Dance Moms Recap – Ashlee Sucks Up, Brynn Benefits: Season 6 Episode 9 ‘Nia Saves the Day’

Dance Moms Recap - Ashlee Sucks Up, Brynn Benefits: Season 6 Episode 9 'Nia Saves the Day'Dance Moms Recap - Ashlee Sucks Up, Brynn Benefits: Season 6 Episode 9 'Nia Saves the Day'

Tonight on Lifetime Abby Lee Miller’s Dance Moms continues with an all new Tuesday March 1 season 6 episode 9 called, “Nia Saves the Day,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Brynn and Maddie go up against Kalani and Kendall in a duet competition, but the moms must take care of Kalani when her back injury starts to hurt.

On the last episode Maddie returned from shooting her movie, but Abby didn’t seem happy to see her most famous dancer. Later, the moms question if Abby’s jealous of Maddie’s fame; and Ashlee hoped that Brynn would be the team’s next big star. Did you watch the episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the Lifetime synopsis, “Brynn and Maddie go up against Kalani and Kendall in a duet competition, but the moms must take care of Kalani when her back injury starts to hurt. Later, Ashlee takes the opportunity to fill in for Abby’s recently-fired office manager.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be another drama packed evening, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Lifetime’s Dance Mom’s season 6 episode 9– tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new episode of Dance Moms tonight!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#DanceMoms starts with Abby screaming and ranting and Jill says she’s manic. Jill says she feels bad for her office manager whom Abby says walked out. Abby calls the girls for pyramid. At the bottom is Brynn and Ashlee asks why. Abby says she doesn’t stand out in great.

Ashlee says you told me to kiss your butt like Melissa does. Abby says maybe Ashlee can go answer the phones for her. Ashlee says okay if she wants her to. Melissa says that’s because Ashlee has no friends and needs something to do.

Melissa claims she doesn’t kiss Abby’s butt and is her friend. Next is Maddie and Abby says she was fine and they’re happy to have her back. Next is Kendall and then Kalani. Then it’s Nia and JoJo. At the top is Mackenzie for taking first place.

Abby says they’re going to Fierce Dance which is local. Abby says they are doing a dance hall girl number and will wear heels for the number. Melissa is worried since they’ve never competed in heels except for Kalani. Abby says there’s two duets.

She gives one to Kendall and Kalani who have a jazz number about grifters. Kalani is worried since her back is hurting then Abby asks about her mom. She says Kira doesn’t want to be there and Abby says it’s not okay.

The other duet is Maddie and Brynn. Holly says Ashlee’s dreams are coming true. They get a lyrical duet. Jill says Kendall was always Maddie’s partner and doesn’t like this. Abby starts with Kendall and Kalani. Abby chews them both out about their mothers.

Ashlee says she thought the grifters theme is about Kira. Jessa chimes in on that too. Ashlee says she thinks the title of the duet means that Brynn will take Maddie’s place. Melissa says Ashlee has two other kids she never mentions and is obsessed with Bryn.

Abby tells Ashlee she can come help and Holly says her BFF can help. The other moms talk about hoping she’ll fail. Jessa thinks Ashlee got the kiss up idea from Melissa. Ashlee says she doesn’t want any money if Abby will just give Brynn a solo. Abby says maybe.

Jill says it should be Kendall not Brynn with Maddie. Holly says they were talking about how Brynn got a prominent duet with Maddie even though she’s not part of the team. Jill says Brynn hasn’t earned this and Holly says it’s ridiculous Nia hasn’t had that many opportunities.

Jill says the duet better win or it will be Brynn’s fault. Next day, Ashlee volunteers to work last night and Jill gets snotty with her and Melissa says she did that job and did it better. Holly says Ashlee knows nothing about being a studio manager.

Abby talks to the girls about Bob Fosse and that’s the inspiration for this. Jill is happy to see them in heels and doing mature choreography. The moms talk about Kira and if she and Ashlee will fight again. Jessa thinks Ashlee is threatened that Abby might send her home if Kira comes back.

Kalani says her back has been hurting for weeks so she’s worried about the jazz number. Jill talks again about all the things that Ashlee and Brynn have been handed. Ashlee thinks that Jill is upset because when Abby sees Brynn with Maddie, Kendall will never get to work with her again.

Melissa is worried about Kalani’s back. Abby tries to coach around it. Melissa says she wishes Kira was here to see how much her back is hurting. Melissa holds her while she cries and takes her home to get in an ice bath. Kalani says her duet is so hard, she can’t do it.

The moms decide to go to the park for a walk. Melissa says Kalani’s back is bad and the other moms think she shouldn’t dance. Holly says it would be great if Kira was there and says Melissa is the guardian and can pull her from it. Jill thinks Kira is being selfish.

Abby yells at Ashlee for being late to work and says her makeup and hair aren’t done but Ashlee’s is. Ashlee is still happy to be helping her because it gets her away from the other moms and more time with Abby. She asks why the other moms are all over her.

Ashlee asks how Brynn can get on the team. Ashlee reminds her that she pulled Brynn away before to focus on her life. Abby says she doesn’t want to put her on the team then Ashlee makes her look dumb for giving her a second chance and she leaves again.

Holly isn’t happy to see Kalani dancing. Melissa calls Kira and tells her that she doesn’t think it’s a good idea. Kira says she told Kalani not to dance but she didn’t want to miss out. Kira says she’s worried she’ll injure herself.

Kira tells Kalani she can’t dance and Kalani says she doesn’t want to let Kendall down but then agrees. Jill says that stacks the cards against Kendall. They let Abby talk to Kalani and she says it’s worse than what Kalani is saying. Abby agrees and says she shouldn’t dance injured.

Abby says she respects that but doesn’t respect Kira. Abby thinks Kira’s baby daddy should watch the newborn so Kira can be there. The group is now down one person. Holly mentions Kendall’s duet. Jill says they need to ask about and they all go.

Abby sys Nia can do it and says put Gianna with Nia and Kendall. Nia has just one day to learn the routine. Rehearsal gets off to a rough start. Nia tells Holly this is stressful but Holly says she can do it. She says she knows she’ll do her best and says make the most of it.

It’s competition day and Abby is sick as a dog. Jill tells her to brush her hair and Ashlee volunteers to help her if she needs it. Abby says she’s not vain and can be confident no matter what she looks like. Ashlee goes and pulls out her rollers for her.

Abby eats sloppily and Ashlee helps her out. Jill rants about what Brynn will get since Ashlee is sucking up to her. Jill gives Nia and Kendall a pep talk. Ashlee comes back and annoys the other moms and a full scale argument breaks out.

Ashlee snaps and tells Jill f-k you then calls her an f-ing bitch. Jill calls her classy. Ashlee storms out and says she has no allies on the team. She says Abby is the only one she can be with now. Ashlee comes crying to Abby and says save the tears for your pillow.

Abby says don’t cry, you’re a pretty girl and pats her hand. Abby tells Nia she can do this then tells Brynn she needs to step up and be a leader like Maddie and says you earn trust. Kendall thanks Nia for stepping up for Kalani. Nia says the pressure is on as they take the stage.

There are lots of mistakes and timing problems. Abby pulls a face and Jill says there was a flub in the middle. Holly says they did better in rehearsal. Kendall says they blew it and didn’t do their best. Nia cries and says she let everyone down. Mackenzie comforts her.

Holly comes and says there’s no reason to cry. Kendall comes to comfort her too and Kalani sys it’s all her fault. They all hug it out. Now it’s Brynn and Maddie’s duet. Brynn hopes they do well so she can get onto the team.

Their music cuts out and they keep dancing. The audience claps as they keep going in perfect sync. Abby is on her feet at the end. Abby says everyone says she favors Maddie and now Brynn and says Nia and Kendall’s performance wasn’t up to snuff.

Abby tells Nia and Kendall there were problems and Gianna says Kendall messed up when Nia missed a step. Jill says with less than 24 hours, that’s what you get. Jill and Abby argue. Jill says you win, you humiliated the girls and says it’s not fair to Kendall and Nia.

Kendall says she got set up and Abby says get over yourself. Jill starts screaming and says Abby is responsible for what she puts on stage. Jill says I hope you’re happy. Kendall says Abby is happy. Abby says this is sour grapes of Jill over Brynn.

Jill says when Abby wants Maddie to win, she gives her a winning routine now Melissa has to chime in. Jill says she has a team of seven and should give them every chance and equal opportunities. Abby says she’s there to teach Kendall how to dance, not to make her feel good.

Now it’s ready for group and Jessa says they have to prove they can handle mature choreography without Kalani. Abby tells the girls she hopes they all get the chance to step on a Broadway stage one day and sys make Mr Fosse proud.

Kendall hopes this will redeem her from the bad duet. It is a really cool Broadway type number. Abby says she loved it and the girls were great. She says we’ll see what the judges thought. It’s time for the awards. Nia and Kendall took second despite the errors.

Brynn and Maddie takes first. Ashlee is thrilled and says this was Brynn’s big moment. She’s hoping they’re on the team for good. The team also takes first place for group. Abby says they’re all good. Abby says Maddie needs to be that polished in her own solo she’ll get next week.

Ashlee speaks up and says Brynn has been working her butt off. Melissa says they all have been working hard and says Ashlee is implying the others don’t work that hard. Abby says that’s not what it means. Jill chimes in and another cat fight starts.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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