General Hospital (GH) Spoilers: Is Julexis Over for Good? Vote in Our Poll

General Hospital (GH) Spoilers: Is Julexis Over for Good? Vote in Our PollGeneral Hospital (GH) Spoilers: Is Julexis Over for Good? Vote in Our Poll

“General Hospital” (GH) spoilers tease that Alexis Davis (Nancy Grahn) thinks Julian Jerome (William deVry) should bow to her ultimatum and be arrested for the Carlos murder to prove that he loves her. Is she deluding herself? Is Julexis done for good? Vote in the CDL poll below.

General Hospital spoilers indicate that Alexis seems to think Julian will keep loving her no matter what but her coming betrayal of him could well be the nail in the coffin that will house the corpse of their relationship. Alexis doesn’t seem to understand the true nature of the man she loves.

Julian grew up in the mob and killed his sister Olivia to protect his interests. Julian is ruthlessly self-protective – as you have to be when you’re in a cartel and survival is a daily life-and-death matter. Alexis has been very naïve about Julian GH spoilers say it’s about to cost her.

Two things will happen soon that could kill the residual love that Julian has for Alexis and vice-versa. First, General Hospital spoilers say that Alexis will alert the PCPD that the Carlos murder weapon is in their home. When the cops knock on the door and interrupt the wedding, Julian will realize what she did.

The cops will take the weapon and Julian knows 100% that his wife has betrayed him and set him up to go to jail. The problem is, Alexis is convinced this is the best thing for them and that somehow Julian can see past her calling the cops.

But in Julian’s world, snitches get stitches and his wife just snitched on him. Interestingly, GH spoilers tease Alexis will be the one arrested over the murder weapon, not Julian. That’s because Julian wiped his prints off and Alexis handled it later.

By the end of the week, Alexis should land at the PCPD for the Carlos murder. Paul Hornsby (Richard Burgi) will come to Alexis and offer her a deal that would deepen her betrayal. Paul knows Julian is guilty and offers her a chance to set Julian up and save herself.

At the same time, Julian turns to Nina Clay (Michelle Stafford) to confirm his alibi for the time of the shooting. Julian feels utterly betrayed and what makes it work is that Nina will step up for him in a way that his own wife won’t.

Other GH spoilers reveal that Alexis still loves Julian and wants to be with him despite all of this mess, so whether she’ll take Paul up on his offer remains to be seen. Julian may be ready to wash his hands of his wife and move on to someone he can trust.

But you never know, Julian and Alexis have killer chemistry but they may be too ideologically different to survive – particularly since Julian seems to be embracing his dark side once again and is steering the Jerome cartel.

What do you think GH fans? Can Julexis survive the Carlos murder mess? Can Julian look past Alexis’ betrayal? Can Alexis get past his criminal ties?

Vote in the POLL, share your comments below and check back with CDL often for more “General Hospital” spoilers and news.

Stormy Elizabeth:
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