General Hospital (GH) Spoilers: Evil Messages Behind Helena’s Final Gifts Revealed – Which Port Charles Lives Are At Risk?

General Hospital (GH) Spoilers: Evil Messages Behind Helena’s Final Gifts Revealed – Which Port Charles Lives Are At Risk?General Hospital (GH) Spoilers: Evil Messages Behind Helena’s Final Gifts Revealed – Which Port Charles Lives Are At Risk?

“General Hospital” (GH) spoilers reveal that Helena Cassadine’s (Constance Towers) parting gifts should come into play for May sweeps and we’ll finally find out what all the mystery is about. Remember the five cryptic gifts – the envelope, penny, dagger, painting and the key? Here’s a look at what these mean…

First is the painting. Clearly there is a man reflected in the coffee urn and the speculation was that it’s Nikolas Cassadine (Tyler Christopher) and the message is Helena knew Nikolas poisoned her coffee. That’s likely not the way that is going to play out.

There was too much made out of talk before the will reading of the “eldest Cassadine male” and that’s likely who will be revealed as May sweeps peak. Whether it’s Lizard Man Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton), an old character from the past or a new Cassadine remains to be seen.

Nikolas just lost ELQ and Hayden Barnes (Rebecca Budig) could put him in jail at any moment for attempted murder so the last thing for him to lose is the Cassadine legacy and that’s what happens if an older Cassadine male shows up.

Looks like GH showrunners are setting up Prince Nik to hit rock bottom and that’s why the painting. It was to warn him of his fate. General Hospital spoilers say that this ties into the dagger given to Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn) as well. If the Cassadine heir is coming to clean house, he may eradicate the mutt Cassadines.

That means Alexis and Sam Morgan (Kelly Monaco) could be at risk along with Kristina Corinthos (Lexi Ainsworth) and Molly Lansing (Haley Pullos). Helena mentioned she thought of using the dagger to slit Alexis’ throat too so it seems like a warning of impending violence.

Valentin Cassadine is the one everyone has been waiting on – he hates the Cassadines and the Spencers both – and was the one person Helena was terrified of – but it could easily be another irritated Cassadine ready to clean house in Port Charles.

GH spoilers ask what about the empty envelope? That represents Lulu Spencer’s (Emme Rylan) empty womb. There’s still a Stavros-Lulu embryo out there. Helena may have tossed out Lulu and Dante Falconeri’s (Dominic Zamprogna) embryo and replaced it, or she could be growing it elsewhere.

The new Cassadine might show up with Lulu’s toddler in tow that he’s molding into his minion. But rest assured, that embryo should come into play in coming months. But let’s not forget the creepy coloring book about Jake Spencer (Hudson West). What’s that about?

Sure there were DNA tests done on Jake, but a DNA test at GH is like a magic eight ball – unpredictable and often untrue. The coloring book was to reveal to Liz Webber (Rebecca Herbst) what happened to her son on Cassadine Island.

Most GH fans seem to be expecting a reveal that little Jack is not Liz’s kid at all but may be someone else’s kid Helena kidnapped and placed in Liz’s life to torment her and Jason Morgan (Billy Miller). The recast of Hudson West will play into this storyline.

The penny to Sam and her sisters is of interest too – Sam wanted to toss it but perhaps she should have looked it over first. There may have been a year of importance that it was issued – or something inscribed on it.

Let’s hope someone kept it, because General Hospital’s experienced fans know it meant something other than implying that Sam and her sisters aren’t worth much in Helena’s opinion. Pennies are loaded with symbolism. Abe Lincoln was a liberator – perhaps Helena sees the new Cassadine as a liberator as well.

But Laura Spencer’s (Genie Francis) key is the critical component. The key literally led to the old chest with the law book and the cryptic message that Laura will soon unravel thanks to the help of Dr Kevin Collins (Jon Lindström) but it’s also a metaphorical key.

The idea is that Laura’s key will unlock the meaning of all of Helena’s bequests and will open the door to the new Cassadine reign of terror that Helena was no doubt planning to leave in her wake. Helena was terrified of the other Cassadine.

But perhaps she was also complicit in setting the stage for a Cassadine master plot. Helena may have set up these bequests at the mystery Cassadine’s urging in exchange for a quick and merciful death via poisoning rather than torture or bloodshed.

This should begin to unfold by May sweeps but we know GH likes to play out plotlines excruciatingly slowly so don’t expect any resolution for months to come. What do you think GH fans? Are you excited to see Helena’s evil messages revealed?

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Marcy Cohen:
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