Teen Mom 2 Recap 3/14/16: Special Episode “Season 7 Catch-up Special”

Teen Mom 2 Recap 3/14/16: Special Episode "Season 7 Catch-up Special"Teen Mom 2 Recap 3/14/16: Special Episode "Season 7 Catch-up Special"

Tonight on MTV their series Teen Mom OG continues with an all new Monday March 14, special episode called “Season 7 Catch-up Special” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, a recap of what’s occurred on “Teen Mom 2. To get us update-to-date for the upcoming seventh season of Teen Mom 2”

For those of you who don’t know, the series follows the lives of Farrah Abraham, Maci Bookout, Catelynn Lowell, and Amber Portwood, who were featured on the first season of 16 and Pregnant; it documents their first years of motherhood and places additional emphasis on strained family and romantic relationships.

On tonight’s episode as per the MTV synopsis, “we’ll be getting a recap of all the drama and intense moments that has occurred during Teen Mom 2 to catch us up with the upcoming seventh season of Teen Mom 2.”

It sounds like Teen Mom is going to have another amazing season and will be an awesome show.  What has been most exciting so far in Teen Mom so far? Can’t wait for the special episode that’ll recap the entire show tonight? What are you expecting to see in the upcoming seventh season of Teen Mom 2? Sound off in the comments down below and let us know! Don’t forget to check CDL for our recap of Teen Mom 2 at 10PM ET!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

On the Teen Mom catch up special they start the review with Chelsea who talks about her journey having Aubree at 17 and her relationship with Aubree’s dad Adam and the failure of that relationship. Now Chelsea has a new boyfriend Cole and they have bought a house together.

Next up is Leah. She talks about her struggles with raising her twins from her first boyfriend turned husband Corey. She also talks about the failure of her marriage to Corey and the struggles she has had with him and his new wife over custody of the twins. and then meeting Jeremy and falling in love with, and marrying him. Leah and Jeremy had a baby Adalynn. She also talks about how the divorce from Jeremy has affected her as well as the fact that she and Jeremy got a divorce.

Third in line is Kailyn. She reviews her relationship with Jo, which ended up a failure and after she and Jo broke up and she metvi. They got married and had another son named Lincoln. Kailyn and Javi struggled with Javi’s jealousy.

Janelle talks about her struggle with addiction and having Jace at seventeen. She reviews her failed relationships, the most recent being with her son Kaiser’s father Nathan She talks about how the relationship with Nathan blossomed and he proposed to her in Jamaica.

Chelsea talks about her issues with Adam and the fact that he wanted to change the agreement with his other daughters mom. The two of them came together and found a lawyer to represent them together. Chelsea wanted to make sure that Adam did not receive unsupervised visits with Aubree. She consented to him seeing her under his parents supervision.

Leah struggles with her relationship with Corey and then Jeremy decided to file for divorce. When she tried to meet up and talk to him about why he filed for divorce he told her “You can’t love me if you don’t love yourself.” Leah responds “I do love myself.” She is devastated and says “He doesn’t understand because he is gone all the time

Kailyn still struggles with her relationship with Javi. He says “I can’t trust you on your phone.” Kailyn gets really upset and tells him “Leave and stay gone or trust me.” Javi tells her “Part of me wants to leave and the other part of me can’t leave.” Javi decides, after talking to his family, that he wants to work things out and keep his family together.

Janelle returns home from her trip and is excited, but she is still struggling with her relationship. After a physical altercation between the two Nathan gets arrested and sent to jail. He is hurt and upset and begging Janelle to tell the police that he didn’t do anything.

Janelle also decides during this period that she wants to get custody of Jace back from her mother and she consults a lawyer to help her get the custody order changed.

Chelsea and Adam go to court over the visitation agreement and Chelsea is worried because Taylor seems to be backing out of the whole deal. Chelsea meets with her lawyer before the hearing. When they do go to court the judge rules in Chelsea’s favor and the lawyer tells her that “There will have to be a review in six months.” When they are leaving the courtroom Adam is arrested for back child support on Paisley. Adam is not happy about the results at all.

Leah decides to go away and get treatment for her anxiety and depression. When she meets up with Corey she tells him her plan and he agrees to watch the girls while she goes and gets help. Corey asks if it is a rehab for drug addictions. Leah says “No” but corey doesn’t believe her and tells her “As their father I will do what I have to do to protect them.” He also tells Leah that she “Needs to be a better mother.” Leah tells him “As their mother I will do what I have to do to protect them as well.” She also tells him that he “Needs to be a better father.”

Kailyn and Javi continue to work on their marriage. Joe also gets ready to move to Delaware to be closer to Isaac. He also tells Isaac that he and V are having a baby. Jo and V find a house on the same block as Javi and Kailyn. After they move Jo and Kailyn meet and talk about what’s best for Isaac. Kailyn says that she needs to talk to Jo about child support because Isaac’s expenses are more the support.

Janelle struggles with her breakup with Nathan and the fact that he moved on so quickly. Janelle asks him “Not to have my son around her.” She tells him that “It is really hard to know that Kaiser will never know what a family is.”

Leah tells the girls that she is going to “Go away for awhile and that you are going to stay with your dad.” She then talks to her mom about the issue telling her “They don’t understand that I was so overwhelmed there were times where I felt like I was disappearing.” She also tells her mom “I realized that I was becoming addicted and called the Drs. and let them know what was happening.” Her mom is upset that Corey and Miranda think that Leah is heading to drug rehab.

Chelsea is enjoying Aubree’s preschool graduation and all the great things happening for her. Aubree grows closer to Cole and he and Chelsea decide to move in together. Aubree says “I wish my dad would act like him.” Chelsea is moved by that. Aubree also tells Chelsea about the other women that Adam has around her.

Kailyn and Javi decide to move to a new house. Jo is unwilling to go to court about the issue of child support. He doesn’t want to go to court and deal with the legal situation. Kailyn gets upset when Jo fails to bring Isaac to his soccer game on time and then misses his preschool graduation. Javi tells Kailyn that she needs to take him to court. Kailyn is frustrated and when she talks to Jo they end up arguing and Kailyn tells him “Don’t ask me for anymore favors.” Jo seems insulted by that and tells her that “I can’t give you all my money because I am having another baby.” Kailyn tells him “That is another reason you need to get it together.”

Leah’s divorce from Jeremy while she is away at treatment. Corey and Miranda reveal to the twins that they are having a baby. Corey and Miranda question whether or not Leah will be a better mom when she gets home. Corey says “They need to be here in a more stable environment.” Leah says “Things with Corey were still awkward.” When Leah and Corey meet up to talk and she sees that Miranda has come to she decides that she won’t talk to him with her there.

Janelle is still struggling with her relationship with Nathan and the custody battle with Jace.. Barbara says “Part of the reason that I didn’t want Jace there is because you and Nathan were fighting.” Janelle tells Barbara ” I really appreciate what you’ve done because without you Jace would have been in a foster home for sure.” Barbara tells her “Well we just have to move forward from here and do what’s best for Jace.”


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