Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Recap 7/18/16: Season 5 Episode 15 “Heart to Heart”

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Recap 7/18/16: Season 5 Episode 15 "Heart to Heart"

Tonight on VH1 their series Love & Hip Hop Atlanta airs with an all new Monday July 18, season 5 episode 15 called “Heart to Heart” and we have your weekly Love & Hip Hop Atlanta recap below. On tonight’s episode, KK extends an olive branch to Tiarra; Mimi Faust handles her unfinished business with Chris; Scrappy asks for Tammy Rivera’s advice.

On the last episode, Karlie broke up with Lyfe; Karlie came clean to Tiarra; Dime confronted Joseline. Did you watch the last episode? Did you miss it, we’ve got a detailed Love & Hip Hop Atlanta recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the VH1 synopsis, “KK extends an olive branch to Tiarra; Mimi handles her unfinished business with Chris; Scrappy asks for Tammy’s advice; and Karlie asks Lyfe about another secret she uncovered. Later, Joseline confronts Tommie.”

It sounds like the 5th season of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta will be packed full of can’t miss drama that you won’t want miss and neither do I. Don’t forget to check CDL for our live Love & Hip Hop Atlanta recap of tonight at 8PM! Excited for Love & Hip Hop Atlanta? What kind of drama do you think is going to unfold during the season 5 episode 15 of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta? Sound off in the comment and let us know!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

This week on Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Karlie decides to have the ring Lyfe gave her appraised. Jessica Dime meets up with Karlie at the jewelry store. When the jeweler appraises the ring he tells them it is fake. Karlie says “A fake ring, just like our fake relationship. I could pass out again.”

Mimi and Stevie sit down to talk and Mimi tells him “We need to talk about child support for Eva. Your wife is all up in the middle of this.” Stevie says “Why do you keep allowing her to get all up in this?” Mimi tells him “Your wife keeps hitting up my phone.” Stevie tells her “Now I guess we are on a business relationship huh?” Mimi says “No. You are still daddy, I am still mommy and Eva is still daughter.”

Tommie meets up with KK to talk about what happened in L.A. She tells her that Joseline called the police to her hotel room to search for a fugitive. KK is concerned and asks Tommie “Have you been drinking?” Tommie tells her “Yeah, I had a glass of wine.” KK tells her “I love you Tommie, but you have been messing up your life since Scrappy went away. You need to get yourself together and that starts with putting down the alcohol.” Tommie starts to cry and says “This is all Scrappy’s fault. He messed us up by messing with Karlie Redd. I wanted to hurt him, but now I just don’t care anymore.”

Scrappy goes to talk to Tammy to help him try and get back into Bambi’s good graces. Tammy tells him “I am going through this separation with Waka and I am in the process of moving out.” Scrappy is shocked to hear this. They move on to talking about Bambi. Tammy tells him “If that’s your woman and you want to be with her for the rest of your life then you have to step up.” Scrappy tells her “I have an idea.” Tammy asks him “What’s your idea?” Scrappy tells her “I am going to buy her a connecting necklace.” Tammy scoffs and tells him “If you love her you have to give her a foundation. That means giving her a last name.” Scrappy gets nervous. Tammy asks him “Are you afraid of marriage?” Scrappy says “No. I let all the beautifulness in front of me get away from me once. I won’t let it happen again.”

Joseline meets up with Tearra. She tells her “Tommie tried to get with my husband in LA. Then she accused me of calling the police on her.” Tommie says “I don’t know why Joseline is telling me all of this, but I am not looking to get involved in any drama between her, Stevie and Tommie. I do know that Scrapp will be very angry if i tell him this bit of news about Tommie.”

Karlie goes to Jessica’s photo shoot. When she gets there Jessica introduces her to Lydia. Lydia tells her that she has just recently had Lyfe’s baby. This news absolutely floors Karlie. Lydia tells her “I just had his baby in April.” Karlie tells her “You are a thirsty female.” Lydia tells her “I don’t want to have beef with you.” Karlie tells her “I don’t want beef with you either.” Lydia  pulls out a piece of paper. They are paternity test results showing Lyfe is the father of her baby. Karlie becomes enraged and a fight ensues between her and Lydia. Karlie says “What kind of female carries around paternity results in her purse?” The two women begin pushing and shoving and Jessica has to come over and break them up. She says “I always thought Karlie was too boss to get this upset over a man. I was wrong.”

Tearra receives an invitation to meet KK. When she gets to Scrapp’s apartment KK is there cleaning up some of his things. She tells her “I miss my grandson. I haven’t been able to spend one birthday with him since he was born.” She also tells Tearrra “I don’t want my grandson to think I hate his mother. You and I may not agree with you, but I do respect you as his mom and I think we should have a better relationship.” Tearra is stunned. She tells Karen I don’t want to keep King from you or Scrapp. He asks about both you and his father. I want you to be part of his life.” KK thanks her and the two women talk about King’s birthday party. Tearra says “I don’t know anything about planning a lavish birthday party. I have a friend who is going to help me and I would really like it if you were there.”

Mimi is finally ready to deal with her situation with Chris. She says “Now that I have decided to put Stevie on Child Support I need to settle things with Chris so that I can move on with my life.” She invites Chris to come to the house. When Chris arrives the discussion quickly breaks down into an argument. Chris tells Mimi “I didn’t break up with you. I was giving you some time to sort things out with your family. Now seeing that you are dating someone else makes me think that you never loved me.” Mimi tells her “I did love you, but when we sat at the table and I asked you, with tears in my eyes, if we were over you said yes so I moved on.” Chris tells her “I wanted to be with you. You gave me the strength, to be honest with my family and to go ahead and have the top surgery. Now to know that you didn’t feel the same way about me really hurts.” Mimi gets very upset. She tells Chris “I did love you. I was there for you during some very tough times and you know that.” Eventually, the argument ends when Mimi jumps up and throws a suitcase full of Chris’ possessions down in front of her. Chris tells her “Thanks, I love you too.

Stevie meets up with KK at her new artists showcase. KK informs Stevie about the things Tommie has been saying. Stevie is shocked when he hears that Tommie told KK that she, Joseline and Stevie had a threesome. He tells KK “I know my nephew really likes that girl. I would never do anything like that.” KK tells him “I know that you have not always had the best moral code, but I also know that you wouldn’t hurt Scrapp that way because you know how much he likes this girl.” KK also tells Stevie “Tommie says that you came to her room despite the fact that she told you she wasn’t dressed to talk to her about working together.” Stevie is even more appalled when he hears this. He tells KK “That is not what happened. She called me down to her room and she wasn’t dressed. We had a two or three-minute conversation and I left.” KK also tells Stevie “Tommie also said that Joseline called the police on her.” Stevie shakes his head and says “These women are crazy.”

After the confrontation with the mother of Lyfe’s child Karlie goes to confront Lyfe on the set of his new video. When she gets there she sees him working with the young, German woman that the blogs had accused him of being married to. When Lyfe takes a break and sees Karlie he walks over to her. She tells him “You could have been a man and told me that you had a baby on the way.” Lyfe tells her “I didn’t even know about the baby until I received paternity papers in the mail.” Karlie tells him “You knew that you slept with her while we were together. That means that you considered our relationship as fake as that ten dollar ring you gave me.” Lyfe tells her “The ring was a symbol. You’re mad because I couldn’t afford to get you a real one?” Karlie tells him “The ring is as fake as you are. You can keep that German girl that you married so she can get her Green Card.” Lyfe tells her “They should deport you.

Joseline calls Tommie for a meeting. Tommie says “I don’t know what Joseline wants, but I am going to confront her about the fact that she called the police to my hotel room in LA,” When she gets there Joseline immediately starts in on her. Joseline says “I heard you have been telling people that I called the police on you in LA.” Tommie says “You were the only one who knew where I was after I left you and Stevie.” Joseline laughs. She tells Tommie “I didn’t call the police on you then, but I will now.” Tommie asks “What are you talking about?” Joseline laughs again. This enrages Tommie and she throws a drink in Joseline’s face. Joseline has security escort her out.