Quantico Recap 4/17/16: Season 1 Episode 18 “Soon”

Quantico Recap 4/17/16: Season 1 Episode 18 "Soon"Quantico Recap 4/17/16: Season 1 Episode 18 "Soon"

Tonight on ABC Quantico airs with an all new Sunday April 17, season 1 episode 18 called, “Soon” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode at Quantico, Alex, (Priyanka Chopra)  Shelby (Johanna Braddy) and Iris learn some surprising truths about Drew, (Lenny Platt) Will (Jay Armstrong Johnson) and Caleb (Graham Rogers) while investigating them for high-level security clearances.

On the last episode, at Quantico, the trainees learned about human trafficking when they’re assigned to cross the U.S.-Canadian border without passports. Meanwhile, in the future, Simon put  his life at risk while helping Alex. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the ABC synopsis, “At Quantico, the NATs look into each other’s background to determine who gets high-level security clearance, and in the process Alex, Shelby and Iris learn some surprising truths about Drew, Will and Caleb. Meanwhile, in the future, Alex contacts Claire Haas (guest star Marcia Cross) in order to find her missing friends and is shocked when she discovers what happened to Caleb.”

Tonight’s season 1 episode 18 looks like it is going to be awesome so make sure that you tune in to our live coverage of Quantico at 10:00 PM EST!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s episode of Quantico kicks off with Alex running a check on the license plates of the van that picked up Simon and Will. It was registered to someone named Mark Raymond. Alex searches online and finds that Caleb’s Facebook page has his name listed as Mark Raymond. Meanwhile, Ryan and Nimah have hacked in to Alex’s computer – they know that she is cyber stalking Caleb.

Flashback to Quantico – it’s medical screening week. They won’t graduate until they pass an advanced physical examination. Meanwhile, Shelby is in an amazing mood because she just got a letter from her parents telling her how proud they are of him. Liam is riding the twins – he says that their physicals have to match. Will is being prepped by Caleb ton infiltrate a cult.
Miranda is at a hearing, she argues that she did everything that she did to protect her country and her son. The vote was close – but she is being removed from Quantico, and is going to be assigned to a local field office. Afterwards, Miranda is on a witch hunt to figure out who voted to have her removed from Quantico.

Clayton pays Quantico a visit. He takes the stage to discuss security clearance. Ryan has forms for all of the students to fill out before they will be granted security clearance. The form asks for exhaustive details about their personal finances, any drug or alcohol use, and their sex lives.

Present time – Alex calls Raina in Michigan, she tells her that they need to talk about Will, Simon, and Shelby. She asks Raina to fly to NYC to help her, Alex says that she thinks Caleb is the key to the terrorists they have been chasing. Nimah has security clearance, and Alex needs Raina to pretend to be her sister again.

Flashback to Quantico – Miranda heads to her office to pack up her things and Liam stops by. Miranda is suspicious of him, it looks like she thinks that he may be the one that voted her out of Quantico. She invites him out for drinks later after work.

In class, they are split up. One of the twins, Shelby, and Will have been flagged and can’t have their security clearance yet – apparently there was something suspicious on the forms that they filled out. Meanwhile, the rest of their class members get their next case files on a Mexican cartel.

Present time – Raina has arrived in NYC and is helping Alex. Alex calls Nimah in to her office, and Raina slips in to Ryan’s office pretending to be her twin sister. Ryan and Nimah are too smart though – Ryan figures out that Raina is trying to steal her identity. Alex slips out of the building before she gets in trouble too – Caleb’s mother is waiting outside in a limo and picks her up.

Caleb’s mother lectures Alex about how difficult she is being – Alex says that she needs to speak to Caleb. Alex explains that she knows that he is using the alias Mark Raymond, she tells her about the car being rented, and the security boxes she found in Mark/Caleb’s name. Mrs. Haas scoffs that Alex is wrong about her son – and she is going to prove it.

Flashback to Quantico – Iris takes Shelby aside and tells her that Caleb has been lying to her about being in the cult Systemics. Shelby is furious – she storms in to Liam’s office and rats him out. Meanwhile, Nimah is trying to figure out why her sister Raina was flagged by security clearance, and apparently Will is being held back for saying something Anti-American.

Present time – Mrs. Haas takes Alex all the way to her mansion, she leads her upstairs to Caleb’s room where he is sitting in the dark and shooting up heroin. Apparently he has been hiding away at home on a binge for months. He looks strung out, and there is no way that he is masterminding an entire terrorist attack in that state.

Alex sits down with Caleb, he gets emotional and describes to Alex the day that he saw his dad die right before his eyes at the bombing. Caleb blames himself for his dad’s death. He cries to Alex that he “just wants to go away.”

Alex shouts at Mrs. Haas that she cant just keep him locked away in her house shooting dope. She realizes that his mother has been getting drugs for Caleb so that he doesn’t die from withdrawals. Mrs. Haas is trying to keep her son’s drug problem a secret until after the campaign is over. Alex tries to talk to Caleb about Shelby – but there is no way he is going to talk to his ex after she cheated with his dad.

Flashback To Quantico – they are still examining the students files to see if they will get security clearance. After class Liam heads to the bar to meet up with Miranda. He knows she is up to something – she only gets him drunk when she wants something. Miranda puts Liam on the spot and asks him if he voted against her. He insists that at the hearing he fought for Miranda – he voted against her being fired. Miranda convinces drunk to hook up with her in the bathroom at the bar and tapes the whole thing on her phone.

Iris has been flagged and is on of the only students that still hasn’t gotten her security clearing. She is furious that Caleb passed the test but she didn’t – because she has been busting her butt at class, and he is sneaking around in a cult. She calls Systemics and leaves a tip, she says that one of their members is not loyal and is a member of the FBI, Iris tells them all about Will.

Caleb freaks out when iris brags about what she did. He shouts at her that Will is on his way to the meeting at Systemics and they are going to kill him. Caleb arrives at Systemics – they meet him with guns at the front door and call him Mark Raymond. Caleb insists that he came to warn them about Will and he is helping them by working at the FBI.

Present time – Alex is arguing with Mrs. Haas, she wants Caleb checked in to rehab ASAP. Alex argues that he could die up there in that room, and the only reason his mother hasn’t gotten him help is because she is protecting herself.

Flashback to Quantico – Miranda pays Alex a visit in her dorm room right before she leaves Quantico for good. She tells Alex that she is special, she fights for the truth, but in the future it will get her in trouble. Miranda says that Alex is the only trainee at Quantico that can do what she was never able to do – “shatter the glass.” Miranda warns Alex that the FBI favors men, protects them, and Alex has to be willing to play dirty.

At Systemics, Caleb is trying to prove his loyalty to the cult. They tell him that if he is really a true member – then he will hit Will. Caleb punches him twice in stomach, and then he starts beating him with a piece of pipe. Shelby shows up at the last minute and screams at them to leave Will alone. Caleb runs in to the building with the other members of Systemics, and they leave Will for dead.

Present Time – Alex is leaving the Haas mansion. When she is standing outside, Caleb jumps out the window and says that he is coming with her. When Alex isn’t paying attention, Caleb sneaks on his phone and tells someone that “she fell for it.”


Amanda Austin:
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