Kate Middleton Berated: Young Minds Matter Huff Post Blog Was Just A PR Stunt Says Dr. Max The Mind Doctor Pemberton

Kate Middleton has been berated by Dr. Max The Mind Doctor Pemberton. The good doctor is criticizing the Duchess of Cambridge’s Youth Minds Matter Huff Post blog. Was it all a Buckingham Palace PR stunt?

Dr. Max wrote in Daily Mail that he couldn’t “help but cringe” when reading that Duchess Kate and Prince William intend on encouraging Prince George and Princess Charlotte to discuss their feelings and be supportive of peers.

The criticism of Kate Middleton’s day as a guest editor of the Huffington Post U.K. didn’t stop there. The Mind Doctor stated that the Duchess of Cambridge’s blog came across as “lifted straight out of some PR handbook.” Pemberton went on to say that everything was a bit insincere and inauthentic. Sincerity and authenticity are necessary components when championing mental health issues, Dr. Max stated in the column.

One last dig Dr. Max Pemberton got in – “Kate is a great advocate for talking problems through. She seems to think this is a panacea. I’m not so sure.” Pemberton believes that oftentimes it’s better to keep things inside – talking constantly about your feelings isn’t the answer. People need to accept the things that have happened in the past and move on.

When did the Duchess of Cambridge say one should talk endlessly about their issues, fears, concerns, etc.? The future Queen merely said that she and Prince William would encourage the Royal children to talk about feelings – not rehash issues for years on end. The Duchess also said that it was important to give Prince George and Princess Charlotte the “tools and sensitivity to be supportive of peers.”

When did being encouraging children to be supportive and sensitive become horrible and cringe worthy? Standing up for what is right doesn’t mean encouraging someone to drag emotional baggage around forever and ever.

By the way, Dr. Max Pemberton is a psychiatrist in the National Health Service, so his opinion shouldn’t be discounted. The Mind Doctor is a past columnist for the Daily Telegraph and currently contributes to The Spectator. Pemberton has been contributor for The Mail on Sunday, Daily Mirror, Evening Standard and Readers’ Digest as well.

Was Kate Middleton’s blog trite, insincere and inauthentic, something right out of the Buckingham Palace PR book? Or was it helpful in bringing more awareness to children’s mental health issues?

Let us know what you think in the comments section below and come back to CDL for the latest Royal Family news.

Olivia Marie:
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