Kate Middleton Crowned Fashion Icon: Millennial Women Can’t Get Enough Of Her Mixed Down-to-Earth Commoner And Designer Styles?

Kate Middleton Crowned Fashion Icon: Millennial Women Can't Get Enough Of Her Mixed Down-to-Earth Commoner And Designer Styles?Kate Middleton Crowned Fashion Icon: Millennial Women Can't Get Enough Of Her Mixed Down-to-Earth Commoner And Designer Styles?

First, Kate Middleton is declared a ‘Tour de Force,’ and now the Duchess of Cambridge has been anointed a fashion icon. Some nonsensical research has been done and suddenly Kate’s wardrobe is more enviable than Suki Waterhouse and Cara Delevingne.

According to Rakuten Marketing report, 29 percent of women want to dress like Kate. Apparently, women over 25 just love her style and are anxious to snap up any item of clothing Kate Middleton wears. That’s not a big enough percentage to declare the Duchess of Cambridge a fashion icon or a fashionista.

This research group revealed that Emma Watson, Ellie Goulding, Rita Ora, and Zoella were runners’ up in the report on British fashionistas. But those 16 to 24 would much, much rather dress like Zoella

What’s the main draw when it comes to Kate’s sense of style? Apparently, the Millennials find Kate Middleton’s mix of down-to-earth commoner clothing and designer outfits quite appealing. The pale pink dress Kate wore while touring Cornwall reportedly sold out within minutes after the designer’s name was revealed.

The ladies 25 and older love when Kate dons a pair of skinny jeans and an ordinary mum about town shirt. These same women also love it when the Duchess of Cambridge gets all dressed up in designer duds, dons a tiara, and hits the town for formal occasions.

Who in the world was included in this fashion focus group? Was it full of Kate admirers who salivate over each and every item of clothing she wears? Kate’s clothes are often frumpy, ill-fitting and downright hideous. This is what Millennials find appealing?

We often wonder if Kate has anyone who actually advises her on what is appropriate attire or if the future Queen just grabs whatever is in the front of one of her many wardrobe closets. If Kate Middleton is the epitome of style to Millennials, then we can’t wait to see what designers will send down the runway during London Fashion Week.

Image credit to FameFlynet

Olivia Marie:
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