Supernatural Recap – Bugs in Bodies: Season 11 Episode 19 “The Chitters”

Supernatural continues tonight on the CW with an all new Wednesday April 27, season 11 episode 19 called “The Chitters,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, in a small town in Colorado, mysterious disappearances happen every 27 years.

On the last episode, Lucifer (Misha Collins) took a trip home and tried to assert himself into Heaven. Crowley (Mark A. Sheppard) told Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) he had a way to take down Amara (guest star Emily Swallows).

On tonight’s episode as per the CW synopsis, “in a small town in Colorado, mysterious disappearances happen every 27 years. Sam and Dean head to the town to investigate and meet two hunters who have a personal vendetta against these once-in-a-generation monsters.”

Tonight’s season 11 episode 19 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CW’s Supernatural at 9:00 PM EST!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#Supernatural starts with a kid named Jesse telling Matty that he kissed Jackie. They are in Colorado. Jesse is all about the other boy but Matty says be careful about not getting beaten up for being gat. Jesse says he wishes they were gone already so they can leave.

Matty talks about selling off his coins and says when he’s 18, they’ll get out of here and promises. Jesse asks to see it and Matty shows him a coin and smiles. He hands it back and then goes to pee while his brother waits. Jesse goes to a tree and unzips then hears a noise.

He calls out for Matty but he doesn’t answer. He hears Jesse calling for him and runs back to him. The cooler and his fishing stuff are there and Matty is being dragged into the trees by something growling. Jesse runs to help and he looks terrified.

At the bunker, Sam asks if Dean has been at the table all night. Sam says they will find Cass but Dean is upset that Amara has him. Dean says Amara’s beef is with Lucifer and God and she doesn’t care a think about Cass.
Sam says no leads after a week and says they should work and will catch a break. Dean says karma has been kicking them in the teeth and Sam shows him that Libby, also in Colorado, was carried off and now is a green eyed mutant. They wonder if it’s demons.

They head to Colorado. The sheriff tells Dean and Sam they have six missing in the last 48 hours. Only Libby was a tourist – the others are all locals. The sheriff says Libby’s friend was high as a kite. Sam asks if anything like this has happened before.

She says 27 years ago, a dozen people went missing then 27 years, another set. She says the town has been here since the 50s and this is the third time. She says some old timers have theories about Indian burial grounds.

She says people get bored and maybe they leave town and just never come back. She says they can look at the files and talk to the witness. Sam says this thing has moved in or keeps coming back for more. Dean goes to talk to Libby’s pal.

Cori says the thing that took Libby was naked and pale and had green eyes that flashed for a second. She says it was completely hairless and wasn’t a man or woman but had no sex parts. Dean asks if it was junkless. He asks about sounds and smells.

Cori says Libby was just standing there when she found her and was shivering. We see a flashback. She says it was creepy. Libby looked at her and her eyes flashed green and she growled at her. Cori says it wasn’t Libby and says the buzzing was coming from her body.

Dean says that makes no sense and weed won’t do that alone. Dean teases Sam about smoking pot in college. Sam has no leads and then he asks if they’re going to call it “Junkless” and Sam says Cochran, a former sheriff was closing in but then his notes stopped.

Sam says the dispatcher said he moved to Florida. Sam says the 1989 and 1962 witnesses are dead or gone except for Etta Fraser. Her husband went missing back in 1989. She tells them Pete was diddling women in public and Dean asks if he was caught in the act.

Etta says Doris and Missy brought out the hog in him. Sam asks didn’t those two disappear again and she says she thinks he ran off with one of them. She says she thought he ran off and Sam sniffs and asks if it’s white safe.

She also has luggage and says she’s going to see her sister. They ask why she’s going right now and Etta says her grandma told her that he got the chitters and once a generation, people start going nuts and having orgies in the woods then disappear.

Etta says she never believed it but now that people are going missing again and she’s burning sage to protect herself. She says the chitters was the sound her grandma said came from the woods during the orgies. They ask her about the green eyes.

She says her gran told her that your eyes would shine like emeralds if you got all revved up and she gives Sam the sexy eyes of her own. They hit the books. Two teens hear the buzzing sound and see a guy on a woman. They flash weird fangs and green eyes. The boy is attacked and the girl runs off. The girl tells Sam, Dean and the sheriff about the attack.

She says Coach Hollister attacked them and had pointed teeth and ripped into Cliff so she ran. Sam asks if she knew the couple and she says one of the Deavers and Mrs Limoski. They ask if she saw anyone else. She says she thinks there were more down the alley.

Dean asks if it looked like an orgy and the girl says she’s never seen an orgy. The guys step out with the sheriff. The Sheriff tells Sam and Dean that that’s all the missing and says this is what – aliens attacking people?
Dean says this is a new one for them and she goes to contact the families. Dean says orgyish behavior, chitters and then Dean gets a call from Cori and says he’s on the way. He says Cori saw her friend in the woods. Sam heads to the alley and Dean to meet Cori.

Dean hears the chitter noise and sees Cori’s pal Libby. He approaches her and she looks awful and her eyes glow green. Another attacks him from the side and tries to bite him. A guy is there and decapitates the one on Dean and helps him up.

Dean asks who they are, one is Jesse, the kid who’s brother went missing. Dean goes to have a beer with them and they tell Dean they heard he died a couple of years ago then Sam shows up. He introduces Jesse and Cesar, also hunters.

They tell Dean and Sam they usually work in Mexico. Jesse says it’s a bisaan which is like a cicada spirit. They burrow underground, come up and reproduce, then get back in their hole. They show them what the creature looks like when it comes out and it invades a human body to reproduce.

They tell them the buzzing is a mating call. They ask how they know so much about them and Jesse says one took his brother years ago and he’s been waiting on them to return. They ask Dean and Sam to step back and let them handle this.

Cesar says Jesse hates this town and everyone here since they didn’t believe him. Cesar is upset they’re sticking to the woods. Dean says they fight like brothers but Cesar says more like an old married couple and Dean asks what it’s like settling down with a hunter.

Cesar says smelly and dirty. Sam asks about the former sheriff and Jesse says the guy lives like a hermit two towns over. Sam says please take us there and Cesar says it’s worth a follow up. Dean says he’ll work with Cesar to look for the burrow while Sam and Jesse go see the old sheriff.

Cesar says they have to destroy the burrow tonight or they will go under for another 27 years. He says this will eat Jesse alive if they can’t conquer this. Cesar says wounds like this never heal and Dean agrees. Cesar asks how many hunter Dean has seen get their revenge.

Dean says a few but they agree that doesn’t fix them but you have to help them anyway. They head into the woods looking for the nest. Jesse tells Sam he searched looking for his brother and says he was in a panic and says his brother had the green eyes and wasn’t human.

He says he took off and never looked back. Jesse says no one believed him and thought some pervert took him and he was lying. He says his mom moved away. Jesse says Matty was a great brother who always accepted him. One of the creatures comes up out of the ground behind Cesar.

He sees the hole it left. It’s on him and they struggle. Dean runs over to save him but Cesar is wounded. Dean runs off after the creature after checking on him. The sheriff tells Sam and Jesse he doesn’t remember anything.

Sam tells Cochran that more have gone missing but Cochran says no, it’s done. Dean comes back and tells Cesar he found the burrow and he says they must be laying eggs. Dean says it’s a hike and he can’t reach Sam. They head off.

Cochran says he’ll call if he thinks of anything. Sam says he doesn’t even own a phone and they know it. He says he couldn’t find the people so it’s on him. He says he never recovered and wishes them luck. Jesse reminds him he was 12 when his brother was taken and he never got over it.

Sam says they know what took them and Jesse was telling the truth back then – it was not human. Sam admits he chases these things and Jesse says he saw one of the creatures today. Cochran says he knew she was something but not what.

He says he tracked one in 1989 and it was sick and dying and he followed it back to its lair. He says his daughter was there and says he thought she had gone back to college but was one of them. Sam asks why he never reported her missing.

Cochran says he knew where she was. He says all the missing were dead and his daughter and that other thing killed them. He says she attacked him when he tried to talk to her so he killed her. Jesse curses him and Cochran says no one would have believed him.

Jesse rages that he lied because his daughter was one of them. Sam tries to talk him down and Sam asks what he did and Cochran says it was better to bury all of it. He looks at a photo of her and says he just let the townspeople think their loved ones ran off.

He tells them he killed her by Taylor Creek near the old mine. Sam takes Jesse and they rush out. That’s where Dean and Cesar are now. Dean pulls a board off the entrance and they head inside. They split up and investigate. Dean spots a body of a woman with a swollen belly.

He checks her pulse then sees her stomach moving and glowing green. There’s one behind him and it comes at him. Cesar spots one and they grapple. It kicks him and his blade goes flying. He pulls a back-up knife and stabs it then takes its head.

Dean fights his and bashes it with a shovel then takes its head. Cesar comes over limping and they press on. They spot more women with swollen bellies and Dean says it’s a maternity ward. He says the mothers are dead and the males were protecting the eggs.

Dean says he has gasoline in the car and they can burn them down. He goes to get it. Sam and Jesse show up and ask if they found the burrow. Dean says they have to take care of the eggs and Cesar says it’s finally over.

Dean offers Jesse the gas can to finish them off but he stalks off. Cesar says give him a minute. Jesse looks through some bones and finds his brother’s body and the wallet with his buffalo nickel. He thinks back to when he was a kid.

Cesar says we’ll give him a proper burial. They look at all the other bones and Dean says they’ll take care of it. Next day, Jesse and Cesar make a pyre for Matty. Sam tells Dean he used to worry about Dean and their dad dying when they were off hunting without him.

He says he always worried when they were gone a long time. They discuss Jesse and Cesar being a good team and Dean says maybe they can help with Amara and Cass. Sam agrees fresh eyes would be good. Jesse lights the pyre. The four guys walk out talking.

Cesar says they had a deal that they would hang up their spurs when they got done with this quest. Jesse asks if they need help but Dean says they’re good and Sam asks their plans. Jesse says they have a farm in Mexico and they joke about their plans.

Cesar says it’s time to start living. They leave and Sam says couldn’t do it and Dean says no it didn’t feel right. Sam says two hunters that make it to the finish line is rare. Dean agrees that’s something you leave alone.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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