Fear The Walking Dead Recap 5/1/16: Season 2 Episode 4 “Blood in the Streets”

Fear The Walking Dead continues on AMC tonight with all its gory goodness with an all new Sunday May 1, Season 2 episode 4 called “Blood in the Streets” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Madison (Kim Dickens) confronts Strand (Colman Domingo) about his mysterious destination.

On the last episode of Fear The Walking Dead, the group sought shelter with a survivalist family; and Madison tried to uncover the family’s true motives. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the AMC synopsis, “Madison confronts Strand about his mysterious destination. Meanwhile, Nick, Alicia and others inspect wreckage from a plane crash.”

You aren’t going to want to miss any of the unfolding action tonight and neither do I. We’ll be recapping the season 2 episode 4 live right here for you at 9pm. In the meantime, hit up the comments and tell us what you’re expecting from the season 2 episode 4. Who do you think is going to die tonight, any major characters or just the regular walkers.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#FearTWD #FearTheWalkingDead starts with night on the water and waves crashing into the beach. Nick swims to shore naked with a plastic bag tied to his leg with his clothes in it. He staggers to shore coughing and collapses for a moment. Then he crawls further in and opens the bag.

He hears a sound and a helicopter speeds above him. There are searchlights and other lights. He gets dressed rapidly. He heads up the beach and we see a camp of tents but they look to be abandoned. He walks among the tents. A walker staggers along.

Nick bangs a jug he finds to draw out the infected dead. He lures one out and goes slow enough for it to follow him then ducks into a tent and zips it. When it gets close to the mesh of the tent he kills it and the pulls it into the tent. Nick begins to gut the thing.

Nick gags as he opens up the abdominal cavity then begins to smear the gore onto himself. He coats his clothes, face and flesh with it. He comes out of the tent and looks around. On the boat, Travis rants to Madison about strand cutting the raft loose.

She asks what can he do and he says throw him overboard. Madison says they need him and she wants to start over, not just survive. Travis says they don’t even know if this place Strand is talking about exists and questions gambling their lives on him.

Chris sits with Ofelia who asks why he’s not sleeping. He says noise in his head then asks if she’s been to Mexico. She says no and that they never left the neighborhood or their shop. She says she watched over her parents and that was her life.

Chris asks if she had a man in her life. Ofelia says she had a few relationships. He talks about a girl he was seeing before his mom moved him back to LA and put him in parochial school. She says her parents sent her to Catholic school but she still had fun.

Ofelia says there are still girls on the planet and he can bank on it. Chris laughs and she says somewhere out there. They see a small boat approaching and go check it out. It’s a raft and the people call for help. Chris asks if he should shoot them.

Ofelia and Chris run down and he screams for Travis. Chris holds a gun on them. Alicia hears the noise. Travis, Daniel and Madison come in and Chris says they just came on board. They guy says they lost their engine and were drifting.

Strand comes out as Travis asks them questions about where they were and who they saw. Strand goes for his gun and sees the clip is gone. The young woman, Vida, is heavily pregnant and Alicia asks who this is. Alicia hears noises above and goes up.

Alicia hears the voice and says Jack when she comes upstairs. The newcomers attack. Alicia says please don’t do this and asks why he’s doing it. He says this ship is a price. Reed says his son made the mistake by not shooting them like he asked.

Vida head butts Madison who had taken her to the bathroom to help her and knocks her out. Reed says tie them up or I shoot them. Reed tells his sidekick Jack to look for the captain and Nick. Daniel asks Alicia how he knows their names and she says she didn’t tell them.

We see them shoot at the launch that was pulling away. We see a flashback to Strand looking at footage of the Katrina hurricane. He talks about his dad being a strip mall preacher who’s dead now. He’s talking to guest star Dougray Scott (aka Thomas Sinclair) about their backgrounds.

Strand says everything he owns is in salvage and the other guy brings up Strand’s comment that he’s bankrupt. Strand tells him to skip out on a meeting he’s dreading but the guy says he’s obligated. Strand helps the drunk guy to his room later and unties his shoes for him.

He gets Thomas a bottle of water and pulls of his jacket. He’s mostly passed out and Strand checks his wallet and flips through his cards and the guy says maybe I won’t remember. Strand tucks his credit cards into his pocket and shushes him.

Reed asks Ofelia if she has a gunshot wound then asks Alicia who has the key to the boat. Ofelia says the guy you shot was the captain who had the key. He asks Chris if it’s true then slaps him. Reed holds a gun to Chris’ head and Travis says please stop.

He keeps counting to five. Travis says Strand has the key. Travis says you don’t need the keys and says he can hotwire the boat but let my son go. He stops and lets Chris go. Vida brings Madison in and she says she’s okay. The girl shoves her down.

Alicia says Nick is gone and Daniel says Strand abandoned ship and they shot at him. Jack says Strand ripped out the wheelhouse radio and Reed says find the radio and contact Connor. Jack pulls Alicia aside and says it will be better once Connor is there.

He says Connor will listen to him. Gore-covered Nick is on shore looking for an address that’s written on a piece of paper. He’s within a zone that’s blocked off by fences. He staggers past an infected who doesn’t register him at all.

We see Strand pouring coffee in his hotel room. A man comes looking for him – it’s Thomas Abigail – the guy he robbed. He introduces the other man as Luis and they come into the room. Thomas looks at the nice suit he has hanging.

He says at least Strand knew what to buy and Luis says he took out $36k in cash advances. Thomas asks where the money went and he says he bought debt to collect. Thomas says he seems like a man who can create beauty from something coarse.

Strand sits across from him and says call the cops or I can pay you a return on your investment. Luis wants to hurt him. Thomas says meet me downstairs at the bar. He tells Strand he’s obligated not pardoned. Now, Strand struggles with the sinking raft.

He drops his satellite phone and it sinks into the ocean. Travis looks to see if he can hotwire the boat. Reed says tell me if you’re full of shit. He tells the guy it’s computerized and he needs to override it down in the engine room.

Daniel and Madison whisper and wonder where Nick is and she asks if Daniel can get loose. Travis says it’s an hour to get the boat running. Madison asks Vida about the baby and she says she doesn’t know when she’s due but guesses four weeks.

Madison says that means any time now. Vida says she just wants the baby out of her and mentions she’s having a daughter. Connor radios Jack and he asks about Alicia then says he looks forward to meeting her.

Alicia asks Jack if any of what he told her was true. He says part of it. She asks him how many came before this and how many died.

He says he’s sorry about the one Reed shot and she says Strand was no better and they’ve done worse on this boat. Alicia says maybe they found each other for a reason. Jack asks her to come back with him. Alicia says with her family.

He says their resources are limited and she says her family has to come. She says she’ll contribute and help and can be with him if she knows her family is safe. She says protect my family. Jack considers it and nods. He cuts her hands loose.

Alicia hugs him and he wraps his arms around her. Nick bounces a basketball as he walks up the street and then looks in a window. He knocks on a door and then someone is there with his gun out. Nick holds up his hands and says don’t shoot.

Nick holds out the paper and says Abigail and then the guy says about time. He says they had boat trouble. The guy is loading stuff in the car and Nick asks why not stay here behind the gates. It’s Luis, the guy who knows Thomas.

The guy complains about Nick’s stench and says go take a shower. He asks what he meant by all of us when he mentioned the boat. Daniel works on his bonds but whispers to Madison he needs more time. The girl pours a drink and Madison says one drink won’t hurt her.

She asks the girl when was the last time she felt the baby move then says she lost one between her two kids. She says the heart just stopped beating and asks again when she last felt her move. Madison says if the baby died, it could turn.

Ofelia asks wouldn’t you feel a thing writing inside you. Vida freaks and attacks her but Reed makes her stop. Travis hides a tool in the chair cushion – a crow bar – then Travis and Reed go back to the engine room. Nick is cleaned up with Luis and he says he has transit for two – Strand and Luis.

Luis says he’s known Strand since he met Tom. Luis says his mom raised him and Thomas together. Nick asks if it’s safe there. Luis says his mother would be safe anywhere especially this one. They head down to a hidden raft on the beach.

Flashback to Celia with Thomas and he asks about Luis. Strand is there too. Strand tells Thomas that Celia and Luis neither one like him. Strand talks to Thomas about presenting to the council but he won’t let him talk business at that point.

Strand says after this going back to reality is terrible and Thomas says put off the meeting and stay. He says they will never want for anything. He says a home for Celia and Luis and this for him makes him feel the rest of the world has fallen away.

He holds out his hand to Strand who takes it. They look like a couple. Reed paces and then says Connor is here. He tells Travis to start the engine now. The other boat pulls up and several people get off. Travis starts the engine. Connor and Ben come on board with guns out. Vida says finally.

Connor asks why they hurt her then says they only need Alicia and Travis. Jack says they need to get them to shore. Connor agrees. Alicia and Travis are led out with bags over their head and get onto the boat. The others are left behind. Daniel keeps working on his bonds.

Reed says Connor has a weak stomach. Madison says put is on the launch. She says they’ll go to shore. She says they can take the boat. Reed says the launch is part of the yacht. Madison says they’ll swim to shore. They hear a noise and go look.

Nick cautions Luis that there are people on board with guns. He says the ones with guns are not ours. Luis pulls out a rifle and takes out two of them. Madison stabs a distracted Reed with a crowbar and then Chris grinds it in. They take the guns.

Nick and Luis come on board and Nick says Strand sent him to get Luis. Madison says Strand left and they shot at his raft. Madison says they have to get Travis and Alicia. Daniel wants to leave Strand but Luis says no Strand, no Mexico.

In the past, Thomas tells Strand he can’t leave and says there are riots. Strand promises to come back in two days and kisses Thomas but Thomas worries about the outbreaks. Now, we see Strand floating in the ocean. Madison pulls up in the launch and pulls him out of the water.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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