Shadowhunters airs on ABC Family tonight with an all new Tuesday January 19, season 1 episode 2 called “The Descent Into Hell Isn’t Easy,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Jace (Dominic Sherwood) discovers Clary’s (Katherine McNamara) memories are the key to finding Jocelyn (Maxim Roy) and the Mortal Cup, but she has no recollection of her other life; and the Shadowhunters go to the City of Bones to face the Silent Brothers.
On the last episode, nothing was as it seems, including her close family friend Luke, who knew more than he was letting on, as well as the enigmatic warlock Magnus Bane, who could hold the key to unlocking Clary’s past. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.
On tonight’s episode as per the ABC Family synopsis, “Jace discovers Clary’s memories are the key to finding Jocelyn and the Mortal Cup, but she has no recollection of her other life; and the Shadowhunters go to the City of Bones to face the Silent Brothers. Meanwhile, Luke continues his search for Clary; and Simon tries to come to terms with his best friend’s new life.”
Tune in to ABC Family at 8PM EST to watch “The Descent Into Hell Isn’t Easy” we’ll also be recapping it all live for you right here. In the meantime head to our comments section and tell us your thoughts on the new show and enjoy the sneak peek down below!
Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
#Shadowhunters #CityOfBones begins with Simon saying Clary’s name and telling her they need to go. She says Jace can help them. She tells him to come on and pulls him inside. Jace calls him mundane and says they have no time.
They go inside and Simon sees a wreck. Jace puts a rune on his arm and Simon asks why he’s burning himself. He holds Simon hand and then everything comes to be seen like it really is. Simon asks what the hell this is.
He asks Clary if there’s a war he doesn’t know about and she says her mom is at the center of it. Clary says Jace is not a killer and she says they protect humans from demons. Simon says that makes sense and mocks them.
They see the NYPD poking around outside but Jace says they will find nothing. Alex asks why there’s a mundane outside. Jace says a Circle member followed him there. Jace says the Circle started a revolt and his father died in it.
Alec says they’re not allowed to talk about that history. Clary says her mother is missing and she wants to know who can tell them. Jace tells Clary to come on and tells Simon he has to stay. Clary says her BFF gets to come or nothing.
Isabelle is there and explains that runes give them power then says she’ll keep an eye on Simon. She offers to make him breakfast and introduces herself and Alec. He says he’ll be fine and tells Clary to go ahead. Jace says they’re going to the training room.
In a parking garage, a woman walks up behind a guy. She demands to know where Magnus is. Luke grabs her and asks if she’s part of Valentine’s plan. She calls Luke a disgrace to the Circle then says she knows he killed Konrad.
He says she’ll talk or end up dead. She fights him off and they set off a car alarm. She goes to tab him with a glowing knife then we hear a growl and the car is kicked back. Jace says Hodge was part of the Circle but repented and can never leave the Institute.
They watch him spar then he pulls his shirt on. He thinks Clary is Jocelyn. She says that’s her mother. He says he knew her mother and she was one of his best friends. Clary says Valentine took her but Hodge says Valentine is dead and the Circle with him.
He groans as a rune burns his neck for speaking of it. Hodge says if the Circle took them, it’s bad. He says Valentine sacrificed so many and says he would have killed most of humanity. Hodge says Jocelyn was part of the Circle too.
Clary doesn’t believe it. He says Jocelyn left and Valentine died in a fire. Hodge is in pain from mentioning the incidents and Clary doesn’t want to ask him anymore. Hodge says Valentine will destroy the Shadow World. Clary says her mom mentioned a cup.
Hodge says the cup can create Shadowhunters and control demons. He says Clary has to protect her mother and stop Valentine before he destroys them all. Clary storms out and tells Jace that she’s not an emotionless GI Joe like him. He doesn’t know what that means.
He says she needs training or she’ll be killed. Clary says Valentine must think her mother has the cup. She says she doesn’t know where it is. She says her memory is empty and Jace says it’s been wiped. He says a warlock can do that.
He says they’re half mortal half demon. She says her mom’s friend Dot had powers like he described. He wonders if Dot is working for Valentine and Clary says the she can lead them to Valentine which is even better.
Luke cleans up Jocelyn and Clary’s apartment. He packs up things gently. He hears a noise and pulls his gun. Dot says she sent her through a portal to him and says she got thrown through a window. She says she glamoured the house to keep the cops away.
She says all she knows is she sent Clary to him. He says he can’t let anyone track Clary and says the stuff is going to the police station with him. She says she’s going to find Clary and will go to Magnus Bane. Luke says they can’t trust anyone and she agrees.
Simon sits in a room when Isabelle comes in with a tray of food. He asks about runes and humans and she says they kill or drive humans crazy. She says we call them Forsaken and kill them. He asks why Jace put a rune on Clary.
She says Jace thought she might be a Shadowhunter. She tells him to relax and says Jace can protect Clary. They start eating and he looks uncertain. He asks about the Circle and how bad they are. She says it’s bad for all of them.
Jace tries to look up Jocelyn’s file but it’s restricted. Valentine looks at Jocelyn’s body in stasis. Luke is at the station when Vargas walks up on him. She asks about Clary and says she spoke to her when he was talking to those two witnesses.
He lies and says Clary is okay and it was just boy drama. Isabelle gives Clary a dress and she doesn’t like it because it’s too sexy. She tells her Simon is in good hands. Clary asks if she, Alex and Jace are family.
Isabelle says Jace is like her brother and says her parents took him in when he was 10 and they were trained together. Clary says all this is too much. Isabelle tells her she was born to do this – to be a Shadowhunter and says it’s who she is.
Clary says she’s not feeling it. Isabelle tells her Simon is nerd hot. Luke tells Alaric that Clary must have heard him interrogating the Circle members. He wants Alaric to look for Simon. Simon tells Clary they need to go.
She says they can’t go. Isabelle opens a rack of weapons. Alec comes in and says the clave is sending Seelie scouts. Alec says Clary has to stay but Jace says they need to find Dot. She says they need to stop at her apartment.
Clary touches the necklace her mom gave her and gasps. She gets an image of someone running. They all walk out. Dot rushes in and tells Magnus that Jocelyn is missing. He says he’s protecting his people and says Valentine is hunting warlocks.
He says he wants to find out who made the potion that put Jocelyn to sleep. Dot says if Valentine gets the cup, they’re doomed. He hops in a portal and follows the other warlocks away. Dot runs back outside. She looks around worried.
Dot is grabbed by some growling men. She screams. Clary leads the way to where she saw her then sees Dot being threatened. She screams and runs for her. She rushes into the alley while Jace runs after her.
Clary says two Circle members have Dot and they have to stop them. They run inside the Pandemonium club. Clary says Dot is like her big sister. Alec says they have to get back to the Institute. Jace says they can go to the Silent Brothers about her memories.
Alec says it could kill her. He says they already broke too many Clave rules. Isabelle says Clary is not prepared for this. Clary says if they have no other way, she’ll do it. Jace says see, she’s one of us. They head out to a remote area.
It’s under a creepy bridge and Simon is bothered. Jace tells Simon and Clary to wait until they know it’s safe. Alec tells Jace if something happens to her it’s on us. Jace says they can’t let Valentine get the cup. He asks Alec what’s the problem.
Jace says they’re in this together but now there’s one more of them. Clary tells Simon she can’t believe her mom kept this from her. She tells Simon she always felt like something was missing so this makes sense.
She says she needs her mom back and Simon says let’s do it. Jace says come on it’s clear. Simon hangs back a bit. They go under the abandoned bridge. Dot is in a cage in Valentine’s lair. He tells her she’s old but not to wise.
He says reverse Jocelyn’s spell and he’ll free her. She says he’s lying. Dot says it wasn’t her and she can’t break the spell. Valentine asks who did the spell. He demands the warlock’s name. He says she must want to help the girl.
He has a syringe and says maybe this will trigger her memory. He injects her in the neck. She goes limp.
Jace tells Clary the Silent Brothers aren’t like them. He says they communicate with thoughts not words. He says they will carve the truth from her mind and it could kill her if she’s not strong enough. He says the pain will be excruciating.
Clary says she’ll do whatever it takes to get her mom back. He says they can do this. They walk on and she sees a skeleton hanging there. Simon says she can do this. He says he’s not staying back since the funny best friend always dies in the movies.
Jace says if he goes in, he’ll die. Alec says the rune energy kills any mundane. Alec says he can’t be here and walks away. Simon tells Clary to go ahead and he’ll wait there guarding the entrance to hell. She hugs him.
They’re now in an old cemetery and they walk into a tomb. Isabelle remarks that Jace and Clary are quite the team. Simon doesn’t like it. Vargas shows Luke a witness turned up dead outside an abandoned church and another in a parking garage.
The woman’s body is all bloody and there’s a claw mark on the hood of the car. Alaric tells Luke he’s supposed to fly under the radar. Luke says it was self-defense. Clary and Jace go down into a crypt and follow some stairs.
It’s all very goth and creepy. Jace holds out a witch light and it glows in his hand. He tells her it’s cooler than a flashlight. They use it to guide their way. He hands it to her. They see a statue with a sword and the Shadowhunter creed and it’s holding a cup that’s supposed to be the Mortal cup.
The sword has the words on it that – for a Shadowhunter, the descent into hell is easy. She tells Jace she’s sorry for what she said and didn’t know his mother was dead. He says he has no feelings, don’t bother.
He says his father was part of the Circle too and tried to leave and it cost him his life. He says he will make Valentine and his people pay. Clary says she’s still sorry. He says no more of that – she’s a Shadowhunter now. He takes her hand and guides her through the corridor.
She sees a symbol she’s drawn before. He says it means clairvoyance. The Silent Brothers are there. One pulls back his hood and she sees his eyes and mouth are sewn shut. They speak to her in her mind and tell her to come into the circle. They tell Jace to step back. He does.
The brother says searching her mind is perilous but she says she needs her memories. They tell her the Soul Sword could kill her. Clary thinks about her mother telling her she’s powerful. She says she’s ready.
Simon asks Alec how long it takes to crack open a mind. Isabelle says the Silent Brothers are unpleasant. He frets and Alec complains about Simon talking too much. He tells Isabelle he’s in a band and she asks if it’s indie rock. She asks to hear his music.
He says his phone is in the band and she goes to get it with him. Alec is annoyed. Simon sees a text from Maureen and ignores it. Isabelle hears something and tells him not to leave the van. She locks him in.
He listens to some music on his headphones. Someone grabs him from the back of the van and he gasps. Clary sees the Soul Sword above her head. It comes down and touches her forehead. She sees back in her past talking to Simon. Luke tells her mother to stop blocking her memory.
He says Clary is a Shadowhunter and she can’t change that. Jocelyn says it’s not safe. She says if she ever finds out that her father is Valentine. Clary gasps and the sword pulls away. Clary says she’s not done.
The Silent Brother says only fragments of her memory are there and says she must accept what she saw. Jace asks what it is. Clary says her mother lied and Valentine is her father. She runs out upset.
Dot sits in her cell using magic to pop off the chains on her wrists. She gets the lock off the cage too. She pushes the gate open and tells Jocelyn she knows she can hear her. She tells her Clary is fine. She says she’s brave and strong and won’t let Valentine win.
One of the Circle guys attacks and she grabs something sharp and stabs him in the neck. Valentine comes in and tells him he was a good soldier and he won’t forget his sacrifice. He pushes the plunger on the syringe Dot stabbed him with. Valentine pulls out his stele.
It glows as he tells Dot he was never going to let her go and murders her. Jace tells Alec that they found out Clary is Valentine’s daughter. Alec assumes she’s a spy for the Circle but Clary goes off on him then asks where Simon is.
Isabelle says Simon is gone and she can’t find him. Clary runs looking for him. They see Simon being held upside down off the bridge abutment. The guy says the Night Children will give back the mundane in exchange for the Mortal Cup.
He says the clock is ticking, Then they’re gone and take Simon with them. Clary screams his name but he’s gone.