Second Chance Recap 1/20/16: Season 1 Episode 2 “One More Notch”

Tonight on FOX Second Chance airs with an all new Wednesday January 20, season 1 episode 2 called, “One More Notch,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode two killers are on the loose thanks to the power surge that brought Pritchard back to life and helped them escape from prison, but the former sheriff is determined to find them and save the city he still believes is his to protect.

On the last episode, Rob Kazinsky (“True Blood”) starred as a disgraced, 75-year-old ex-sheriff, who died at the hands of corrupt cops. He was brought back to life – by a pair of young tech scientists who were founders of a social networking empire – and given a second chance as a 35-year-old with unpredictable near-superhuman abilities. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the FOX synopsis, “two killers are on the loose thanks to the power surge that brought Pritchard back to life and helped them escape from prison, but the former sheriff is determined to find them and save the city he still believes is his to protect. Meanwhile, Pritchard tries to gain Duval’s trust by telling him they’re half brothers.”

Don’t forget to join us for our live recap tonight at 9:00 pm when Second Chance airs on Fox. While you wait for the recap, check out a sneak peek of tonight’s episode below!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#SecondChance starts with Jimmy waking up – he sees himself in a chair – his old self. He says the genetic factor was rare that made it so he can come back. He says wake up Sheriff and slaps himself.

Jimmy wakes up for real this time. He goes up into the house and looks outside where a storm is brewing. Two escaped convicts are eating in a house where they have a family tied up. Duval is told they have to track these men down.

She says they were locked up for meth infractions and are now converted to a scary religion while in jail. His new boss says he did good by exposing the corruption but she wants to talk about what really happened on that bridge.

Otto tells Arthur that Mary isn’t getting better and will be dead by the end of the year if he can’t fix it. He says the donor is getting stronger and we see Jimmy lifting huge weights. Otto says his body is at the limits of human capacity and is certain he can save Mary with his blood.

He says he’s keeping him confined to the house until that happens. Jimmy listens to the news of the manhunt for the escaped convicts. Arthur notifies him that Mary is waiting for her transfusion. Mary tells Jimmy he may be able to save many lives.

He cuts off the blood flow in the tube and tells her about the prison riot during the power outage. He says he knows when they brought him back to regenerate him, it shut down the power. She says they’re helping to fix it and are giving money and resources to the authorities.

Jimmy says he’s the Sheriff and wants to find those men. Otto watches and says no. Mary says he can use Lookinglass to find them. He says he wants to talk to the one that the cops caught. He goes to the hospital and says he’s with the prisoner’s rights commission.

He says the Corrrections Department should have cleared him. Mary has Arthur crack the system to get him cleared. They let him in to see the guy. The guy says he wasn’t planning on escaping but then Stax and Hume got through so he says God was telling him to go.

Jimmy asks if they had a plan and a place to go. He tells Jimmy to go to hell. He puts his hand over his mouth and says he’s going to help him then he slams his hand on his leg and says he has no idea how strong he is then asks if he wants to find out.

Jimmy walks out with a smile. He calls Mary and says they’re going to get guns from Luther Verneck. Duval shows up at the hospital and sees Jimmy leaving. He tries to get to him but the elevator doors close. Duval goes running down the stairs.

Jimmy talks to a heart patient and commiserates over heart surgery. Duval hits the bottom floor. Jimmy gets off the elevator. Mary tells Jimmy that she’s sending Luther’s address. He gets in the car and pulls away as Duval runs out front looking for him and curses.

Alexa gives Mary her schedule for the day but her assistant is crying. She sits and says she can’t believe she stopped her chemo and isn’t seeing her oncologist. Jimmy gets out at Luther’s place and goes inside. He finds Luther dead. Cops bust in.

They tell him hands up. Alexa cries to Mary about how it’s too much. Otto comes in and does twin speak to her and Alexa leaves. He shows them Jimmy from the cops’ body cams. Jimmy tells them he’s not the man they want.

He says don’t come closer. He says he doesn’t want anyone to get hurt. A cop threatens him with a taser. Otto asks Arthur who makes the tasers. He hacks them so the cops are all stunned then tells Jimmy to run now. He walks out as Duval pulls up. He takes off running.

A car hits him while he’s in the street. The two girls get out to check on him and ask if he’s dead. He says he used to be but not anymore than takes off again. Otto asks Mary why she let Jimmy out. He says they made him and he’s theirs.

Mary says this is because of them and shows him the bodies of people the escaped cons killed. She says Jimmy can catch them and if he gets caught, they have to take that chance. Duval is shown some recovered footage from a fried body cam of Jimmy there with the body.

He looks at the license plate he ran for Jimmy’s car that’s registered to Lookinglass. Jimmy is there and is in the tank for a rejoicing. Duval shows Mary the pic of the car and says he’s looking for the man who was driving it.

He asks to see the car and wants the man. She says he doesn’t have a warrant. She asks if he’s told his superiors that he’s there. She says he needs to deal properly with her corporation and can’t do an end run to talk to her security people. He has to say okay.

Jimmy broke a couple of ribs but is better. Mary tells him about the interaction with Duval. He says his son will ruin his career before he lets this go. He says Duval will expose it all to help catch the killers. Duval’s boss has a sketch of Jimmy and says he’s connected to all this.

She asks where Duval is. Duval rants to his sister and says he’s jammed up and needs to talk to the FBI. He gives Helen a stack of important documents. He says she may have to take care of things for a while and take care of Gracie.

Helen asks what he did. Gracie tells him someone is there to see him – it’s Jimmy. He lies and tells Duval he’s his brother. Duval asks who his mom is and if there are more siblings. Then he asks what about Lookinglass. Then he asks why he’s always at the crime scenes.

Jimmy says those bad guys have guns and are going to do something bad. He says they can stop them. Duval threatens to arrest him but Jimmy says he’s family and he can see it. He asks his name. Gracie asks Helen if he’s really his uncle.

They watch Duval and Jimmy stare at each other. Jimmy shakes Helen’s hand and says hi to Gracie. Helen says a secret brother and says she’s flipping out. She asks if he knew her he tells her grandfather and he says he knew him well.

She asks if he thinks he killed himself. He says there is no way Jimmy Pritchard killed himself. Duval says let’s go and they leave. Helen says he has a cowboy vibe but Gracie says it’s more like a sheriff.

The cops hand out sketches of Jimmy and discuss that he killed the gun runner and is dangerous. Duval is annoyed that their father gave him his name James when he stuck him with Duval. Jimmy takes Duval to a Chinese restaurant and says his dad had a contact there.

Jimmy asks for Peng and the hostess says her grandfather died 10 years ago. He asks who’s running things and she whispers he left things to her. She asks who he is and he says she’s little Emma.

Jimmy says they’re the sheriff’s sons. She kisses them both on the mouth and says Jimmy never gave up her grandfather. She refuses to help and says it’s not good for business. Jimmy asks to speak to Emma alone and they step away. They leave Duval at the table.

Jimmy whispers in her ear and she nods. Duval thinks about his dad. Jimmy tells him let’s go get them. He asks what just happened. A kid runs a slip of paper out to Jimmy. He says three passports are in the works from a contact of Emma’s.

They wonder who the little girl is. Duval gets on the phone. A woman is packing and tells her daughter they’re going now. Lisa says she doesn’t want to go but her mom says it’s about her dad. She says her dad is in jail. Her mom says she’s worried he’ll come for them since he got out.

The door is knocked in and her ex is there. He holds his hand over her mouth and threatens her. Duval asks how Jimmy got her to give the info. Jimmy says he told Emma that Duval is an FBI agent and can watch her back.

Duval calls to check on wives or GF and says the convicts had none. Jimmy says check for restraining orders and he finds that a woman took out four on him. Strax and Hume are at her house scaring her.

Duval slaps a cuff on Jimmy and attaches it to the van and says he’ll be back for him. One of the convicts is called the Minister. The other is holding tight to Beth and the Minister is about to marry her to the convict against her will.

Beth screams – she’s tied up. The cops bust in the door and Duval helps her up and pulls the gag off her mouth. She says he took her daughter. Mary tells Jimmy that Stax and Hume took the daughter and Jimmy says find a way.

Mary says Lookinglass gave tablets to all the schoolkids and if it’s on her they can ping it. They do and give him coordinates and tell him she’s 50 feet off the ground. Jimmy and Emma hear the cops pull up. He goes to the secret back door he knows about.

She asks why he bricked up the escape door. He runs at it and bounces off. She tells him she put in a new door in the walk in freezer that was less obvious. He goes there. The FBI calls Duval and says there is no one cuffed to the van.

Duval has Jimmy’s phone but Otto wiped it clean remotely. Duval says he wants a tail on Mary. Mary tells Otto she’s going to go get Jimmy in case he starts to break down. Otto says he was watching her with Jimmy and says her pulse was elevated.

She’s annoyed he was spying on her and leaves. Mary also heads to the address she sent Jimmy to. Strax and Hume are inside and have the little girl. Lisa begs him to let her go home. Jimmy breaks the glass to get into the building. They hear and Lisa calls for help.

Her father tells her to be good and do her homework. Mary drives and tells Otto to look at her – she has him on her heads up display. Otto tells Arthur to activate the camera on the tablet. They do and Mary speaks to her.

She says she knows she’s scared. Lisa says the men have guns and Mary says the man is there to help her. One of the convicts hears her talking and smashes the tablet. Jimmy looks around and the two escapees argue over who will go check on the noise they heard.

The Minister goes down with an assault rifle at the ready. Jimmy touches a wall and presses his ear to it. He scratches at the wall making noise the guy can hear. The guy comes closer. He leans against the wall to listen. Jimmy punches through the wall and grabs him.

He knocks him out then takes the gun. Mary heads to the building. Duval is told where she is and he tells the tail to clear out and he’ll take care of it. Mary goes inside. Jimmy heads upstairs. The other guy holds Lisa and has a gun in his hand.

Duval weapons up and heads inside. Jimmy says he knows he doesn’t want to hurt his daughter. He tells Jimmy he got married today to make her mom right. Jimmy says he was married once to a good woman.

Jimmy asks him to put the guns down and lowers his. The guy knows he’s scaring his daughter and puts his down. The convict tells Jimmy that he’s walking out with his daughter. He pulls a backup gun and says he’s walking out.
Mary is there and tells Otto now. He moves a device in the room that had remote access and it hits the guy. Jimmy takes him down. Jimmy picks up Lisa and Mary tells him it’s okay. He says – let’s go. They walk out.

The Minister in the basement comes to but Duval is there. Jimmy, Mary and Lisa walk out while Duval is tagging the two bad guys – he didn’t see them go. They take Lisa back to her mom’s house. Lisa gets out and runs to her mom.

Some agents are there with her and Jimmy says he knows he’s not the kind of guy she would have picked for this experiment. He asks if she’s worried about who she brought back and she asks if she should be.

She keeps calling him Mr Pritchard and he says she can call him Jimmy. She says she likes James better. She sees him faltering and says he needs to get back in the tank. Duval gets the word that someone dropped the little girl off in front of her house.

Jimmy is back in the tank and Mary and Otto stare at him. Mary tells Otto they saved the girl’s life. Otto says let’s get back to saving yours. He wants to run her blood but she says she doesn’t want to be her cancer right now.

Jimmy jumps rope and smiles in glee. Later, he goes back to Emma’s for a beer. Duval shows up and shows him that was a photo of him standing over the body and now Strax is the one showing. He asks if Lookinglass did this.

Duval says you were there, weren’t you. Jimmy says what if he was – the two were caught and the girl is home. Jimmy says they could do more and take down a lot more scum. Duval says Jimmy sounds just like his dad and he says thanks.

Jimmy asks if he’s there to take him in and Duval says not today. Jimmy says think about what we could do together and walks out. Duval takes his glass – must be ready to run a DNA test to see who Jimmy is.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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