Mr. Robot Recap Darlene Used and Abused: Season 2 Episode 8 “eps2.6_succ3ss0r.p12”

Mr. Robot Recap Darlene Used and Abused: Season 2 Episode 8 "eps2.6_succ3ss0r.p12"Mr. Robot Recap Darlene Used and Abused: Season 2 Episode 8 "eps2.6_succ3ss0r.p12"

Mr. Robot returns to the USA network tonight with an all new Wednesday, August 24, season 2 episode 8 called, “eps2.6_succ3ss0r.p12,” and we’ve got your Mr. Robot recap down below! On this evening’s episode, Fsociety releases a video.

On the last episode, Mr. Robot and Elliot tried to make nice; and Joanna was given an ultimatum. Did you miss the last episode? We’ve got your detailed Mr. Robot recap right here.

On tonight’s episode per the USA synopsis “Fsociety releases a video; and Darlene acts on an old desire.”

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of USA Network’s “Mr. Robot” at 10:00 PM EST! While you wait for our Mr. Robot recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are for another episode of Mr. Robot tonight.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

With or without Elliot, Darlene was always going to follow through on their plan to take down Evil Corp and it’s like. So it shouldn’t come as any surprise that Darlene continued what she believed was their mission when she hacked the FBI with the femtocell that she had Angela set up. But it seems that Darlene had played a risky game by enlisting Angela and hacking the FBI itself proved to be too much for some of her followers. Especially Mobley. Mobley had listened in as one of the FBI’s conference calls and apparently he believed that he had overheard them discussing fsociety members.

As it happens the FBI conference call had unfortunately been a discussion about the sixteen people they currently have under surveillance. So that had left Mobley paranoid. However, the fact that the FBI also mentioned that one of these suspects was found dead in his home had actually been what set Mobley off. He thought that maybe the FBI were already watching them and could arrest them at any second so he wanted out. As in he wanted to give up his hacking days and get out of town. Mobley though hadn’t even gotten a chance to take a step outside before everything began crashing down.

The homeowner, whose home they were secretly using as a command center, had returned and walked in on fsociety as they were arguing. So the group didn’t have a choice. They had to take her hostage because that was the only chance they’d get at escaping prison time and stopping police from finding out just what they were doing at the house. Yet, taking someone hostage which at first appeared to be easy had carried its own complications. Their victim, Susan Jacobs, had known what buttons to push and she wasn’t afraid of threatening Trenton by accusing the young Muslim woman of being a ISIS member. And so Susan much less what to do with Susan was what kept fsociety barely together.

She had seen all of them and they all knew that they had to do something about her. Though killing her was personally left to Darlene. Darlene had remembered Susan as being part of the legal team that had fought on Evil Corp side when Darlene’s father and others began to feel sick. So before she killed her, Darlene told Susan about the first time she had seen her. Darlene told the other woman that she had been four when she saw Susan on television and that she remembered her being part of a sea of suits as Evil Corp celebrated when they got off scot-free. And so just as Susan tried to apologize for the past, Darlene tasered her and left her body in the basement pool.

Later Darlene had tried to say that she hadn’t meant to kill Susan though no one truly believed her. They wanted to believe her because at most the others were prepared to frighten Susan. Yet, no one believed Darlene’s story about accidentally killing Susan when they knew that all had read Susan’s file and that the file had mentioned Susan’s heart condition. So Susan’s death had made both Mobley and Trent think about their futures. And whether there was even still a reason for them to stick around. Mobley already had one foot out the door so he had told Trent that maybe she should also think about getting out town.

However, Trent said that she couldn’t do that to her family. Trent after all did have something to lose. She had her parents and she had her siblings. So convincing them all to flee wasn’t going to be easy because she wasn’t like Mobley who didn’t have anyone and her family would know why they had to leave their homes. Mobley though told her that she should never have gotten involved if she hadn’t wanted her family to be affected. Mobley revealed that what they did had been stupid because they had done it just because they could and bot because they had grander ideals so he made Trent confront the ugly truth.

Mobley made Trent give up this notion that what she did had been for her family or to make a better world. But while his plan to get her to see common sense had worked out because she had thought about leaving her family and doing so with him, Mobley’s own plan to quickly flee backfired. Mobley had gone home following what happened to Susan prepared to pack everything he could carry and he had actually gotten a pretty good start at it when he was interrupted. The FBI had wanted to question him and so they had taken him down to headquarters. Where they had asked him about Romero.

Dom who had been the one to find Mobley had tried to connect him to Romero. Yet, Mobley played it cool. He said that he wanted his lawyer and then refused to discuss anything else with federal agents. So Dom wanted to keep him around until he cracked, but her boss thought that they should let Mobley go seeing as none of their other leads were panning it. Including the investigation she had ordered on Angela. And so Mobley was released and it remains a mystery if he got Trent’s text.

Trent had texted Mobley from the coffee shop where they first met that she wanted to leave too and that she wanted to go with him. Though it was unclear if he got that message so Trent might just stay if she has no one to run with. Darlene however, had covered what happened to Susan. She and Cisco had destroyed the evidence and had incinerated Susan’s body with no one the wiser. And so Darlene was beginning to feel like she could trust Cisco when she saw a message for him from the Dark Army on his computer.

The message said that he has her, with the “her” being Darlene, and that their backdoor into the FBI was up and working. So fsociety was literally falling apart under Darlene’s leadership when Darlene found out that the Dark Army had used her and her organization to hack the FBI. And so in revenge, she attacked Cisco!


Kristine Francis:
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