Johnny Depp & Amber Heard Divorce Battle: Amber Stalls To Generate Legal Drama In Tabloids, Won’t Testify In Person?

Divorce proceedings are still ongoing for Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. Lawyers for both sides came to court this morning to duke things out for their clients. Samantha Spector, Amber Heard’s lawyer, told the judge she needed more time to prepare for the upcoming hearing on June 17th, asking if the date might be pushed back. Johnny Depp’s lawyer, Laura Wasser, shot back that the longer these proceedings drag on, the more it will damage Depp’s career.

Wasser has requested Amber hand over phone records showing any instances of domestic violence since last year. According to Johnny Depp’s team, they believe the leaked texts from her phone have been altered or are fake.

Amber wasn’t in the courtroom. She was out of town with her BFF and witness, Raquel Pennington. After celebrating Raquel’s engagement in New Jersey, she’ll be off to London for a costume fitting for her upcoming movie, Justice League.

Johnny Depp’s lawyer has filed documents claiming that Amber Heard and her best friend are avoiding testifying for her deposition for the hearing next Friday. They have said they don’t have any time available until then, Wasser claims, yet Heard and her lawyers don’t have any problem trashing Depp in the media. She implied that Heard is avoiding testifying under oath because she might ruin her case.

Recently, lawyers for both sides talked about sitting down and resolving this case once and for all. The settlement could involve Depp and Heard avoiding each completely. It could also involve Depp paying Heard $50,000 in spousal support per month. Amber’s team says that’s not enough to make her go away.

A settlement conference was tentatively scheduled for today, according to Wasser that fell apart. She wanted to use today to take Heard’s deposition, but Spector said her client was unavailable. So, Depp’s lawyer believes that if neither Heard nor her BFF are willing to give a statement under oath for a deposition, they shouldn’t be allowed to testify in next week’s hearing.

Wasser had this to say where Heard is concerned: “[Amber] has tried her claims in the media. It is now time to do so in a court of law.” But according to Spector, Amber won’t be available until next Thursday evening. Keep your browser right here at CDL for all the latest Depp and Heard divorce drama.

Image credit to FameFlynet

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