I Am Cait continues tonight an all new Sunday, March 6 season 2 premiere called “Politically Incorrect.” We’ve got your recap down below! On tonight’s episode, in the Season 2 premiere, Cait Jenner and her friends embark on an epic cross-country road trip in a tour bus.
On the last season finale episode, Cait and Kris Jenner finally met to discuss their grievances in an effort to move forward as a family; at the same time, Cait planned a spiritual ceremony to claim her new name, which ended up becoming a symbolic celebration for her new friends as well. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.
On tonight’s episode as per the E! synopsis “in the Season 2 premiere, Cait and her friends embark on an epic cross-country road trip in a tour bus, at which point the opportunity presents itself for the women to corner Cait about her sexual orientation and her politics.”
Tonight is going to be a crazy series that you won’t want to miss, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of E!’s “I Am Cait” tonight at 9PM EST! Meanwhile, while you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about I Am Cait coming back for its second season!
Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
On the season premiere of I am Cait. Cait gets ready to go on the road and learn more about transgender issues and travel to a small town. Cait talks with her friend’s son, who is now a transgender girl named Giselle. Kendall and Kylie also show up. Cait talks about how it has not been easy for them to have a father that is transgender. Giselle asks Kylie “When did you know you were a girl?” Kylie says “ I have always known because I grew up in a house full of sisters and wanted to be just like them. They talk to the girls about having a transgender father and they say that they have been closer to their dad now that he has transitioned.
Cait’s friends says that they are going to be hard on her because she “needs a reality check as to why people hate her. The day of the trip dawns and the group heads out to pick up a few more people before they head off to the Grand Canyon. Giselle’s boyfriend is also going with them. She says she “feels fortunate to have a boyfriend who loves her.” Her friends get on the bus and they all intend to make Cait realize that this is not going to be as easy as she thinks it is.
Candi gets locked on the bus when they stop to eat and freaks out a little bit. When the group gets back on the bus they are having drinks. Jenny says “This bus trip will be fun, but it will also be to help her realize that her hardest work is yet to come.” Jenny asks Cait “When you were a straight guy did you ever appreciate the sexual appeal of men?” Cait is not comfortable with this conversation, but she tells them that “I don’t see myself dating women.” This shocks the other women on the bus.
Courtney tells Caitlyn that she is “that and have no need to be around that.” Courtney tells Caitlyn that she appreciates the little things. Caitlyn says that “If I dated a man I would expect to be treated like a woman and have the man open the doors for me.” She also says “If there was a woman in my life it would be more like a friendship type thing.” Caitlyn hopes that now that she has admitted that she wants to date men they will leave her alone.
When they arrive at the Grand Canyon Caitlyn’s friends sit down and have dinner and discuss the conversation that they had on the bus. Jenny says that bus ride was amazing. She asks if she was the only one who was shocked by Cait’s vision of men in her life. Candis says that she was shocked as well. Jenny says that she is “Shocked at Caitlyn’s answer, and she felt bad about pushing Cait, but she needed to look inside herself for the answers to questions she has never faced before.”
Candis and Caitlyn are talking about the bus ride. Candis tells her that she is “Super proud of the way she handled the conversation really well.” Caitlyn mentions that she would love to go on a double date. She asks if Candis knows her way around men and Candis says yes.
Cait shares an article about a transgender girl who identifies as female and participates on girl’s teams is not allowed to change in the female locker room. This starts a conversation about everyone’s experience in school. Jenny says that “Since laws regarding Transgender people differ from state to state there need to be national laws passed to protect them.” The conversation turns to politics. Caitlyn says that “If we end up with Hilary as our president we’ll need her on our side, but she won’t be.” Jenny seems baffled by Cait’s philosophy. She says “Republicans are naturally more conservative when it comes to transgender people. Democrats are a lot more welcoming to them and I don’t understand Cait’s thinking on this.”
Cait’s friends says that they are going to be hard on her because she “needs a reality check as to why people hate her. The day of the trip dawns and the group heads out to pick up a few more people before they head off to the Grand Canyon. Giselle’s boyfriend is also going with them. She says she “feels fortunate to have a boyfriend who loves her.” Her friends get on the bus and they all intend to make Cait realize that this is not going to be as easy as she thinks it is.
Chandi gets locked on the bus when they stop to eat and freaks out a little bit. When the group gets back on the bus they are having drinks. Jenny says “This bus trip will be fun, but it will also be to help her realize that her hardest work is yet to come.” Jenny asks Cait “When you were a straight guy did you ever appreciate the sexual appeal of men ?” Cait is not comfortable with this conversation, but she tells them that “I don’t see myself dating women.” This shocks the other women on the bus.
Courtney tells Caitlyn that she is “that and have no need to be around that.” Courtney tells Caitlyn that she appreciates the little things. Caitlyn says that “If I dated a man I would expect to be treated like a woman and have the man open the doors for me.” She also says “If there was a woman in my life it would be more like a friendship type thing.” Caitlyn hopes that now that she has admitted that she wants to date men they will leave her alone.
When they arrive at the Grand Canyon Caitlyn’s friends sit down and have dinner and discuss the conversation that they had on the bus. Jenny says that bus ride was amazing. She asks if she was the only one who was shocked by Cait’s vision of men in her life. Candis says that she was shocked as well. Jenny says that she is “Shocked at Caitlyn’s answer, and she felt bad about pushing Cait, but she needed to look inside herself for the answers to questions she has never faced before.”
Candis and Caitlyn are talking about the bus ride. Candis tells her that she is “Super proud of the way she handled the conversation really well.” Caitlyn mentions that she would love to go on a double date. She asks if Candis knows her way around men and Candis says yes.
Cait shares an article about a transgender girl who identifies as female and participates on girl’s teams is not allowed to change in the female locker room. This starts a conversation about everyone’s experience in school. Jenny says that “Since laws regarding Transgender people differ from state to state there need to be national laws passed to protect them.” The conversation turns to politics. Caitlyn says that “If we end up with Hilary as our president we’ll need her on our side, but she won’t be.” Jenny seems baffled by Cait’s philosophy. She says “Republicans are naturally more conservative when it comes to transgender people. Democrats are a lot more welcoming to them and I don’t understand Cait’s thinking on this.”
Caitlyn goes out and talks to people in Arizona who are friendly and open to her. The group gets ready to go flying and see the Grand Canyon. They are all excited and amazed as they fly over it. Candis says “The canyon takes your breath away and makes you think about how small and meaningless some things in life are.” The group goes out to dinner. Kate tells them that she went to a all boys school where cross dressing was really hard until she was a senior. Caitlyn talks about her experience at the Marriott when a man approached her to tell her that he loved dating transgender women. She says that she was scared. Cait says “I can’t even imagine a guy going out with me and just holding hands coming out of a movie theatre.” She also talks about the scrutiny that they would face from the tabloids. Kate says “In order for transgender people to feel safe in relationships it is up to the men and women who date them to stand up and Speak out.”
Zackery talks about her boyfriend and how he loves her. Caitlyn says that “We have to create understanding and we can do that by being physical and being there.” The next day Caitlyn is upset when she hears about the equality act in Houston was repealed. Jenny tells them about the repealing of the law. She tells them that “Some people are using fear of people like us to repeal laws to protect people like us.” Candis is upset about the implication that LGBT people are molesters. Jenny comes back to Caitlyn because of her being a conservative republican and ask her how she feels. Cait says that “they are not going there because that is not why we are on this trip.” Jenny gets upset and says that “This is the reason they are on this trip.”
The conversation gets intense and Kate mentions an ad that showed a man standing outside the bathroom waiting for a little girl to go in. The women point out to Caitlyn that no democrat has ever come down on Transgender issues. Cait says that the reason that republicans are “Not out to get transgender people. Instead they are worried about the 18 trillion-dollar debt.” Jenny worries that if Caitlyn doesn’t listen to the rest of the community she will find herself isolated. All Caitlyn seems able to focus on is the fact that the republicans are worried about the national debt. She tells them that “The country is on the verge of collapse. Jenny tells her that part of being a woman is about supporting women’s rights, such as healthcare. Zackary says that she believes “The personal is professional and I believe in advocating for our transgender brothers and sisters.” Candis is frustrated because she doesn’t think Cait listens to the other side of the argument. Courtney is also frustrated by the conversations.