General Hospital (GH) Spoilers: Who is the Better Mom – Sam or Liz?

“General Hospital” (GH) spoilers reveal that Sam Morgan (Kelly Monaco) is leaving town on an adventure with Jason Morgan (Billy Miller) on this week’s episodes and leaving her son Danny behind. Liz Webber (Rebecca Herbst) is also leaving on an adventure without her kids. So who’s the better mom? See what CDL has to say then vote in our poll.

Many GH fans give Liz a hard time for having three kids by three different men, but she does love her boys. Sam has just the one son, but has been involved with a heck of a lot of guys too. That being said, that doesn’t make one or the other a better mom.

General Hospital spoilers say critics of Liz will say that she was so focused on keeping Jason from finding out his identity that she didn’t pay attention to warning signs that Jake Webber was off. Critics of Sam will ask why you never see her with Danny and why he’s always with a sitter.

But what makes a mom a good mother? Is it love? In that case, both women are standouts since they love their children. Is it time spent with their kids? In that case, both women seem to fall short but, then again, it’s the writing that keeps the kids away.

Both Liz and Sam have had to deal with the death of a baby daddy although Sam’s loss turned out to not be for real. But still, both thought they had a child with a man that died. For Liz, she had two dead baby daddies when she also thought Jason was dead.

Both were hard-working single moms for a while. General Hospital history reminds fans that Liz had two boys (since Jake had not come back yet) while Sam had one. Plus, Liz also spent years thinking she had lost her son with Jason – until the resurrection of Jake which has yet to be properly explained.

Where we can agree that Liz falls short is when she set Jason up to play dad to her three boys. Her kids got attached to him. Once Liz knew Jake Doe was Jason and married with another kid out there, she was clearly in the wrong.

Liz set her kids up for an unnecessary hurt when Jason walked away. If she had been honest as soon as she knew the truth, things would have gone better. Where Sam falls short is when she had thugs scare Liz and her kids – back a few years ago.

The bottom line is, Sam and Liz have both made mistakes. But is one a better mother than the other? Which do you think is the best mom between Sam and Liz? Share your comments below and vote in our POLL.

Be sure to check back with CDL often for more “General Hospital” spoilers and news.

Stormy Elizabeth:
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