The 100 Recap 2/11/16: Season 3 Episode 4 “Watch the Thrones”

Tonight on the CW The 100 returns with an all new Wednesday February 11, season 3 episode 4 called “Watch the Thrones.” On tonight’s episode, Clarke (Eliza Taylor) discovers the mastermind behind a devious plan. Meanwhile, Kane (Henry Ian Cusack) struggles to keep the peace; and Jasper’s (Devon Bostick)  grief drives him to behave recklessly.

On the last episode Clarke (Eliza Taylor) wrestled with a decision. Bellamy (Bob Morley) learned that something isn’t what it seems. Meanwhile, Murphy (Richard Harmon) plots to betrayed his former Chancellor (Isaiah Washington). Paige Turco, Henry Ian Cusack, Marie Avgeropoulos, Devon Bostick, Lindsey Morgan, Chris Larkin and Ricky Whittle also star. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the CW synopsis, “Clarke (Eliza Taylor) discovers the mastermind behind a devious plan. Kane (Henry Ian Cusack) struggles to keep the peace. Meanwhile, Jasper’s (Devon Bostick) grief drives him to reckless behavior.”

Tune in tonight to catch the season 3 episode 4 of The 100 on CW – we’ll be right here recapping it for you live! While you wait for the recap, check out a sneak peek of tonight’s episode below!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#The100 begins at Lexa’s HQ. She’s with coalition ambassadors to talk about Ice Nation. They bring in Nia in chains and Roan is there too still a prisoner. Clarke stares openly. They announce that Queen Nia confessed to destroying Mount Weather.

They ask what Wanheda wants, and she says Skaikru demands justice. They tell her the punishment is death, but Nia calls for a vote of no confidence. Lexa tells Titus to let them speak. The ambassadors speak and say it must be unanimous and Skaikru voting no means it fails.

Nia says Lexa won’t take their heads in fear of their armies. She says they don’t want war, and Lexa says she knows what she wants and issue the challenge and let’s do this. Nia says she challenges her, and Lexa accepts. It’s warrior vs. warrior to the death.

Nia chooses Roan to be her champion. Lexa says no one fights for me, and she will face the challenge personally. Clarke is concerned. Back at Arkadia, they’re on high alert. Abby says they have to let the commander take care of the Ice Nation.

Pike says they can’t trust Grounders and reminds Marcus and Abby that he lost half his people in that attack. He says Grounders only understand strength and says they need to hit hard and leave no survivors. Marcus says the attack was against Lexa, not them.

He says they were collateral damage in someone else’s war. Pike rages and says they will take what they want, and the Grounders are coming for them. Abby says they’ll consider what he said and adjourns the meeting. Pike leaves angry.

Abby says after the election tomorrow, Pike will be Marcus’s problem. Bellamy comes to talk to Marcus and hands him a jacket. Marcus tells him not to resign. Bellamy says 49 people died he was supposed to protect. He says he told Gina to stay, not Ice Nation.

Marcus says Bellamy did the best he could with the information he had to try and save lives. Bellamy says he failed. He’s near tears. Outside, Jasper and Monty argue and Octavia runs over. Jasper is refusing to attend the Mount Weather memorial.

An alert sounds and Octavia sees Nyko is back. She runs over. Octavia runs over to defend the Grounders. Pike gets in her face, and she helps cart the sick into the Arkadia. Nyko says he’s sorry about Mount Weather.

Jasper is sneaking out of the camp and Monty bickers with him more. Jasper leaves through an opening he’s made in the wall, and Monty sighs and follows. Lexa teaches some younger children some lesson. Clarke asks Titus if he talked Lexa out of this yet. He says no.

He says maybe she can talk her out of it and says it’s because of Clarke that Lexa’s strength is being questioned. Titus takes the kids out with him, and Lexa asks Aden to stay behind, and she introduces him to Clarke and says if she dies today, he will likely succeed her.

Aden says if she dies today, he will pledge his loyalty to the 13th clan. Lexa tells Clarke there’s nothing to worry about. Lexa says Indra is assembling an army now to help them. Clarke tells Lexa she doesn’t stand a chance against Roan.

Lexa says if that’s true, her spirit will choose a successor but Clarke storms out angry. Roan is with his mother Nia to practice for the battle. He says he doesn’t need her help. (Note – Nia is played by Brenda Strong from Desperate Housewives and the failed reboot of Dallas).

Nia says when he kills Lexa, his banishment will be over, and the Ice Nation will be more powerful. He says don’t pretend you’re doing anything for me. She says what’s good for Azgeda is good for him. She hands him her sword and says if you won’t fight for me, fight for your clan.

Nia says she wants Lexa’s head, and he starts wielding it. When he’s alone, Clarke approaches him to talk. She says this is what his mother wanted all along. He asks what she wants, and she says she wants him to become the king.

She says his mother would let him die and banished him. He says when he wins today, he’ll go home, and Clarke says his mother will cast him out and sacrifice him. Clarke says no one can cast out a king. He says he can’t, his people would never take him back.

Clarke goes to walk away, and he says he can help her do it. She’s intrigued. Pike speaks at the memorial. Bryan stands and says Iris was strong and saved his life, and he’s sorry he couldn’t save her. Pike says may we meet again and they repeat it. Then he asks who speaks for Gina and Bellamy stands.

Bellamy says Gina was real and saw the light even there. He says she deserved better. Murmurs break out as they’re interrupted and Pike says there’s an army of Grounders camped a mile away. Marcus says they know, and it’s Indra, and she radioed them.

Marcus says they are not under attack, they are there to help them against the Ice Nation and says it’s a peace keeping force. Abby says they are all grieving and can’t let anger drive policy. Pike says anger is a policy. He says tell them to go home, they can defend themselves.

One of Pike’s people rages at Lincoln and says he doesn’t belong. He attacks him, and Pike shuts it down and says we cannot in-fight. He says the enemy is out there outside the camp. Marcus glares and Abby checks on Lincoln, who is bleeding.

Lincoln staggers outside and goes down to one knee. He’s angry. He repeats to himself – get knocked down, you get back up – in his Grounder tongue. He struggles to his feet. Jasper and Monty are in the woods and Jasper is drinking. He says they’re visiting old friends.

They are at the landing site where it all started. Monty tells Jasper he’s had enough. Jasper unzips and goes to pee. Monty checks Jasper’s pack and finds a canister inside. He opens it and sees it’s ashes with a tooth in it. Monty sees Jasper is passed out.

Monty sits down by him. Later, Abby stitches up Lincoln’s head and refuses to press charges. Octavia comes in and Pike thanks him for not pressing charges. He glares at Marcus and walks out. Abby tells Octavia that Lincoln will be fine. She asks if Farm Station did this.

Octavia wants to go to Indra with him since the kill order was lifted but he says the best way to make a difference and prove them wrong is to stay. Abby asks him to come translate, and he kisses Octavia and says it will pass.

Clarke comes to see Nia in her chambers at the HQ. She asks what’s this about. Clarke asks what if she changed her vote and Nia says that’s thinking like a leader. Clarke says she needs assurance. Nia says Skaikru will be safe and says her quarrel is with Lexa and doesn’t need Wanheda’s power.

Clarke says the living are her worry bot the dead from Mount Weather. She gives the blood oath and cuts her hand. She wipes the knife clean and hands it to Nia and asks if she accepts. Nia takes it and slices her hand. She was going to poison her with the knife but Ontari notices it.

She slices Clarke’s hand and drips blood on her face and says she will name the next commander. Clarke tells Titus and Lexa what happened. The blood she dripped on Clarke was black and Lexa explains it’s called nightblood and all children of nightblood are supposed to be brought to the commander to be trained.

Titus says she must choose a champion and not fight. Lexa tells him to leave them. Clarke says don’t give Nia what she wants. Lexa says she can’t do anything, and Clarke says she can’t let Roan kill her. Lexa says Clarke can’t fix this and says she must do it on her own, and she has to let her.

Clarke says she won’t watch her die. Titus comes back and says it’s time. Lexa tells Clarke this is goodbye for now. She walks out. At Arkadia, Pike talks to Bellamy about Mount Weather and if that’s why he resigned. Pike says it was both their fault.

He says every life at the memorial was lost because they trusted a Grounder. Pike tells him that he knows what they’re capable of and let his guard down once and then people died. Pike says never again, and they drink and repeat that.

Pike says Marcus is a good man but thinks Grounders can police Grounders and says this peace keeping force is not good. Bellamy asks what to do, and Pike says they need to hit them first. Pike says there are 300 soldiers but no guns and says 10 men with automatic rifles could take them out.

He says he has the men if Bellamy can get the guns. Bellamy says it’s treason, but Pike says it’s survival. Pike says if they wait, they die, and he’ll pay the consequences to save their people. Bellamy nods in agreement.

Everyone assembles for the battle of Roan vs. Lexa. Titus says it’s single combat with one rule – someone must die today. He says to begin. Roan takes a sword. Nia nods at him. Lexa takes a sword as Clarke shows up close by. Lexa says she’s glad she came.

She and Roan face off, and she takes first blood. The crowd roars. He hits her hard, and she hits back. It’s brutal. She gets his sword, and he knocks a lance from a guard and wields it. He knocks her back and takes her sword then kicks her down.

He has the lance ready to impale her then she rolls out of the way. She gets the lance from him, and Nia is furious as she knocks her son back and down. Now Lexa has the spear on him. Nia screams at him to get up and says if he dies, he doesn’t die a prince but a coward.

Roan says to end it. Lexa says blood must have blood and launches the spear. It impales Queen Nia, and she dies. Lexa says the queen is dead, long live the king and nods to Roan. The crowd cheers Heda, Heda, Heda.

Pike and his men are ready. Bellamy is with them. Lincoln is in their way. Bellamy says they need to hit the army. Lincoln says it’s there to protect them. Bellamy tells Monroe and Lincoln to trust that he’s doing what’s best. Harper steps back.

Pike tells Lincoln to prove he’s one of them and let them pass. Lincoln refuses. One comes at Lincoln, who grabs him. Pike asks who he’s defending. Lincoln says he can’t let him start a war. Pike says they are already at war. An alarm sounds for people to come to the main gate.

Octavia runs up and asks what’s wrong with Bellamy. Abby and Marcus are there, and Marcus asks if Bellamy armed them. Abby orders them all arrested and says it’s over. Pike says nothing is over and says they are surrounded by warriors who want them dead.

Pike says to Marcus show us what the Grounders did. He shows them the mark and says it’s the coalition mark and says they are the 13th clan and are in this together. Pike says that’s what farmers did to livestock. Someone says Pike should be on the ballot tomorrow.

Abby says to take them away. The people start to chant Pike’s name. Marcus and Abby look worried. Jasper wakes hung over, and Monty asks what he was thinking. He asks if Abby knows he took the ashes. Jasper admits he stole them and says it’s memorial day.

He says let’s scatter them and Monty says Finn’s ashes aren’t his to spread. Jasper says screw Clarke and says they are both mass murderers. Jasper says Maya was his friend and asks how Monty can wipe out an entire civilization and sleep at night.

Monty says he’s screwed up too, but they had no other choice. Jasper laughs and says none of them are innocent. Monty says float you – he says he’s watched him torture everyone and himself. He says pull yourself together or fall apart alone.

Monty says he misses his best friend, but Jasper says he died that day too. Monty walks away. Jasper says see you on the other side and then he trips. He realizes he spilled Finn’s ashes and starts crying and freaking out.

Clarke hears a knock at her door. It’s Lexa. She thanks Clarke, who invites her inside. Clarke tells her to sit and let her change her dressing. Clarke asks what will happen to Ontari and Lexa says she’ll be back at the conclave after her death.

Clarke asks if she can ever talk about anything but her death. Lexa thanks her for backing her and Clarke says her ambassadors betrayed her then asks how she moves forward. Lexa says they were all doing what they thought was right for their people.

Clarke changes the bandage and tells her goodnight, and she goes. Once the door shuts, Clarke sighs. At Arkadia, Marcus goes to see the people in the brig. He goes inside and tells Pike he’s the new chancellor. Pike asks where is Abby and Marcus says the vote wasn’t even close and hands Pike his pin.

Pike says his first action as chancellor is to pardon himself and the others. He then says he’s rejecting their status as 13th clan. Then he says they will finish what they started. Bellamy stares.

Marcus stands there as they all walk out. Marcus tells Bellamy it’s not too late to choose the right side, but Bellamy says he already has.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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