Scream Queens Recap 9/27/16: Season 2 Episode 2 “Warts and All”

Scream Queens Recap 9/27/16: Season 2 Episode 2 "Warts and All"Scream Queens Recap 9/27/16: Season 2 Episode 2 "Warts and All"

Tonight on FOX their comedy-horror series Scream Queens airs with an all-new Tuesday, September 27 episode and we have your Scream Queens recap below!  On tonight’s Scream Queens Season 2 episode 2,  Chad (Glen Powell) arrives hoping to win back Chanel, (Emma Roberts) but uncovers a disturbing secret about Brock. (John Stamos)

Did you watch last week’s season 2 premiere of Scream Queens where years after the murderous events at Kappa House, Dean Munsch (Jamie Lee Curtis) purchased an abandoned hospital under the guise of fixing the healthcare system in America?  If you missed it we have a full and detailed Scream Queens recap of last week, right here!

On tonight’s Scream Queens season 2 episode 2 as per the FOX synopsis, “new patient (guest star Colton Haynes) with a hideous ailment visits the hospital in hope of a cure, but finds a love interest instead. Meanwhile, Chad (Glen Powell) returns to win Chanel (Emma Roberts) back and, in the process, discovers a dark secret of Brock’s. (John Stamos) Then, after another run-in with the killer, Munsch (Jamie Lee Curtis) enlists the help of new Quantico special agent Denise Hemphill.”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9PM – 10PM ET for our Scream Queens recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Scream Queens recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Ms. Hobart otherwise known as the werewolf patient was murdered on last week’s episode of “Scream Queens” however Chanel #5 was still alive. For some reason, the killer had decided to leave the one Chanel that no one apparently liked alive. So naturally no one later believed her when she didn’t kill Ms. Hobart and that there was a new killer on the loose. But while nobody believed her at the time and truly thought she killed a former patient merely to get some attention for herself, they couldn’t exactly prove that she killed anyone so she was free to continue on at the hospital.

However, Zayday did wonder if Chanel #5 was telling the truth. A new patient had come into the hospital and that patient also had a rare disease that was pretty hard to cure. So Zayday asked herself what if Dean Munsch had lured the Chanels to the hospital to kill them off one by one? Zayday had been thinking things through with Chamberlain Jackson whose was the jolly male candy stripper at the hospital and she brought up a lot of questions that he thought was valid. Like why did the former dean buy a hospital that only treated pretty much unfixable diseases and why did the hospital seem to only take in one patient at the time?

So Zayday swore she would keep an eye out, but there was just so many odd things going on at the hospital that it was pretty hard to focus in on everything. Chanel as in Chanel #1 had gone out on a date with the hot and gorgeous Dr. Brock Holt and they were enjoying themselves until the doctor began to act strangely. The doctor’s hand as in the one that had been given to him after he went through the first hand transplant had acted as if it had a life of its own. It began doing odd things in the movie theatre and eventually Chanel thought he was making fun of her. Yet, she laughed about when she thought that she was simply recreating what happened in the movie to scare her.

Though Chanel wasn’t laughing when a man wearing the red devil mask and who stalked her around the hospital turned out to be her ex Chad. Chad wanted a second chance with Chanel so he had brought his friend to the hospital to get looked. Chad’s friend Randall had gone hunting with a bunch of them when he accidentally shot a girl in the fact and couldn’t stop screaming. So Chad thought that Dr. Brock would be able to help Randall yet Brock said that there was no cure for that and later told a man that had come in that he couldn’t him with a unique type of Neurofibromatosis. And so the others at the hospital had tried to help these patients.

Munsch had stepped in when Brock said he couldn’t help Randall and she had told her doctor that didn’t turn away anyone. But Chanel #5 had tried to help Tyler in her own way and unfortunately she hadn’t really done anything of value. Tyler who had the unique type of Neurofibromatosis had been convinced by Chanel #5 to make a TV clip where they both ask for money to make him handsome again. So the other Chanels had told #5 that the commercial wasn’t emotional and that wasn’t going to raise any money because it had been stupid.

So Chanel #5 nixed the commercial idea and just started to hang out with Tyler. Tyler was the only one that listened to her when she said she didn’t kill werewolf girl and he understood what it was like to feel like an outcast because his condition didn’t make him any friends and #5 hadn’t been able to get a boyfriend after Chanel said she had teeth in the vagina. However, Tyler didn’t get to see her real side until they went out to lunch together and two guys started to make fun of him. They had mocked Tyler by saying that looked like the inside of a hemorrhoid butt and so #5 had attacked them and explained that she tends to overreact sometimes because she wasn’t taking her meds anymore.

Finding out that #5 wasn’t taking her meds had probably made Tyler rethink whether or not she was guilty. Though again that hadn’t been the weirdest thing that happened tonight. Zayday and Chamberlain had had a nasty encounter with Ingrid Hoffel who was the Head of Human Resources when they found her scuttling around the basement however they soon forgot about that encounter when they completed the reason why they went into the basement in the first place. The two had gone looking for old newspaper articles and they found the one they were looking for. That one that detailed how the entire staff at the hospital had been murdered on Halloween back in 1986.

Now Zayday suspected that the murders from then was connected to what happened to werewolf girl though still thought that Munsch was the killer. So she and Chamberlain had confronted the former dean with what they found and Munsch firmly denied that she was guilty. Munsch had stayed that she started this hospital because she was the one that was sick and she had hoped that a hospital that cured the incurable would be able to help. Though after her meeting with Chamberlain and Zayday, the killer tried to stuck again and attacked Munsch.

Munsch though had been able to fend off her attacker because this wasn’t the first time she had to fight a killer. So Munsch had managed to incapacitate the killer and she was just about to take off the killer’s mask to find out the killer’s real identity when Chanel #3 Dr. Cassidy interrupted her. The two had just gotten back from a date when they saw Munsch and inadvertently allowed the killer to get away. Yet, Munsch had enacted a new policy at the hospital where no one interrupts someone that’s about to unmask a killer so that’s now in place.

But Munsch had realized that #5 was back so she asked Denise Hemphill who was now an FBI agent to come and help her find the killer. The regular cops had been too stupid and had thought #5 was the killer. So Munsch knew that she needed someone better and that’s why she called Denise yet Denise thought that if there was new serial on the loose that last Hester would be able to help. Hester had nearly killed all of them and she did know something about the killer that was targeting them all now.

Hester however refused to give up any details until her delusional demands were met. So the ladies left the crazy hospital and two of the Chanels went on to throw a celebration for Tyler. They wanted to celebrate him because he managed to love #5 despite how she looked and they thought that deserved a reward. Chanel had gotten Chad to pay for Tyler’s expensive new treatment because Chad had been fooled into believing that it was for Chanel’s enhancement and that finally meant, at least for #5, that #5 was going to have a hot boyfriend. Though, before she and Tyler could get their happy ending, the killer tricked Tyler and killed him before #5 even realized that something was wrong.

So the killer had killed again though whoever it is probably won’t attack Munsch again. Munsch had proven that she was a deadly opponent and Zayday had found out that an unfortunate trip to New Guinea had been what Munsch her disease. However, that disease was actually incurable and Munsch didn’t have a lot of time on her hands because the disease was going to give her a year at best. And so the only one that looks like she could reasonably survive the latest onslaught was going to die because she had mistakenly taken part in a cannibalistic ceremony.

Yet, who is the killer and someone please explain why Brock got a hand transplant from a known serial killer that also happened to play a mean game of squash?

Kristine Francis:
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