Kristen Stewart Refuses To Return To ‘Twilight’ – Wants Oscar Nomination For New Role Instead?

Kristen Stewart is possibly refusing to return to her ‘Twlight’ roots because she has bigger and better projects planned instead. In fact, there’s new speculation that the actress is so desperate for an Oscar win that she’s being very careful about the projects she picks while also trying to maximize as much media coverage as possible.

According to reports, Kristen’s latest film, ‘Certain Women,’ is getting plenty of critical acclaim as it continues to make the film festival rounds. The film even won the Best Film Awards at the BFI London Film Festival this week, with rumors swirling that it might even give Kristen a supporting actress nomination buzz ahead of this award season.

In fact, there’s a good chance she knows it’s now or never – as Kristen doesn’t want to end up like one of many Hollywood actresses who disappear into celebrity obscurity with the bad film roles they repeatedly make over and over again. That’s why she’s doing whatever she can to stay in the spotlight by calling on the paparazzi whenever she’s out and about, even if it makes her look desperate, especially during awards season. Any kind of press is good press, after all.

Kristen wants to be taken seriously in Hollywood and that’s why she knows she can’t take on any more ‘Twilight’ movies. Sure, they’ve given her fame and the kind of popularity that other actresses can only wish for, but she’s done with that chapter of her life. Kristen wants an Oscar, not a dozen magazine covers about her personal life in one week. That’s why she’s being very particular about the movie roles she chooses. She wants to go another step forward in her career and not two steps backwards.

Plus, Kristen wants to show the entertainment industry – and even her ex Robert Pattinson – that she’s a force to be reckon with. She’s seen what Oscar buzz has done for another young actresses her age like Jennifer Lawrence and Brie Larson and wants that same kind of recognition, too.

Tell us CDL readers, do you think Kristen Stewart wants an Oscar? Could that be why she’s no longer interested in working with Robert Pattinson in another ‘Twilight’ movie? Are Twilight fans going to be disappointed? Let us know your thoughts be leaving a line in our comments section. Also, check back with CDL for all the latest news and updates on all of your favorite celebrities right here!

Image credit to FameFlynet

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