Queen Elizabeth Disappointed: Prince William Skips Easter Church Service With Kate Middleton to Party at Jecca Craig’s Wedding

How disappointed must Queen Elizabeth be at the thought that Prince William will skip Easter Church Services? William is out partying with his ex-girlfriend Jecca Craig at her wedding instead of home and going to church with Kate Middleton and his royal children for Easter.

The future King of England – which also makes Prince William the future Supreme Governor the Church of England – will ditch services on the holiest day of the year for Christians. How embarrassing is that?

This entire trip to Kenya makes no sense whatsoever as an official visit at the request of Queen Elizabeth. And that’s sort of how Kensington Palace has been trying to sell this trip.

We ask why Queen Elizabeth, the current head of the Church of England would send the future Keeper of the Faith outside the country over Easter weekend.

Part of this visit is business because Prince William met with President Uhuru Kenyatta. However, the remainder of the trip will involve some kind of private conservation work. Interestingly enough ex-girlfriend Jecca Craig’s wedding is at some kind of game preserve or conservation center.

The conservation work initiative is important – we don’t disagree with that at all. But does it take precedence over Easter with Kate Middleton, Prince George and Princess Charlotte? What kind of example is William setting not only for the British citizens but for Prince George and Princess Charlotte?

What happened to the doting father who wants to be a hands-on daddy? Missing your daughter’s first Easter doesn’t make Prince William very loving or caring does it?

It just seems odd that Jecca Craig is getting married in Kenya over Easter weekend and Prince William just happens to be there – minus Kate Middleton – and involved in some type of unofficial promotion for his wildlife conservation initiative.

What must Queen Elizabeth think? Or has Her Majesty given up on Prince William as she gave up on Prince Charles? Is Queen Elizabeth of the mind that oh well, the Church of England is already going to get a divorced man married to a divorced woman as its leader what do people care if they get a Defender of the Faith who ducks out of a few Easter Sunday services.

Let us know what you think in the comments section below and come back to CDL for the latest Royal Family news.

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Olivia Marie:
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