Grimm Recap 4/15/16: Season 5 Episode 17 “Inugami”

Grimm Recap 4/15/16: Season 5 Episode 17 "Inugami"Grimm Recap 4/15/16: Season 5 Episode 17 "Inugami"

Grimm returns to NBC tonight with a brand new Friday April 15, season 5 episode 17 called “Inugami,” and we have your weekly recap and spoilers below. On tonight’s episode, Local youths are in danger due to an ancient code of vengeance that has been adopted by Japanese Wesen; and Adalind (Claire Coffee) crosses paths with Eve upon returning to work at her old law firm.

On the last episode, an Evangelical minister attracted more “true believers” to his tent revival with the power of his Wesen identity; and Nick and Hank had to get involved when all hell breaks loose. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have you covered with a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the NBC synopsis, “when the severed head of a young man is found under a bridge, Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) find themselves on the case of Japanese Wesen acting on an ancient tradition of revenge. Elsewhere, Adalind (Claire Coffee) decides to go back to work at her old law firm and has her first face-to-face with Eve (Bitsie Tulloch).”

Don’t forget to come back here tonight at 9 PM EST for our recap. In the meantime, hit up the comments section below and let us know what you’re most looking forward to in tonight’s season 5 episode 17.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#Grimm starts with a hooded person drawing out a sword and purifying the blade with water. Nick pulls up in his car as a storm rages. The door opens and Eve gets in with him and closes the door behind her with magic. He says are we going to kill anyone.

She says Renard is cooperating with Black Claw and says he didn’t know Dixon would die but knows now. Nick asks why Rachel told her and she says she slept with her. Grimm says Rachel slept with Renard and talked to her.

Eve asks if he’s noticed any changes with Adalind and says the suppressant won’t last and he should be prepared because she won’t be who he knows now if she’s a hexenbiest again. Roger calls Mrs Johnson and asks for Brian.

She goes down to the basements stairs and calls to him but Brian says no. She goes down and asks why he’s not talking to Roger. Brian insists he’s fine and she hands him the phone. He says he’ll call as soon as she leaves. She agrees and leaves.

Brian ignores the phone and then she says goodbye. We see a shadow at the window. He goes to get a soda and then Roger pounds on the door. Brian says leave me alone and goodbye. Roger is annoyed. Brian finds a little red origami animal in the basement by his controller.

A Wesen is there and attacks him then drags him away. Brian is by the water where the hooded person was before. He wakes and begs the hooded person not to hurt him. The Wesen brings the sword down as Brian begs for mercy.

Nick goes to update Monroe and Rosalee that Renard is just the tip of the political iceberg and says Eve slept with Rachel wearing Renard skin so Rachel gave her all the dirt. He says Eve had no choice because she was too deep into it.

He says Eve also warned him about Adalind being a hexenbiest again. He asks if Rosalee knows when it will happen and she says Adalind was supposed to tell him. Rosalee says Adalind saved her from Tony while they were in Germany.

Rosalee says he came for money then attacked her and Adalind tried to call the cops but he came at her and it just happened. She says she broke every finger on his hand without touching him. She says Adalind was scared what Nick would do to her.

Nick says she didn’t tell him and Rosalee says she’s afraid. Monroe says let her keep the secret until she’s ready to tell him but be careful. Renard is all over Rachel and she says that makes up for last time. He asks what and she says it never happened. He’s confused.

She asks when he’s going to settle down and pop the question. She says voters want a married man with a family. He says he doesn’t have one but she says he will. Nick wraps the cloth back around the magic stick and reburies it.

Adalind wakes and finds him gone from the bed. She asks if he’s okay. He just climbed back up out of the tunnel and fakes like he was up getting water. He lies down beside her and she says she forgot to tell him something. She mentions a job interview.

He’s disappointed she’s not coming clean about the hexenbiest issue. She says it’s time she went back to work and then nods back off. He lies awake worried and looks over at her. Wu has a horrible nightmare. He wakes panting and freaked out.

He gets up and falls flat on his face. He sees fog coming in under his door and noises. The door opens and he sees woods outside. He steps outside and into the trees then runs off top speed, faster than he should be able to. We hear a wolf snarl.

Wu wakes in his bed and groans over a headache. He looks at his door and opens it. It’s just his bathroom and he sighs. We see on the floor are leaves like he was outside. Nick tells Monroe and Rosalee how to find where he hid the magic stick.

He tells him about the tunnels he thinks were built in prohibition era. He says he’s not telling Adalind anything else. Monroe says they need to figure out where the tunnels lead. Monroe offers for him and Rosalee to poke around while Adalind is at her job interview.

Nick shows up tired to work and tells Hank the Adalind secret. They look at Renard and then Nick says Renard is knowingly working with Black Claw. They wonder what to do and Nick says play dumb. Hank gets a call about a body – or part of it.

They meet Wu who says a fisherman spotted the head. It’s Brian. They see it’s a teenager and it’s a fresh head. Wu says there’s no surveillance here and they start with missing persons. Adalind is at her job interview with Harrison.

He says she was a favorite and they hated when she moved to Austria. He says hi to Kelly and her son smiles at him. He says let’s talk about when you two can start and she says whenever he’s ready. He says it’s nice to have a hexenbiest back and asks if she’s still that.

She woges and Kelly stares at his scary mom and smiles. Adalind says same as ever. Nick says the head was severed by a surgically sharp blade like a sword. Wu says Brian Johnson is the likely victim and they agree not to share the details.

They ask Brian’s parents why they reported him missing. They tell Hank and Nick that he left his phone and wasn’t there when they came home. They ask to see the basement where his mom last saw him. They go down and look around.

She says he was sitting on the couch and says his friend Roger kept calling but he wouldn’t take his calls. They tell him that Brian and Roger got three years’ probation for shooting a friend Kuma when they were drunk – it was deemed an accidental death.

They tell him the car was in the garage. Nick says they think he was murdered. They ask for signs of a struggle and they point out where his cell was found. They kneel and Nick picks up the origami animal. The dad says that’s Jin Akagi who never believed the shooting was an accident.

He says it’s Kuma’s dad who threatened them all. Hank gets a call and nods at Nick and says they need to go. Hank says they’ll call as soon as they know. Outside, Hank tells Nick they found a body with no head. Rosalee and Monroe go down into the tunnel.

They find the door Nick told them about. He says it’s like a bulk head door for a submarine. She worries there might be water on the other side. She doesn’t want him to open it but he says Nick already did. She says maybe it was low tide.

Monroe opens it but says hold your breath just in case. No water rushes in. Monroe sniffs and says it’s pungent. They wonder how far it goes then hear bats. He starts climbing down. Wu says the body was buried up to the neck and that’s why it took so long.

Wu is hit by a headache. They see the stub of a neck poking out of the soil by the water. The guys talk about the strange burial and why the killer did this to him there. Hank says that’s a lot of trouble. They wonder what it means.

Ms Johnson calls and says her husband is on the way to kill Jin for Brian’s death. Nick asks for the address. Dennis busts in calling for Jin and ranting that he killed his son. He’s attacked by a Wesen in full woge. Hank and Nick show up and the spouses tell him he attacked him and he defended himself.

Nick tells them that his son Brian died last night and Dennis comes to and says something attacked me. Nick sees swords on the wall and asks where Jin was last night. Jin says not without our lawyer and Nick says call your lawyer.

Dennis tells them he was attacked by an animal or someone in a mask and says it was white with blue eyes but he’s not thinking straight. He says he’s upset about his son. Wu steps in and says Jin is there with his lawyer. Nick says they have to hold him for a few and Dennis waits.

They go talk to Jin and Takeshi, his lawyer. He says Jin and his wife were sorry to learn about Brian’s death and won’t press charges. The lawyer says Jin and his wife were at a fund raiser and hands over a list of witnesses.

Nick says Brian was killed and they want to ask him about Kuma’s accident. The lawyer says the other two boys were drinking and shot his son. Jin says they shot his son and only got probation. Takeshi says charge him or they’re going.

Nick asks if anyone else was there when Dennis showed up. They tell him no. Nick says they need to go talk to Roger about the shooting. Monroe and Rosalee are in a large tunnel that may be part of the Shanghai tunnels. They wonder how far they’ll go. They creep along and then spot a skeleton.

Roger is shocked to learn Brian is dead and that he was murdered. Roger’s mom asks if her son is in danger and they ask about Kuma’s death. Hank says it can help them. They tell her Roger isn’t a suspect. Roger says his mom was gone that weekend.

He says he and Brian were drinking and smoking weed. He says Kuma came over and showed them a sword of his dad’s. He says they can slice and dice some stuff. Roger says he told them he had something cooler and got his granddad’s gun that his mom kept under the bed.

Roger says he came down with the gun and showed it to them. He says Brian picked it up and it went off and Kuma died. Nick asks what about the second shot. Roger says tell them what really happened. She says no.

Roger says Brian grabbed the gun from the case and shot it accidentally. Kuma who turned into a creature. Brian dropped the gun and it went off and shot Kuma who died. Roger says he turned into some kind of animal. He says he only told his mom.

She says he couldn’t say it in court and says it was the drugs. Roger says both he and Brian saw it. Hanks says Nick has to go Grimm on them and Hank says maybe it’s a ritual. They go to Jin’s house and he says nothing without our lawyer.

Nick says this is off the record and says Roger told them what really happened and says he saw Kuma woge. Jin plays dumb and Nick says he’s a Grimm and they have a lot to talk about. They panic and woge and try to close the door.

Hank says don’t make us hurt you. Nick asks about the swords and tell them how Brian was killed. They tell them it’s an Inugami – a ghost dog. He says they’re bound to a family and follow a very specific ritual that matches Brian’s death to the letter.

The wife says it leaves their soul in peril. Jin says they don’t have an Inugami and says you only have one if you save someone’s life and neither has. The mom says her father saved the life of a friend when they were done. She pauses but Jin says tell them if you know.

She says it’s Takeshi, her father’s best friend who always looked after him after her father died. Hank says to call Takeshi and tell him that cops are harassing him. Jin says this would be about honor and he would feel duty bound.

Jin says take me, I can help. He says he can tell Takeshi to stop the ghost dog. They head to Roger’s place to try and save the kid. Monroe and Rosalee were about to come out of the tunnel but then Adalind is there with Kelly. They climb back down into the tunnel.

Takeshi has knocked out Roger’s mom and Roger and left an origami dog. He drags Roger out. They show up and find the door open and all three run inside. They see the mom but not Roger. Nick says call it in. Jin says he has to be near a bridge.

They trace his cell and Wu says he’s at the same bridge where he killed Brian. Rosalee says she has to pee then they hear the elevator. Monroe goes to see if Adalind left. He peeks out the door and see Adalind looking scared. It’s Eve.

Adalind asks if she’s there to kill her. Eve says Juliette might, but she won’t. Eve says they need to talk and she needs to know that Black Claw will approach her and Adalind asks why. She says hexenbiest are valuable. Adalind says she’s not and Eve says she’s lying.

Eve promises if she hurts Nick, she’ll come for her. She tells Adalind she likes the new place then storms out. Adalind sighs as she goes. Monroe and Rosalee heard it all. They spot Takeshi’s car and run for the river with Jin.

Takeshi has Roger buried and the sword ready and Jin runs up and says don’t do this. He says please don’t. Takeshi says he’s bound by tradition and honor. JIn woges and says no. Jin jumps into the path of the sword and Takeshi stops and says he can’t harm him or his family by honor.

Takeshi says he won’t stop him and throws him aside. Nick tackles him and Takeshi comes at him with the sword. He knocks it out of his hand. They brawl and Hank pulls his gun as he goes for the sword and reads him his rights.

Roger tells Jin he didn’t kill Kuma, it was an accident. He says he knows. Nick gets a text from Monroe saying they’re trapped in the tunnel. Renard comes home and is stunned to find Rachel has Diana there and Diana’s eyes glow sparkly red and she looks to be about five or six – way too old! He hugs her.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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