Fear The Walking Dead Premiere Recap 4/10/16: Season 2 Episode 1 “Monster”

Fear The Walking Dead continues on AMC tonight with all its gory goodness with an all new Sunday April 10, Season 2 premiere called “Monster” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, in the second-season premiere, the families flee a burning Los Angeles on Strand’s yacht, as Strand remains mysterious.

On the last season one finale episode of Fear The Walking Dead, as civil unrest continued to grow and the dead took over, Travis and Madison explored new ways to protect their families in the Season 1 finale. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the AMC synopsis, “in the second-season premiere, the families flee a burning Los Angeles on Strand’s yacht, as Strand remains mysterious. Meanwhile, the group encounters danger at sea.”

You aren’t going to want to miss any of the unfolding action tonight and neither do I. We’ll be recapping the season 2 premiere live right here for you at 9pm. In the meantime, hit up the comments and tell us what you’re expecting from the season 2 premiere. Who do you think is going to die tonight, any major characters or just the regular walkers.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#FearTWD #FearTheWalkingDead starts at the beach. Fires are burning as Madison stares out at the water. Nick and some of the others are on the water heading for the yacht. He covers up his ex’s body and they ready to board the raft when it returns for them.

On board the boat, Nick goes looking for Strand and says the launch is unloaded. Strand says they’re about to have a problem. He says head back to land fast. There are explosions and gunshots in the distance. Walkers begin approaching and Travis is scared for Chris.

Chris is with his mother’s body and won’t stop. He says he can’t leave her. Walkers attack and Travis does down but Madison helps him and Travis bashes them in the head. The walkers get closer and Nick pulls up and shouts that they have to go.

Madison runs stuff to the launch. Travis carries her body and a walker lunges at the launch and then Nick uses the outboard motor to chop up its face so they can get loose. On the land, chaos reigns. They speed towards the yacht. Strand sees them coming and says well done Nick.

They approach the yacht and unload. Strand accelerates the boat and sends them far away from the shore. They all watch as LA goes up in flames. Madison comforts Alicia as they watch the flames and noise get worse.

They get farther from shore as a jet flies in and drops bombs. The city is awash in fire and looks like a living hell. Next day, Strand teaches Nick and Daniel about the boat. He says they can go 3000 miles on the fuel they have if they take it slow.

Travis finds Chris with his mom’s body looking sullen. Daniel and the others hear noise and go to check it out. They watch from the deck as people shout mayday. There’s a raft pull of people and Madison sends Alicia to get Travis.

Madison tells Strand they need to help those people. He says no. He says he’s filled his mercy quote saving the seven of them and tells her to be thankful. Alicia wants to help them but Travis says they need to figure out where they can go.

He asks Alicia to go listen to the radio while he talks to Strand. Ofelia sits brooding. Strand tells Madison they head south but have to avoid land. Travis says the military won’t help. Madison demands he stop the boat and Strand says if he stops it’s to put people off, not take them on.

Madison storms out and Strand speeds up to get away from the stranded boaters. Alicia hears a bunch of mayday calls. Chris hears when she comes downstairs carrying the radio. He’s on the bed next to his mother’s body.

Travis goes back out on the deck and sees Daniel holding a shotgun in his hands. The Coast Guard announces on the radio that there is no way to rescue anyone and say forgive us. Nick goes to talk to Strand up top. Nick says he should have stopped.

Strand says they had this conversation in the pen about this but Nick says it’s different. Strand won’t discuss it. Nick asks what if San Diego is bad and Strand says the whole world is in a state of I don’t know right now.

Alicia comes out on deck and goes to her mom. Madison says she should sleep but Alicia says she can’t sleep. She won’t let her mom take the radio and says Travis told her to monitor it. Madison gives up after Alicia promises to sleep soon.

Travis tells Madison that Chris is with his mom’s body and won’t come out. Travis says he knows she wanted to help the boat people and says they have no plan and almost no supplies and have a hurt woman, a scared kid and a corpse.

Madison says she can’t live with leaving them. Travis says they don’t know if those people were infected and need to hold onto their family. He says he needs her with him but she stomps into the bathroom. Alicia listens to more bad news on the radio then hears a man saying hello.

He asks if anyone is alive. He says they’re alive but barely. He plays a sad song and says give me a shout if you dig this tune. Alicia clicks the radio and he asks if someone is there. She hesitates and the guy says don’t be shy, there’s not much point now.

He tries to lure her to talk to him. He says just say something. She says I’m here. We see the boat on the water heading South with nothing around it. Chris uncovers his mom’s face and looks at her. Chris kisses her head. Is he going to get infected? He covers her back up.

Daniel is fishing later when Chris comes out on deck. He grabs a rod and joins the man. Daniel asks if his dad taught him and he says at a lake when he was young. He casts then asks what you catch out here. Daniel rattles off some possibilities.

He tells Chris sorry about his mom. Chris says sorry about your wife then says neither got to say goodbye. Daniel says that wouldn’t have changed anything. Daniel catches and eel and clubs it. He says the meat is good. Nick runs into Ofelia on the stairs.

He asks if she wants help with her bandage and she says Liza told her it would took some time to heal. He says put ointment on the pad then put it on the bandage. He says drink vodka too. Alicia talks to the guy on the radio who says his brother has a shitty little boat.

He says they find a cove but they have no food and the fish aren’t biting but it’s safe. She asks where he is and he says he’s not sure if he should say then says sorry. She says it’s okay. He asks where she was when it happened and she says it’s not fair.

She says it was over before she knew it started and says it was all over. The guy says sorry. She asks if he lost anyone. Travis finds Daniel swabbing the deck and asks how Chris is doing. Daniel says they were fishing and you don’t talk when you fish.

Travis hangs there and Daniel says Chris will understand one day that what he did was an act of mercy for his mother. He says he would trade his failure for Travis’ mercy.

Madison watches the water through binoculars looking all around the boat. She goes back inside the main cabin and hears voices. She goes to listen and calls out to Strand. She goes upstairs and sees he’s not in the captain’s chair.

She sees the wheel is moving and hears him speaking Spanish. She goes up on deck and finds him up top steering from there. She says she heard music out on the water. He says sound carries strange on the water but it’s not likely.

He says he was talking to himself to stay awake and says it’s a characteristic of the gifted – Madison says of the crazy too. Madison says he can sleep and no one will throw him over. She asks how deep it is there and says they should take care of her.

Alicia talks to the guy who talks about going to Hawaii. He says it’s too far for his boat. She asks if they have water and he says they have a little and may be drinking pee too. He asks if she has water and she says they have a desalinization center.

He asks if she’s on a yacht and if they could make Hawaii. Daniel is not watching the water with binoculars and she asks what comes next. He says if it’s the end of the world, it’s already over. She asks if he’s seen Strand sleep and Daniel calls him Ahab.

She says Strand saved them all and hasn’t lied. Daniel says he was packing his bags before the bombs fell then asks why he wouldn’t just stay in his big safe house. He wonders whether Strand has motives they don’t know.

She says they should watch him and he says he has been. The guy tells Alicia it’s just him, his brother and his sister and law. He says everyone else was turned or taken. She says sorry. The others take Liza’s body up top and prepare to give her a burial at sea.

Travis says she loved to help people and was selfless. He talks about how strong she was and how fierce she could be. Chris lurks nearby but not very close. Travis says the best thing they did together was make their son and says she loved Chris more than anything.

Chris looks at his dad. He comes closer. Chris covers her face and dumps her body overboard almost angrily then storms away. Travis follows. Her body sinks into the depths. Chris fights with his dad and insists he could have fixed this. He hits his dad and rages that he shot her.

Madison approaches Travis when he comes out and looks at the mark on his face where his son hit him. Alicia turns the radio on and calls for Jack. She hears noise and he says hold on. He says the hull is taking on water and they have to try and make land.

She says the dead are on land and says they can come get them. He says he can see the fire on the Santa Monica mountains. He asks for their location. Alicia comes and tells them about Jack. Strand comes down and asks who’s Jack.

She says he’s on a boat near here and is sinking. Strand asks if she told him anything about them. She says nothing important and Strand says this is not a game. Travis says back off. He’s angry and wants to know what she told them.

Strand says rule number one, it’s my boat. Rule number two, it’s my boat and rule three, it’s my goddamn boat. He says they would all have burned if not for him and says you’re welcome. Nick tells Strand that Alicia is trying to help and Strand says she’s hurting them.

He says you have to contribute or at least not hurt us. Nick asks how he can contribute. Strand asks how many times he should have died and Nick says every time he used. Strand asks if he was afraid and he says no. Strand says it’s fearlessness and has value in this world.

He calls him Nikolas and he says don’t call me that – that’s what my father called me. Strand smiles at him. Madison goes to talk to Chris who is zoned out. She asks if he hurt his hand and says it’s okay to be angry. She says she can remember the first time she hit her dad.

She says she was 13 and furious. She says it did not end well. He asks what she wants and she says for him to come up and says he needs to eat. She says nothing they can say makes this better. She says this hurts and the hurt stays but it had to happen that way.

She says if Travis didn’t do it, she would have and says she will never let that happen to someone she loves. She touches him on the back and then leaves. The group makes dinner and Travis pours Daniel a drink. They sit down at the table. Chris finally comes up too.

He goes out on the deck instead of sitting at the table. He sees fog approaching. They hear a splash and run out. Nick runs out and dives in after Chris who jumped over. Travis runs down. Nick swims to the kid and grabs him.

Nick asks what the hell he’s doing and Chris says he wanted to swim. Travis calls to them as they float. Nick says the water is fine. Nick dives down under the water and Alicia talks to Jack on the radio again. She says they can’t come get him and says sorry.

She says it’s just too dangerous. He doesn’t answer but then says it’s okay. He says I got you. He says I’ll see you soon. Strand hears an alarm beeping. He looks on the radar and then out through the glass. Alicia looks around.

Nick is down below the water and looks up. He sees a body above him and swims up thinking it’s Chris. It’s a walker bobbing along and it reaches for him. Nick pulls back away from it and swims for the surface. He calls out to his mom and she alerts Travis.

They hear noise and see bodies in the water hissing. Travis and Madison shout for them to get out of the water. There’s a shipwreck nearby and the bodies of the infected are all around. Nick hears something banging and dives below the water.

They shout for him to come back. Travis sets the launch out to get Chris away from a walker in a life jacket. Nick swims down lower in the water. He goes up under the boat that has turned over and we see bullet holes. They all shout for Nick to come back and Travis dives in the water to go get him.

Nick hears the thumping again and a walker comes at him. He fights it off as it snaps right in his face. Travis is close by but the light distracts the walker and he comes up with the yacht log in his hand. Strand hears more alarms and curses.

He runs down and tells them they have to go now. He says someone is coming. Madison calls out to Travis. Strand tells Alicia it could be the ones who did that. Travis and Nick are in the launch and head back. Madison says they’re coming back and Strand says the other boat is faster.

He’s worried the other boat killed those people. The launch gets back and Madison says they have to go now. Madison calls up to Strand and says go. She says whoever did that is coming back.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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