crying.

Holly says they need to talk outside if they are going to have this conversation. Holly says they can’t have volatile conversations in front of the girls anymore. Jill is upset and crying and says Kendall has had a bad rap because Kendall speaks her truth and says she raised her that way.

Kendall just wants Ashlee to leave but Jill says she can’t make that happen and says they’re part of the team. Jill says she won’t let some big loudmouth mother push them out. Jill tells them – we’re here and Ashlee pulls a face.

Jill says they had to know she would come back and Holly says she knew she needed time to vent. Jill says if she can’t stop someone from talking she has to walk away. Ashlee says the moms clearly hate her but she didn’t want a child to hate her and doesn’t like that Kendall hates her.

Ashlee tries to make peace and Jill gets volatile. Jill just keeps pushing it hard and the moms finally go in. Mackenzie has a J-Lo inspired solo and Melissa hopes she’ll beat Brynn. Inside, Jill keeps going on about this once they come back inside.

Ashlee tries to ignore it and says it’s all anger, jealousy and resentment. Kalani is doing a Fred Astaire number. She has her dancing in heels to prepare her for auditioning as a teen. Kira is happy about the solo and says it’s mature.

Jessa says morale is very weird with Ashlee there. Ashlee says she’s taken aback when Jill reacts way bigger than she thinks she should. She offers an apology to Jill. Melissa says let’s move on. Ashlee says she knows she has to smooth things over so Brynn can focus on her dance.

Ashlee knows this competition is a big deal for Brynn so she wants to make competition day drama-free. It’s competition day and they are greeted by a crowd. Abby talks to the girls before their solos and says Mackenzie has a residency since she was almost born into it.

Abby chats with the girls and Ashlee says that sounded like Mackenzie is never leaving. Melissa says Mackenzie does have a lot of opportunities. Melissa says if they don’t come back it would be sad since she loves them. The moms ask if she’s leaving and she says she doesn’t know yet.

Jessa says she wishes Melissa would just tell them the truth. Solos are first and Mackenzie is first up with her J-Lo routine. Next is Kalani who is nervous about dancing in heels. Abby cheers for her. Now it’s Brynn’s Star Wars routine. It’s gorgeous.

Ashlee says Brynn did a great job. Abby calls the soloists over and congratulates them. She tells Mackenzie her face was great and says Brynn was really good. Gianna says Brynn was really nervous today. Ashlee says she knows the fighting upset her.

Now it’s time to prep for the group routine and the girls talk about how great it is to get ready without them there. The moms come in and check them out. Holly says week has been so tense and it’s nice to seem laughing. Abby lines them up and says they are paying tribute to an icon.

JoJo farts and the other girls laugh. She says she held it in as long as she could and Jill asks what she ate. Abby says she can’t deal with it and they joke about her clearing the room. JoJo says everyone is replaceable but her and they laugh. ALDC has the last solo of the competition.

Now the girls do their Bowie group routine. Abby says the girls were amazing and you can’t tell they had a meltdown earlier in the week. She says her girls make things look easy. Now it’s awards time. First are pre-teen solos. Mackenzie takes 2nd place. Brynn takes 1st.

Ashlee is so happy that Brynn beat Maddie’s trio last week and now beat Mackenzie. Now is teen solos. Kalani took 2nd place and Abby says it’s good since she’s learning how to win a job. Now it’s group time. ALDC wins 1st place and it’s in the teen division which is harder.

The kids all cheer and they silly string Abby in celebration. Abby tells them it was a great day and says it all worked. She says she’s going out tonight. Holly says the team is still not a team. Ashlee says she’s glad Brynn did well but is sad that she was nervous.

Melissa says Maddie is nervous every week. Ashlee says the fighting was hard and Jessa says she’s the one who started it. Jill says no one wants it and they need to get past it. Ashlee agrees even though Jessa stirs the pot. Holly says they need to move forward but there won’t be a quick fix for this.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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