International celebrity chef and author Gordon Ramsay announced on Facebook that his wife, Tana, recently miscarried their fifth child. From the tone of his post, we can guess Gordon is trying to be strong for his family, but he’s obviously devastated after the loss of their son. We are slightly surprised he would share something so personal with the world when he doesn’t always appear so open on the small screen.
“We had a devastating weekend as Tana has sadly miscarried our son at five months,” Gordon Ramsay posted. “We’re together healing as a family, but we want to thank everyone again for all your amazing support and well wishes.” Gordon showed great restraint as he continued to thank the hospital staff responsible for Tana’s care. Tana herself is a cookbook author and TV personality.
We don’t usually see this softer, gentler side of the Scottish chef. He’s known for his trademark flash temper on his American shows: Hell’s Kitchen, Masterchef, MasterChef Jr., and Hotel Hell. Gordon Ramsay does all he can to bring out the best in the contestants competing on his shows – even if that means frightening them into a panic and making them wish they had never been born.
These FOX shows are seen in over 200 countries. Ramsay also has TV shows that air in the United Kingdom: Gordon Behind Bars, Ultimate Cookery Course, Gordon’s Great Escapes, and Gordon Ramsay Shark Bait. He has also published many bestselling cook books and owns several bars and restaurants internationally. His self-titled restaurant in London, Restaurant Gordon Ramsay, has received a rating of 3 Michelin stars. And to date, Ramsay has 8 Michelin stars total.
Gordon and Tana have four other children: Megan,17, Matilda, 14, and Holly and Jack who are 16-year-old fraternal twins. We’ve seen a quieter, more relaxed Gordon Ramsay on holiday specials where he cooks with his children. Not once does he raise his voice or lose his temper. That’s so good to see. Behind all that yelling and cursing is a kind man who must truly love his wife and family. And losing this baby had to be an absolutely terrible blow for them all.
Image credit to Gordon Ramsay // via Facebook