Although Josh Hutcherson is hard at work on The Long Home, is girlfriend Claudia Traisac sabotaging his career with her on-set antics? Recent photos from the LA shoot show that Claudia, whom Hunger Games star Josh met when they filmed Escobar: Paradise Lost, is a constant set presence plaguing Josh with arguments that could be distracting him from his role on the film and putting his career at risk.
The duo met back in 2013 when they shot the Escobar flick and were making their relationship work long-distance while both tackled other projects. But with Josh Hutcherson’s career rocketing, it looks like the Spanish actress has moved in with Hutcherson in LA and now their up-close relationship isn’t working out as well as the long-distance version of their love.
The two were seen sharing some smiles as they left their home to head to the set, but once on set, Claudia Traisac could clearly be seen ranting at Josh Hutcherson and tearful before they went into his trailer for the James Franco-directed film. With this being an indie film, they don’t have the big budget to do take after take if Josh Hutcherson is off his game or distracted by girlfriend drama.
Is Claudia giving Josh a bad rap on the film set? Most professionals don’t bring their wives or girlfriends to work with them – and acting shouldn’t be an exception – particularly when the WAG is a volatile distraction who can’t behave. Josh Hutcherson looked tense as Claudia Traisac went off at him, waving her arms and looking hysterical as they walked from the set out to his trailer.
That can’t have been fun for Hutcherson who was trying to concentrate on his scenes portraying Nathan Winer, the main character of the 1940s era flick based on the popular William Gay novel. The Long Home also stars James Franco, who’s acting as well as directing, plus Josh Hartnett and Gotham’s Robin Lord Taylor.
Also starring in the film is Courtney Love – yet we’ve seen no photos of her storming around set – when you’re worse than Courtney Love on a movie stage, that’s saying something… Ashton Kutcher also has a role in the film, but we’ve yet to see any pics of Mila Kunis throwing tantrums on set and making Kutcher look unprofessional.
It seems that Josh Hutcherson is the only one with woman problems on the set of The Long Home and he likely needs to get his issue with Claudia Traisac under control. It’s bad enough that she’s on set, in his trailer, and terrorizing him on an indie film, but if she stalks him to the set of a big-budget production, like his upcoming Journey 3: From the Earth to the Moon, she could wreck his career.
What do you think? Should The Hunger Games star send Claudia Traisac packing? Is her on-set behavior making him look bad to co-stars and his director? How long before the GF drama costs Josh Hutcherson a movie role? Will he let it go that far?
Share your comments below and check back with CDL often for all the latest celebrity news and gossip.
Image Source FameFlyNet
- Exclusive… 52116834 ‘Hunger Games’ actor Josh Hutcherson & his girlfriend Claudia Traisac are spotted arguing on a film set in Valencia, California on July 9, 2016. Claudia seemed to be very upset while the pair headed back to Josh’s trailer. FameFlynet, Inc – Beverly Hills, CA, USA – +1 (310) 505-9876