Kim Fields Dancing With The Stars Jive Video Season 22 Week 6 – 4/25/16 #DWTS

Kim Fields Dancing With The Stars Jive Video Season 22 Week 6 – 4/25/16 #DWTS

Tonight on ABC the nine remaining celebrities change dance partners and compete during Dancing With The Stars ‘Famous Dances Night,’ week. On tonight’s episode Kim Fields & his professional dance partner Sasha Farber hit the dance floor and danced a Jive – “You Can’t Stop the Beat” from “Hairspray”.  Did you watch tonight’s episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.  Did you miss any of tonight’s performance videos? If you did we have them all, right here for you!

On tonight’s episode the couples will re-create iconic dance routines from popular movies, music videos and live performances, including “Hairspray,” “Footloose,” a famous Michael Jackson music video and a Video Music Awards routine. Each celebrity will perform a jive, Bollywood, jazz, contemporary or quickstep.

Judges comments on Kim Fields’ DWTS Week 6 Jive: Len“You kept the fun of Hairspray and some great jive elements, well done.” Bruno“This is what the show is all about, get everyone dancing. You missed a little pass at the end though.” Carrie Ann“You are the one to watch, you were fantastic. But if you are not exciting and dynamic, you disappear into the background. Your routine was incredible, but your energy was a hair under of what I thought it should have been for this routine.”

Judges scores: Carrie Ann: 8 Len: 8 Bruno: 8 = TOTAL 24/30

Watch the video below and let us know what you think, do you agree with the judge’s comments? Do you think Kim did enough to avoid elimination tomorrow? Sound out in the comments and let us know your thoughts?