Game of Thrones Season 6 Spoilers: Jon Snow Battles Ramsay Bolton for Winterfell – Pregnant Sansa Stark

“Game of Thrones” spoilers for Season 6 reveal that Jon Snow (Kit Harrington) is not coming back as nice as he once was and GoT fans are wondering just what will be his mood upon waking? Will Jon be a mute monster like Gregor-Stein, who’s shadowing Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey)?

Or will Jon be more like Beric Dondarrion (Richard Dormer), who seems to be lucid, despite repeated resurrections? Season 6 “Game of Thrones” spoilers tease that after Jon deals with the traitors at The Wall, he’ll turn his vengeful eye on Ramsay Bolton (Iwan Rheon), who sets up shop at Winterfell.

For those of you without The North Region of Westeros on your Google Maps, let’s look at the geography quickly. The Dreadfort is slightly North and very much East of Winterfell, closer to the chilly sea. But Winterfell is on the King’s Road, which gives an unimpeded route up to The Wall and Castle Black.

Ramsay knows that Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) would head North to her brother Jon Snow. Also, it seems like no crows have headed South to alert anyone to the buggery going on at The Wall. So why wouldn’t Ramsay just head North? He’s crazy but not dumb…

The Bastard Bolton wants to be King of the North now that patricide, fratricide, and step-matricide are out of the way. Plus, Ramsay might see Winterfell as a better jumping off point to attack Castle Black, which he expects to be largely undefended since he doesn’t know about the Wildlings.

Filming spoilers from Season 6 GoT in Belfast, Ireland teased a large battle of the Stark allies, likely led by Jon Snow with an assist from Davos Seaworth (Liam Cunningham) vs Bolton for Winterfell. Some promos have also shown Sansa in what looks like Stark emblem wear, with wolves on her breast plate.

Other GoT spoilers reveal that Sansa and Davos will bond. This indicates Sansa makes it to Castle Black in one piece thanks to Brienne of Tarth (Gwendolyn Christie). Brienne and Podrick Payne (Daniel Portman) look to be among those taking on Bolton to rid Westeros of his insane cruelty once and for all.

But even once Ramsay is taken out, his demon seed may still be lurking. Some shots of Sansa Stark look awfully like she’s sporting a baby bump. Did the rape take root? Once Ramsay is dealt with, though, all eyes will turn North to the White Walkers heading for Westeros.

This is when we should finally see Bran Stark (Isaac H Wright) reunited with his living siblings (save Arya). Given the large cast and parsing of episodes to cover all stories plus the short 10 episode run, it seems doubtful that we’ll see much (if any) Night King vs Resurrected Jon Snow/Azor Ahai action.

What do you think, “Game of Thrones” fans? Can Jon Snow and the Wildlings take down Ramsay Bolton once and for all – and will anyone in the North shed a tear when he dies? Are you excited for another battle for Winterfell?

What do you think of a Stark-Bolton baby? Share your comments below and check back with CDL often for more “Game of Thrones” spoilers plus live recaps of new GoT episodes every Sunday.

Stormy Elizabeth:
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