Lucifer Recap and Review: Season 1 Episode 6 “Favorite Son”

Tonight on FOX Lucifer airs with an all new Monday February 29 season 1 episode 6 called, “Favorite Son,” and we have your weekly recap and review below. On tonight’s episode Lucifer (Ellis) ditches Chloe (Lauren German) after becoming bored with her investigation into a biker gang murder, but his feelings change when he discovers something personal to him was stolen during the crime.

On the last episode, after a shooting occurred at a fashion show and a young woman was killed, Lucifer became intrigued by the danger of the situation and begged Chloe to get in on the case. Meanwhile, when Maze admitted to Amenadiel that she wanted to go back to hell, he set his sights on Dr. Linda. Did you watch the last season’s finale? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the FOX synopsis, “Lucifer bails on Chloe when he becomes bored with her investigation into a ruthless biker gang murder. However, when he discovers something was stolen during the crime that was very personal to him, he demands that Chloe let him rejoin the case.”

Don’t forget to join us for our live recap tonight at 9:00 pm when Lucifer airs on Fox. While you wait for the recap, check out a sneak peek of tonight’s episode below!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Lucifer needs to learn when to keep his legendary mouth shut. Apparently the devil had convinced Chloe’s daughter Trixie that its ok to do something bad if you really want to do it. And unfortunately the little girl took what he said to heart.

Chloe had later found Trixie covered in chocolate cake, but the child swore she had no idea who could have eaten the cake in the fridge. So Dan had to work some of his father magic, that most dads have on daddies’ girls, on her and he got her to admit where that piece of her birthday cake had gone. And, well, Trixie hadn’t known better so she hadn’t simply stop at her confession.

And she also went on to tell her dad that Lucifer had told her that she should do everything that she wants to do. Which had upset Dan. Who believed that Lucifer’s access to both Trixie and his ex-wife should be limited at best.

But that was kind of hard to do what with Lucifer’s fascination with Chloe and police investigations. So Chloe had actually gotten used to Lucifer inviting himself to places and she hadn’t been that surprised when he showed up at yet another the crime scene. And she had in fact welcomed what she thought was going to be help..

Chloe it seemed was looking into the homicide of a security guard at what is now known to be the hideout for black-market goods. Therefore, the detective was without leads and had no one willing to talk much less mentioned what had been stolen. And so she had looked to Lucifer as a last resort, but he somehow turned her down.

Lucifer had called the Robbery/ Homicide that resulted in Erwin Scovell’s death – boring. That’s right boring. Which was a word bad enough on its own yet sounded worse when Lucifer actually walked away from the crime scene because he really couldn’t be bothered.

Only Maze had some news for him back at the club. Maze, you see, handles basically everything in Lucifer’s life so she knew that the crate that had been stolen from that black-market warehouse had belonged to Lucifer. Even before he did.

And while Lucifer at first tried to pretend the robbery didn’t bother him, it did. The “package” that had been stolen had apparently been a gift from his father. As in God! And so Lucifer had then set out to find his “package” by rejoining Chloe’s case.

Though Chloe had naturally been suspicious by Lucifer’s sudden change of heart and she eventually made him admit to the real reason he was following her along. And once she found out it had been his stuff that had gotten stolen, she became even more suspicious of him because she wondered why his stuff would be in such an infamous warehouse.

And she later pulled Dan in on the investigation when Lucifer refused to say what had actually been stolen. So Chloe and Dan were looking into all of Lucifer’s dealings together to see if he really was a legitimate businessman. Yet the leg work of such a task fell to Dan.

Who had gone over to Lucifer’s club where he had unfortunately run into Maze. Now Maze has always been protective of Lucifer, but things kind of got out of hand when she went on to knock Dan out and dropped him off naked in Chloe’s bed. It seemed she thought of it as a joke when honestly it was assault on a cop.

So Dan was ultimately forced to sneak out of his ex-wife’s house wearing her track suit and everything he taught Trixie about lying just went out of the window. Especially as he bribed her to keep his morning nakedness a secret with chocolate cake for a year. But, thankfully, Dan did end up getting Lucifer’s books and now he knows keep away from Maze.

However, Lucifer had a bigger problem on his hands. He and Chloe had traced his “package” to a biker gang called Los Diablos. And their plan to finding his missing goods had been working in their favor until they had across the thief.

And Lucifer had used his crazy eyes on the other man.

As it turns out, not a lot of people can face seeing Lucifer’s “other side” in person and so it had driven the thief crazy enough into taking a flying leap off of a very tall building. But Chloe had thought the package was still inside. So she was there when Lucifer opened a crate that showed tens of Russian Dolls. That he claimed heled sentimental value.

Though the real “package” was long gone. The container actually had a secret compartment and that had been where Lucifer had placed his wings, but now they’re gone and Lucifer really does need Chloe’s help in finding them. And it looks like he needs a new person to talk to.

Linda had taken some speaking points from Lucifer’s brother and it’s just not going to end well.


Kristine Francis:
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