Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X Recap – CeCe Eliminated on a Blindside: Season 33 Episode 5 “Idol Search Pary”

Tonight on CBS their Emmy Award-winning series Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X airs with an all-new Wednesday, October 19, 2016, episode and we have your Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X recap below.  On tonight’s Survivor Season 33 episode 5 called, “Idol Search Pary,” another castaway is voted out of the game and the castaways braced for a major shakeup.

Did you watch last week’s Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X season 33 episode 4 where the Tribes were Hungry for Reward and Revenge – Millennials and Gen X got physical in the first reward challenge of the season? If you missed it we have a full and detailed Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X recap, right here for your enjoyment!

On tonight’s Survivor season 33 episode 5 episode as per the CBS synopsis, “Castaways form a search party to hunt for the hidden immunity idol, and one tribe gets an unpleasant surprise when castaways drop their buffs.”

We are super excited for tonight’s episode of Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X so make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8PM – 9:00PM ET for our Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X recap!  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#Survivor starts after the last Tribal Council when everything blew up and Lucy was sent home. The rest of the Gen X tribe wanders back to camp on Night 12 of Survivor 33. David says let me have it now and CeCe says she’s not mad at him. David worries he made a bad move.

David knows he’s vulnerable now. Jessica tells Ken she’s sorry she didn’t listen and says she appreciates him and Dave. She tells Ken about the legacy advantage she found and says she would have handed it to Ken if she had been voted out. She’s trying to rebuild trust.

Ken tells her it’s okay and gives her a hug. Ken decides to trust her again. Jess says this game messes with you a lot. He agrees. Next morning, the hunt for the idol is on since the idol was played last night. Everyone is searching hard for it. No one is even hiding the fact.

David finds an idol again

David says he’s empowered since he knew to look for a tribal symbol. David wanders around and spots a log with the symbol on it but Sunday and CeCe are nearby. CeCe and Sunday leave and he cracks open the log. He finds another idol! That’s David’s second idol of season 33!

He says no victory in real life compares to this. He’s jubilant. Jeff greets the two tribes on the challenge course. Jeff tells them there are many elements to the game but some you can’t prepare for or control. He tells the two tribes to drop their buffs.

They are breaking into three tribes. Orange buffs go to the Millennial camp. Purple goes to Gen X and green buffs go to a new beach and they have to start from scratch. Jeff says the green will have one extra tribe member to help with the work.

New tribes revealed

Jeff hands the new buffs out but they can’t open them yet. Figgy and her showmance are worried about being split up. They open them. Taylor, Figgy, Adam are with Jess and Ken on the new purple tribe. The showmance lives on! CeCe, Chris, Dave are with Zeke and Michele.

The new green tribe is Michaela, Hannah, Jay, Will, Sunday and Bret. Michaela is not happy at all and says so to Jeff. She’s pissed to got an empty beach with no food. She says she wants to flip Jeff off. Jeff hands them the map to their new home and says go build your shelter.

Zeke isn’t happy to be with Michelle on a new tribe in the minority. At the new beach, they make introductions. Sunday and Bret are worried since they are with four Millennials. They get started on the shelter working together.

Bare beach is no fun

Jay says they’re relentless. He says Bret and Sunday can’t figure things out and he’s frustrated with them. Jay says at least they have the numbers against the Gen Xers. Over at the purple tribe, Takali, Ken shows the new people around to their camp.

Taylor tells them about the goat they were chasing at their camp. Ken hopes he and Jess can get along with them. Figgy tells Taylor that they can’t be out in the open about their showmance because that puts a target on their back. Taylor says it doesn’t matter. She disagrees.

Adam says Taylor has to do what she says. Taylor thinks them being a power couple is no big deal. Ken cooks for them and Taylor secretly flirts with Figgy and Adam glares. Adam doesn’t like it since Figgy is a controlling liar and Taylor can’t control himself.

New alliances form

Adam talks to Ken about voting against Figgy in the first vote. Ken and Adam really hit it off and seem to be bonding. Adam is happy to be a swing vote between the two pairs. Over at Vanua, it’s morning and Michele comes out to talk with the others.

The tribe is talking about their dreams and how they slept. Michele says she didn’t sleep well. She’s worried it about being just her and Zeke with a bunch of Gen Xers. Zeke bonds with Chris over football and them both being from Oklahoma.

Chris later tells Zeke not to worry because Gen X has the numbers and says he’s ready to make a change. Chris invites him to join in on his game plan. Zeke is thrilled since the team Chris played on was his childhood hero team. He’s ecstatic.

Despair at the green camp

Over at the new camp, the work goes on and Jay is trying to make fire so they can have food and water. Bret gives up and so does Jay. Michaela decides to work on it. She’s almost ready to give up but pushes on. Jay pitches in and they finally get a flame started.

Bret says she saved them. Michaela is so happy she goes off to cry. She says she wants this win badly for her family and says everyone in her family has problems and she wants to prove she can do this. She comes back to camp to cheers and a roaring fire.

Now it’s time for the first #ImmunityChallenge with the three new tribes. It’s another water challenge. They retrieve buoys and have to lob them into a distant basket but they have an option to drag the basket closer. Will sits out for the green tribe.

Immunity up for grabs

The first two tribes to finish get immunity. It’s on. They have to untie buoys underwater. The green tribe falls behind on Sunday’s lag. She gives up and that costs the tribe a lot. Adam and CeCe take the lead for their tribes. Jay goes in to replace Sunday.

CeCe is going slow and that lets Jay catch up. David follows CeCe but they are behind. Orange is behind thanks to CeCe. Purple has four and their last person in the water. David struggles also. The orange tribe is critically behind then David lets it roll off the float.

He has to go in. The purple tribe is shooting. David is back and almost lost the buoy again. Green has one buoy left and Jay has to go again. Ken is trying to pull the basket slower and burning their lead as Jay catches up. Michele struggles for orange and can’t do it.

Orange lags bad

Green has their last buoy and Ken pulls the purple basket closer. Michaela tries the same tactic for green. Ken shoots and misses. Zeke is in for orange that still doesn’t have their buoys. Ken misses again. Chris goes back in for the last buoy.

Michaela grabs the basket and reels it in closer and then she scores two shots in a row. She misses the third but has the lead. Ken finally sinks one for purple. Chris is back with the last one. Orange decides to shoot and Chris shoots and misses.

Michaela lands two more and she’s one away from a green win. She nails it and the underdog green tribe take the first immunity idol. Chris says he has to pull the basket closer after several misses. Ken only has one in and finally lands a second.

Immunity wins for Ikabula and Takali

Ken lands a third but misses the fourth. Chris lassoes the basket for the orange tribe and starts shooting. He misses again. Ken lands a fourth and needs just one more to take the second immunity. He nails it and purple also has immunity.

Vanua, the orange tribe, will head to Tribal Council tonight. Ikabula and Takali are both safe. Chris, Zeke, CeCe, David and Michele are all at risk tonight. Zeke is annoyed that David and CeCe sucked so bad at the challenge and all prior challenges.

Back at camp, the orange tribe talk about their failure. CeCe says this is another nightmare she can’t escape and they’re going back to Tribal. She thinks she’s okay though since there are three Gen X and two Millennials. She’s confident Zeke or Michele will go.

Big changes ahead

Zeke goes to get firewood and the Gen Xers talk about voting to send Michele out. Chris is fibbing to CeCe and Dave and wants to send one of them home. He wants to send CeCe home and hopes David will vote with him. Chris talks to David when they’re alone.

He tells David they need to send CeCe home to keep the tribe strong. David is worried but decides to go along with the plan. David agrees. Chris wonders if David will keep his word since he’s burned him twice before.

Chris and David tell Michele and Zeke they need to vote to send CeCe out. Michele isn’t sure what to trust. David says don’t worry about what’s said at Tribal, just vote for Cece. Michele wonders if they’re lying and doesn’t want to let others decide her fate.

David’s paranoia sets in

Michele talks to CeCe later when they’re alone. Michele tells CeCe that she knows she and Zeke are on the block but tells CeCe she’s stronger than David and encourages her to send him out. Michele says she’s ready to make a deal.

Michele is frustrated when she makes no progress with CeCe so she has to hope for the best. CeCe goes and tells David and Chris that Michele wants to vote him out. Dave isn’t happy that Michele tried to put the target on him and David knows he’s the next target.

David considers giving CeCe his idol and voting out Michele. They head off to what looks to be a drama filled and unpredictable Tribal Council. Jeff starts the questioning with Zeke who says he knows they’re on the bottom and one of them is going on.

Jeff stirs the pot

David says the Gen X three are strong and none of them are insecure. Zeke says it’s intimidating to get one of the Millennials to work with them and says he’s ready to work with them. Jeff mentions all the moving parts.

Chris says you have to be aware of the odds overall and says they need Millennials to move ahead in the game. CeCe says Chris might vote out a Gen X to save Zeke. Chris says this is a chance to build trust since he’s been blindsided at Tribal twice.

David says he gets Chris’ concerns and says trust is a big deal and he has to prove his loyalty tonight. Chris says David has gotten him a couple of times before and he’s taking a risk tonight. CeCe says she thinks David should be voted out tonight.

The votes are in!

David says if the Gen Xers are united they have nothing to worry about despite what CeCe said. Jeff calls for the vote and CeCe goes first. They’re done and Keff goes to tally the votes. He comes back and calls for immunity idols. David sits still.

The votes are: Michele, CeCe, CeCe, CeCe. That’s enough to send her home. CeCe says “wow” because it was a #Blindside for her. Jeff snuffs her torch and sends her out. She tells the others good luck. Jeff says the remaining group knows at least they can trust each other.

CeCe admits she was blindsided and thinks David and Chris made a dumb mistake and will lose. She says she played hard and thinks her kids will be proud of her.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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