Kate Middleton Fears Pippa Middleton Wedding Will Be A Disaster: Dreads Queen Elizabeth’s Disapproval

Kate Middleton Fears Pippa Middleton Wedding Will Be A Disaster: Dreads Queen Elizabeth's DisapprovalKate Middleton Fears Pippa Middleton Wedding Will Be A Disaster: Dreads Queen Elizabeth's Disapproval

Is Pippa Middleton’s wedding already considered a royal disaster? Will Pippa Middleton and James Matthew’s nuptials cause havoc for Prince William and Kate Middleton if Queen Elizabeth doesn’t approve? That seems to be the case as there’s speculation that Pippa Middleton’s wedding day might end up being the worst day of her life.

The news of Pippa Middleton and James Matthew’s engagement only broke a week ago, but the British socialite is already feeling the pressure by both her close circle of family and friends along with the media to deliver the celebrity wedding of the year.

After all, Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding was the talk of London back in 2011, and now Pippa Middleton has her chance to shine bright in the spotlight as this is her one and only moment to break free from the Duchess of Cambridge’s shadow.

According to the Daily Beast though, there’s a good chance that Pippa Middleton’s wedding might turn into a royal disaster. This is mostly because as of Pippa Middleton’s party planner career. Many people are expecting her to organize the details of her own wedding while also getting ready for her big day.

“Most party planners like to do their own events,” one professional party planner explained, adding, “It’s only natural. If you have any confidence in yourself, it would be bizarre not to. Pippa may have a full-time assistant involved to handle the logistics in the run up to the big day, but she’ll be the one calling up chefs for auditions and picking the linen.”

Of course, this means Pippa Middleton might very well crack under pressure. Not only is she going to want to micro-manage every detail of her ceremony, but she also has to concentrate on looking perfect while also hoping that everything that day will go as planned. And with hundreds of A-list guests invited along with her scandalous future brother-in-law Spencer Matthews and party-loving Prince Harry present, there’s a good chance something headline-worthy will definitely happen.

Plus, everyone will also be wondering what Kate Middleton’s role will be and if the Duchess of Cambridge will provide the moral support Pippa Middleton will definitely need that day. Surely, the Duchess of Cambridge doesn’t want to take a back seat and watch the wedding unravel before her very own eyes?

And of course, there’s Queen Elizabeth and her opinion. History has proven that any event involving the Middletons and the royals ends up in the headlines, and with Pippa Middleton marrying into the Matthews family, Queen Elizabeth has every right to be worried about her family’s royal reputation. No one can report on Pippa Middleton without even mentioning her sister Kate Middleton’s name.

Pippa Middleton and James Matthews’ wedding might be the social event of the year, but it can also very well be the biggest train wreck the Middletons have ever seen. Unless of course, Pippa Middleton manages to show the world what kind of organized and precise party planner that she is. What do you think, CDL readers, let us know in the comments below – come back for all your Royal news and updates!

Image Credit: FameFlynet

Joanna Mazewski:
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