Selena Gomez In Hiding Because of Justin Bieber Heartbreak: Can’t Handle Life Without First Lover?

Is Selena Gomez hiding from Justin Bieber? There’s a new report that indicates Selena Gomez has changed her phone number because her ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber has been calling her nonstop after their explosive Sofia Richie feud.

Does Justin Bieber want Selena Gomez back? Is Selena Gomez avoiding Justin Bieber because she can’t get over her heartache from their breakup? Is another Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez romance in the future for the former lovers? That’s what fans can’t help but wonder as the 24-year-old ‘Kill Em With Kindness’ singer supposedly changed her phone number so Justin Bieber can’t reach her anymore.

According to the Daily Mail, Selena Gomez, who is currently battling with Lupus-related depression, has apparently changed her phone number and instructed her close circle of friends to not forward her new phone number to her ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber. Even though Justin Bieber is supposedly dating 18-year-old model Sofia Richie, it seems as though he can’t get Selena Gomez out of his head, even though she wants nothing to do with him.

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber made headlines earlier this summer after she called him out on his Instagram account and accused him of cheating on her during their relationship, which lasted from 2011 until 2015. When Justin Bieber complained of his fans bullying and harassing his current girlfriend, Sofia Richie, online, Selena Gomez suggested that he keep his private life private, while reminding him that his fans have helped make him the international pop star he is today.

Justin Bieber retaliated by suggesting Selena Gomez cheated on him with Zayn Malik before deactivating his Instagram account. Things went from bad to worse for Selena Gomez as she then canceled her world tour, citing depression and personal issues.

While there’s no doubt that Justin Bieber is concerned about Selena Gomez’s health, could he be trying to reach out to her in hopes of reigniting the flame that was once in their relationship? Justin Bieber might pretend like he doesn’t care, but there’s no doubt that he is worried for Selena Gomez. After all, the actress is Justin Bieber’s one and only true love, as he’s struggled to find a serious girlfriend since their breakup last year. The same can be said for Selena Gomez, who has remained single as she’s struggled to move on from him as well.

While no one knows why Justin Bieber is still trying to reach out to Selena Gomez, one thing is for certain: a Jelena romance will either make or break the singer. Selena Gomez can’t live with Justin Bieber, but she can’t live without him, either. Justin Bieber, on the other hand, might be toying with Selena Gomez’s feelings without realizing that his fun and games might ultimately be affecting her mental health in the long run. What do you think, CDL readers?

Image credit to Selena Gomez // via Instagram

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