Dance Moms Recap 5/24/16: Season 6 Episode 21 “Maddie and Mackenzie Say Goodbye”

Dance Moms Recap 5/24/16: Season 6 Episode 21 "Maddie and Mackenzie Say Goodbye"Dance Moms Recap 5/24/16: Season 6 Episode 21 "Maddie and Mackenzie Say Goodbye"

Tonight on Lifetime Abby Lee Miller’s Dance Moms continues with an all new special Tuesday May 24 season 6 episode 21 called, “Maddie and Mackenzie Say Goodbye,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Maddie and Mackenzie say goodbye to Abby.

On the last episode, Jai Rodriguez hosted a farewell event for Maddie and Mackenzie. Did you watch the episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the Lifetime synopsis, “Maddie and Mackenzie sit down with Abby to reminisce on their journey with the ALDC and discuss their plans for the future.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be another drama packed evening, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Lifetime’s Dance Mom’s season 6 episode 21– tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new episode of Dance Moms tonight!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#DanceMoms tonight is a look back at Maddie and Mackenzie’s experience with Abby over the years. Maddie and Mackenzie sit and wait on Abby to come out. She’s running late again as Abby looks for earrings she wants. The girls talk to the producer.

Mackenzie says she didn’t want to do the special and says Abby always yells at her. Maddie says she hopes they get fun and they get some secrets about where Abby goes at night and why her hair is always in rollers. Maddie says she always goes to McDonald’s.

Abby finally comes out and they finish up her hair. Abby says they’re there to take a trip down memory lane and have their last hurrah together. We see back to when Mackenzie was two or three and Maddie was four when they started ALDC.

Their dad went to high school with Abby and she says he chose her. Abby says Maddie made an incredible first impression and was a tiny little cupcake with big eyes. She says Maddie spoke for herself from the start and said she wanted to take tap and hip hop.

Maddie says she doesn’t remember any of that. Abby says she had to tell the teacher to let Maddie try hip hop and then she’d come out crying and it will be done. Abby says the teacher told her she was the best on in the class and says she knew she could be a star.

She says Mackenzie had so much hair and teeth. She says she was absolutely adorable and was just a baby and grew up at the dance studio. Maddie says the first day of Dance Moms everyone was so excited about being on TV and didn’t know they had to learn a dance each week.

Maddie says then it turned into being all about the moms fighting and Abby was the main focus. Abby says she tries not to remember the first six episodes. We see Abby was a lot heavier and had a towel on her head. She says she didn’t think anyone would watch so she wasn’t worried about it.

They look back at them in Season 1 with Maddie at eight and Mackenzie at 6. Melissa says Maddie’s life revolves around dance. Melissa says Abby is a star maker and will make Maddie a star. Abby says she should have forgotten about Maddie and moved to LA with Mackenzie.

Mackenzie gets a fan question of what pyramid is really like. She says on the show it’s just two minutes long but it feels like four hours in real time. She says sometimes they take breaks and comes back and finishes it and sometimes it doesn’t even finish.

Maddie says she liked season one when they got to sit on the floor and stretch. They ask Abby about the first pyramid on the chalkboard and how the wheels were broken and the chalk would snap and it made horrible noises.

Mackenzie says she gets annoyed with their mom talking about other moms during pyramid. Then they both talk about how their mom always interrupts to talk about the stuff they’re doing and then they talk about how Melissa talks to Jill and giggles.

Mackenzie and Maddie say they don’t want their mom to talk at all during pyramid. Abby says she can’t stand when the moms start flapping their lips and then they end up in trouble with Abby because of their moms. They talk about Maddie and Mackenzie’s duet called run from mother.

Maddie says Abby always tells them to wear booty shorts under their skirts in case they have to perform tricks on the spot. The producer tells the girls to say nice things about each other. Mackenzie says Maddie is pretty, a good dancer, has good hair, style and pretty eyes.

Maddie says Mackenzie is cute, funny, hilarious, attract boys, has good tumbling, big eyes and cute hair. Maddie wins it. Then a fan question for Maddie about how they got better choreography and better private lessons.

We see some of the moms spying to see if Maddie gets extra private lessons. We see Chloe’s mom complaining about Maddie’s choreography. Maddie says their mom’s schedules more private lessons. Abby says it’s what you do with the choreography.

Abby says the other moms were making excuses and not giving them credit for being hard working girls. Abby says they were there through hard times like when their parents got divorced, then her mom got sick, and that what made them closer.

Abby says Melissa was there at the hospital every day when her mom was sick. Maddie talks about meeting Abby’s mom ad her dog Baby. Mackenzie says Abby’s mom was really sweet and always bought them nice presents for their birthdays.

We see a clip of Abby telling the moms that her mother is dying and she may be out a week. Maddie runs to hug her and says she’s going someplace better. Abby says her mom thought of Maddie and Mackenzie as her grandchildren she never had.

Then they talk about Broadway Baby, the dog, after it died and was stuffed. Maddie says one of her cousins played with the stuffed dog. Abby says it was so hard for her when her dog died and then Maddie talks about them babysitting the dog.

Abby says her mom, dad and dog’s ashes are in a gorgeous cemetery in Miami and are all together in the mausoleum. They see Maddie doing a solo called Showing You My Heart that she dedicated to when Abby’s dog died.

Abby talks about how every week more fans showed up to the competition. Mackenzie says fame has gotten to Abby and we see her snapping to be handed water in shots from the show. Maddie says they yell at the crew and producer Bryan says she’s yelled at him.

Abby says at the beginning they would win a week then lose a week then they really started winning week after week. We see a montage of wins. We see a look at some of Maddie’s emotional dance faces and Mackenzie’s acrobatic tricks.

Maddie says she doesn’t remember half of those dances and Mackenzie says she’s so dramatic and Abby says she uses her face and that’s why she’s in movies now. We see songwriter Rachel Sage who’s inspired by Maddie and writes songs for her performances.

Then we see a solo called Happiness done to one of Rachel Sage’s songs. Next are some mom messages saying that they will miss Melissa featuring Jill, Kira, Nia, Brynn, Holly, Kalani, Jessalynn, Kendall, Ashlee, and JoJo.

Abby and the girls now talk about going to LA. Abby asks what they thought about going to Hollywood. Mackenzie says she was excited. Maddie says she was excited to get experience auditioning since they can’t do that in Pittsburgh and LA is the place to work.

Abby says they didn’t move to LA – they’re just visiting. Maddie says they left their family, house, dog, and friends. Mackenzie says she’s recording her album. Abby takes a fan question about her rigging the Sia auditions for Drop Dead Diva.

We see the moms talking about how Maddie won even though they wanted a blond and she’s not a blond. Christie talks about how Abby rigged it and Abby says she did not have the power to influence it but did give Maddie more solos which gave her a chance to be seen.

Maddie says Sia tweeted her and invited her to be in her video and Abby says the moms give her too much credit and calls them idiots. They ask Mackenzie about her being an insane hip hop dancer and her YouTube videos. Mackenzie says she likes to show people what she’s up to.

Maddie says she likes it when the boys come to the open hip hop classes and says they’re amazing. She says Mackenzie is more confident with her hip hop. We see Mackenzie doing her hip hop number Bully. Then there’s another montage of the other cast talking about Mackenzie.

Holly, Brynn, Kira, Nia, Jessalynn, JoJo, Jill, Kendall, Ashlee, and Kalani telling her how much they miss her and how she’s like their little sister. Maddie says she won’t be on Dance Moms anymore but will still be training at ALDC. She says they can’t stay til their 18.

Maddie says you grow up and move on to other things. Mackenzie says she misses the other girls and will miss dancing with them. Abby says Dance Moms gave Maddie and Mackenzie a vocation, career and opportunities. She talks about how they traveled around the world.

We see them shooting silly string at Abby, in an ice cream fight and dunking her in a tank. Abby says she had a hand in them growing up and hopes she’s part of their lives always. Then we see when Melissa made the announcement that they’re leaving.

Abby says she went and locked herself in the bathroom after that. Maddie says everyone was confused and Mackenzie didn’t know and she only found out the day of and says her mom wouldn’t let her tell Mackenzie since she said she’s a blabbermouth.

Abby says this is an ALDC success story and success for her. She says these girls could have done lots of different things if they didn’t come to ALDC. Mackenzie reads a fan question about them getting jealous of them booking jobs. They both say no, they’re happy for each other.

Maddie says she would never get jealous of her doing her music videos and says at least she got to be in them. We see Mackenzie considering whether or not to put Maddie in her first music video. They tell Maddie that she should be an assistant on the shoot.

Maddie says it wasn’t hard to dance backup for her sister and did it yesterday and Maddie says she’d never sing. Mackenzie says Maddie is a better actor and she’s a better singer. The high five. We see a look at their Huntsman group number ‘Winter’s War’ when they battled on the dance floor.

There’s one last video montage of everyone saying goodbye to Maddie and telling her it’s not the same without her. Next is their goodbye. Maddie says she won’t say goodbye to Maddie and they look back at a montage of the whole six season they’ve all been on together.

We see Maddie having to kiss the boy in the dance number and Abby says that’s the only time Maddie really hated her in all the years they were together. We also see a look at Mackenzie on the Nick series and Maddie on set in New York and at the People’s Choice awards.

Abby says that was nice and the producer asks Abby what it’s like to have created two of the greatest tweens in the world. She jokes that it was thankless but says she hopes she instilled in them to be young women who stand up for what they believe in and are kind.

Mackenzie says thanks for all the opportunities and Maddie says thanks for teaching me to dance. Abby says no dates with boys until she meets them. Maddie says she hopes Abby’s dream comes true of getting a date with Tom Cruise. Abby puts Mackenzie on her lap and they hug.

Abby says Maddie and Mackenzie will stay in her life forever in a different way and says she will hound them and show up at their work place and will be a nebbie old aunt. She says maybe she’ll do it again with two other girls.

Abby says the future of the competition team is up in the air. She then says they all have big plans.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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