How to Get Away With Murder Recap 2/11/15: Season 2 Episode 10 Winter Premiere “What Happened to You, Annalise?”

Tonight on ABC How to Get Away with Murder starring Viola Davis continues with an all new Thursday February 11, season 2 winter premiere recap called, “What Happened to You, Annalise?” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Annalise’s (Viola Davis) road to recovery won’t be easy as the Keating 5 deal with the aftermath of the night she was shot.

Annalise Keating is a prominent criminal defense attorney and a law professor at Middleton University in Philadelphia. She selects five students to intern at her firm: Wes Gibbins, Connor Walsh, Michaela Pratt, Asher Millstone, and Laurel Castillo. They work with Annalise’s employees, Frank Delfino and Bonnie Winterbottom, an associate lawyer. As Season 1 introduces occasional clients for Keating, it explores two related murders through both flashback and flashforward sequences: Lila Stangard, mistress of Annalise’s husband Sam Keating and a student at Middleton; and then Sam Keating at the hands of Annalise’s interns.

On the last episode, Sinclair got a big break in the Hapstall case, but it had calamitous resulted as details are learned about the night Annalise was shot—including the person who pulled the trigger. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode per the ABC synopsis “a few weeks have passed since Wes shot Annalise. Wes and The Keating 5 deal with the fallout from that night, as Annalise is faced with a complicated road to recovery.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be great, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of ABC’s How to Get Away with Murder season 2 episode 10 — tonight at 10PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this second season.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s episode of How To Get Away With Murder kicks off with Annalise lying on the floor bleeding – Wes has just shot her, not in the leg though, in the stomach. Annalise starts going in to convulsions. Laurel grabs the gun from Wesley before he can shoot her again. Wes is in shock, because Annalise just called him “Christophe.” Laurel and Mckayla make a run for it with Wes – right before the police arrive.

Two weeks later Bonnie picks up Annalise from the hospital and takes her home, he gets her set up at home with her medication. Annalise is still in obvious pain and can barely walk – but she tells Bonnie that she is going to court tomorrow to testify. She wants to know how the kids are doing, Bonnie says everyone is fine. Annalise asks about Wes – Bonnie thinks its strange and wants to know why she is always so worried about Wes over everyone else.

Wes is a hot mess, apparently he hasn’t gotten out of bed since the shooting. Laurel shows up at his apartment and orders him to get out of bed. She shouts at him that he needs to stop feelings sorry for himself – he isn’t the only one who has been though hell.

Catherine Hepstall is about to go on trial for the murder of Emily Sinclair and the attempted murder of Annalise. The police are still searching for her supposed accomplice Jessup. Annalise has to get up to go testify against Catherine in court. She wakes up and takes a handful of pain killers and gets ready for her big day.

Laurel drags Wes to a study group – Asher, McKayla, and Connor are all there waiting for him, they are thrilled to see that he has gotten out of bed and is back from the dead. Connor tells Wes he can’t get “too distracted by all of the murders” because they have finals in less than a month. Bonnie arrives and tells them that Annalise is home from the hospital and is getting her rest.

Annalise isn’t getting her rest though, a crazy woman shows up at her door holding a baby. A groggy and in pain Annalise opens the door and the woman pushes the infant in to her arms. She cries and says that she saw Ananlise on the news and knows she is strong – she wants her to take care of the baby. The woman sobs that she is not well and then runs off, leaving Annalise dumbfounded and holding the screaming baby.

Asher is upset, no one from the police station is returning his phone calls. He wants them to investigate his father’s suicide further and check the crime scene – he is certain that his father was murdered and he wants the killer to be brought to justice. Bonnie promises Asher that she will look in to it.

Bonnie gets a frantic phone call from Annalise and rushes to her house. Annalise hands her the baby and says she finally got it to stop crying – she needs Bonnie to watch the baby while she works on her opening statement. Bonnie agrees, after Annalise leaves the room Bonnie drops the blanket….it’s empty. The baby is imaginary and all in Annalise’s head – she has completely gone crazy. Bonnie tells Frank that there is no way Annalise can testify in court tomorrow.

Frank and the students write up a letter pretending to be Annalise describing in detail what happened (or the version that Annalise wanted to tell the court). In the letter they say that Catherine showed up to the Hapstall house and shot Annalise. Meanwhile, Bonnie is trying to deal with Annalisa – she tries to explain to her that there is no baby. Annalise is high as a kite and out of it – she swears that Bonnie is “messing with her.”

At home Annalise has another dream about the screaming baby. She calls Laurel and asks her to come over to her house in the middle of the night – and don’t let Bonnie see her coming over. On the way to Annalise’s Laurel has a flashback – she visited Annalise in the hospital after she was shot. Annalise wanted to know why she covered for Wes and told the others she shot her. Laurel didn’t want them to blame Wes and hate him any more than they do. At Analise’s house, she learns that Bonnie cancelled her testimony – and she’s not happy.

Annalise tells Laurel to go check on Wes for her. Then she calls Bonnie and demands to know why she isn’t letting her testify – Bonnie tells Annalise that she has been hallucinating about an imaginary baby, and she can’t go anywhere near the courtroom in that state. Annalise doesn’t remember anything about the baby, she throws away all of her pain killers.

Laurel heads to Wes’s house with some food for dinner, he’s not thrilled to see her but he lets her in. Meanwhile, Nate pays Annalise a visit – it’s the first time that they have saw each other since the shooting. Annalise apologizes, she never wanted Nate involved in this mess too. Nate understands – it was Wes that called him and told him to come to the Hapstall house, he had no idea what he was walking in to.

The next morning every one heads to court the next day. McKayla bumps in to Caleb – he swears that his sister Catherine didn’t shoot Annalise. McKayla tells him that he is just in denial because she is his sister – she tries to take his hand and tells him that she wants to be there for her. Caleb pulls away and tells McKayla that they are “all going to hell.”

At court, there is a problem – the judge won’t allow Annalise’s statement, he says if the DA wants her to testify – she is going to have to see Annalise in person. Laurel sneaks out of court and tells Annalise that she needs to get down there. Annalise shows up and Bonnie and Frank are not happy – they didn’t want her to take the stand. Annalise insists that she isn’t high any more and tells the judge she is fine to take the stand.

Annalise gets up on the witness stand and tells a well-spun tale about the night that she got shot. She says that Catherine showed up with a gun and appeared to be high. Annalise is in the middle of her testimony and she starts staring off in to space and hearing the imaginary baby again. She asks the judge for a recess and heads to the bathroom. Wes tries to corner Annalise in the bathroom – but she refuses to speak to him.

Annalise heads back in to the courtroom and gets back on the witness stand – she insists that Catherine shot her and she doesn’t know how she killed Sinclair, because she was lying on the floor bleeding. Annalise starts to get groggy while she is being cross-examined, and she becomes flustered…her bullet wound is bleeding through her shirt. Annalise announces to the judge that Catherine didn’t kill her parents, she told her that while she was representing her. Catherine’s lawyer starts shouting that Annalise just broke attorney/client priveledge and she wants her testimony thrown out.

After court Annalise secretly meets with Caleb – she tells him that she just botched her testimony on purpose to help get Catherine off the hook. Annalise tells Caleb that Catherine shot him, but now they can save her by saying that Phillip drugged her. They head back in court and Catherine does exactly what Annalise told her to do…she stands up and announces that she shot Annalise, but she did it because Phillip Jessup drugged her and told her to. It all ends well for Catherine, the DA winds up offering her a five year deal in a low-security prison if she testifies against Phillip.

Annalise tries to drive herself home, Bonnie won’t let her – she is worried about her. Annalise yanks her keys out of her hand and says that she can dive herself and heads off to the doctor’s to get her wound stitched up again.

Tonight’s episode ends with Wes going through Annalise’s office. Laurel is calling his phone over and over, but he is ignoring her calls. Frank is with Laurel, she’s upset because Wes isn’t answering his phone – Frank promises her that from this day forward they are all going to have each other’s backs. Frank, Laurel, and all of the law students eat dinner together – minus Wes.

Annalise returns home to her dark house and swears that she hears someone upstairs. She finds Wes passed out in her bed and she thinks that he is dead – but he is fine. Wes rolls over and tells Annalise that now he understands why his mother killed herself when he was little – she “just wanted it all to stop.” Now, he wants to make it all stop. Wes asks Annalise if she knew his mom – and how she knew his name was Christophe.

Annalise has a flashback of herself many years ago, she’s pregnant and sitting at a park. She meets Wes’s mom – who is the woman from her hallucinations that gives her the screaming baby. Wes takes a step closer to Annalise and she snaps out of her flashback. She raises an award to hit Wes, and sneers at him that he ruined her – then Annalise tells Wes to get out. He is obviously confused but he runs out of the room.

Annalise heads downstairs, calling for Wes but he is gone. Instead she finds the baby lying on the couch. She picks the imaginary baby up ad stats rocking him to sleep.


Amanda Austin:
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