Tonight on ABC the glitz and the glamour returns to the ballroom as Dancing With The Stars returns for the seventh episode of the 23rd season.“Little Women” star Terra Jolé & her professional dancer Sasha Farber took the stage tonight and danced the Foxtrot for their Eras night dance to “Cheek to Cheek” by Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong. Did you watch tonight’s DWTS episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you. Did you miss any of tonight’s performance videos? If you did we have them all, right here for you!
On tonight’s episode, each couple will perform either a quickstep, rumba, Charleston, jive, tango, foxtrot, samba or jitterbug. Len Goodman returns as head judge for this special night of dancing, which showcases popular music throughout the eras from the 1920s through the 1990s.
Judges comments on Terra Jole’s DWTS Season 23 week 7 Foxtrot:
Julianne: I am so excited because this is the Terra that we fell in love from the get go and you brought it back. You completely embodied the character. When you guys look at each other, the connection that you have, that is what we are looking for. Tonight is the first time I felt like we really had a connection and a performance on this stage.
Bruno: You have the sparkle of a little Jean Harlow, it was really like capturing these moments when Hollywood dance and movie musicals rule the screen. You really have a knack for getting it right, lovely!
Carrie Ann: I absolutely agree with Bruno and Julianne, I love the way you commit to every movement and moment. You don’t waste a single second of the dance doing nothing. Everything is fully committed, including the match made in heaven between you two. Magical!
Len: The 30’s is the years of the Great Depression, but there was nothing depressing about that dance. You put the all in small because you come out and give it everything, that class and sophistication. And I must say, Sasha you are doing a fantastic job.
Judges scores: Carrie Ann: 9 Len: 8 Julianne: 9 Bruno: 8 Total: 34/40 – Vote for Terra Jolé & Sasha Farber #teamxl at 1-800-868-3412.
Watch the video below and let us know what you think, do you agree with the judge’s comments? Do you think Terra did enough to avoid elimination tomorrow? Make sure to head over and check out all our DWTS recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here.