General Hospital (GH) Spoilers: Who Is the Worst Jerome – Is it Ava or Julian – Vote in Our POLL

General Hospital (GH) Spoilers: Who Is the Worst Jerome - Is it Ava or Julian - Vote in Our POLLGeneral Hospital (GH) Spoilers: Who Is the Worst Jerome - Is it Ava or Julian - Vote in Our POLL

“General Hospital” (GH) spoilers reveal that both Jerome siblings are facing adversity on this week’s episodes. Ava Jerome (Maura West) has more custody problems brewing and Julian Jerome (William deVry) is facing multiple murder charges. But which Jerome is the worst, the most evil? Let’s take a look at the facts and then vote in the POLL.

Both are killers.

Ava killed Connie Falconeri (Kelly Sullivan) to protect Julian and Julian killed Carlos Rivera (Jeffrey V Parise) to protect himself. Back when Julian was first on GH, he killed his other sister Olivia Jerome, so with just one sister left, Julian would kill to protect her too. Also, Ava goaded Sonny into killing AJ Quartermaine (Sean Kanan) after she messed with his mind and encouraged Sonny to go off his meds.

Both are sleazy.

Julian impregnated Alexis Davis (Nancy L Grahn) as a teen in the back of a car and knocked up Olivia Falconeri (Lisa LoCicero) in a New Year’s one-nighter. But neither of those compare to Ava’s creepy crypt sex with Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) that resulted in Avery – and Ava seducing barely legal Morgan Corinthos (Bryan Craig). Both Jeromes are fertile and freaky – what a combination.

Both are mobsters.

Both Ava and Julian have had a turn helming the Jerome mob machine and both ran the family crime business with ruthlessness and aplomb. Ava and Julian both encroached on Sonny’s mob territory, fought dirty with the Corinthos cartel, took out henchmen, and engaged in shady business. On the mob front, the Jerome siblings seem equally cruel.

Both are sketchy parents.

Julian didn’t know either of his two older kids, Sam Morgan (Kelly Monaco) and Lucas Jones (Ryan Carnes), when they were growing up because of the questionable choices he made. Ava did know Kiki Jerome (Hayley Erin), but lied to her for 18 years about who her father was. Both have babies with people who don’t really like them – but at least Olivia is co-parenting with Julian (for now).

Both tried to go legit and failed.

On the plus side, both Ava and Julian did try to go legit at one point. Julian really did try to clean up his act because he loved Alexis and his son Leo and wanted to get out of the cartel. That didn’t work out, though. Ava also tried to get clear of the mob for the sake of Avery, but Paul Hornsby (Richard Burgi) blackmailed her into gun running and prevented her fresh start.

Maybe Julian and Ava are just a product of their breeding and being bad is in their DNA. What do you think? Who is worse – Julian or Ava – or are they both equally as awful? Vote in the POLL below and share your comments on the Jerome siblings.

And be sure to check back with CDL every day for more “General Hospital” spoilers and news.

Stormy Elizabeth:
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