Kristin Cavallari Labeled As A Dangerous Idiot, Criticized For Feeding Her Kids Homemade Goat Milk Formulas!

Kristin Cavallari is being slammed once again for her controversial parenting and for feeding her kids homemade baby formula with goat’s milk. Even though many medical professionals warn against making homemade formulas, Kristin insists that she knows what she’s doing best for her family – even if it’s putting her parenting methods into question.

In a new interview with People Magazine, Kristin opened up about the criticism by saying, “I knew that was going to be controversial… I breastfed all three of my children. When I was done breastfeeding we made our own goat milk formula. It wasn’t just straight goat milk from a farm… people I think were under the impression that it’s like unpasteurized raw goat milk I was giving my children. We mixed in all kinds of oils, cod liver oil, all kinds of great stuff. We went over it with our pediatrician. If you go online there’s a million recipes for it.”

Yet a lot of critics have deemed her a ‘dangerous idiot,’ as there are multiple warnings against using homemade goat’s milk formula, simply because many of the ingredients are unsafe while there’s also a high risk of contamination. If that weren’t enough, in some countries, governments are urging mothers not to feed their children with goat’s milk as it’s not suitable for small children.

Kristin Cavallari knows that she’ll be criticized for her controversial methods with her kids, but that hasn’t stopped her from sharing them with the press. The former reality television star has rebranded herself as a know-it-all celebrity mother in hopes that she’ll continue making headlines and hopefully nabbing endorsement deals in the process, too.

She has no background in pediatric medicine, yet makes herself out to be an expert when it comes to many subjects concerning motherhood and children. Kristin knows there’s no future left for her in reality television and that’s why she’s doing whatever it takes to stay relevant, even if it makes her look like a questionable mother. Otherwise, wouldn’t she be keeping her children’s diets and dietary needs to herself?

Tell us CDL readers, do you think Kristin Cavallari is a ‘dangerous idiot’ for feeding her kids her homemade formulas along with the special diets she’s given them? Is Kristin doing this on purpose for publicity? Let us know what you think about the Kristin Cavallari children and of course don’t forget to check back with CDL for all the latest news and updates on all of your favorite celebrities right here.

Image credit to Kristin Cavallari // via Instagram

Joanna Mazewski:
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