The 100 Recap 4/7/16: Season 3 Episode 10 “Fallen”

Tonight on the CW The 100 returns with an all new Thursday April 7, season 3 episode 10 called “Fallen.” On tonight’s episode, Jaha uses a terrifying new method to convince Abby (Paige Turco) to join his cause; Kane (Henry Ian Cusick) goes on a mission; and Bellamy’s (Bob Morley) hit hard with the truth

On the last episode Clarke (Eliza Taylor) discovered a shocking truth, and Octavia (Marie Avgeropoulos) was forced to make a decision that could have devastating consequences. Meanwhile, Kane (Henry Ian Cusick) and Abby (Paige Turco) shared a moment. Bob Morley, Christopher Larkin, Ricky Whittle and Richard Harmon also star. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the CW synopsis, “Jaha uses a terrifying new method to convince Abby to join his cause; Kane goes on a mission; and Bellamy’s hit hard with the truth. Meanwhile, Monty ends up in a precarious situation; and Jasper races to save one of his own.”

Tune in tonight to catch the season 3 episode 10 of The 100 on CW – we’ll be right here recapping it for you live!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

That wasn’t a bluff last week. The showrunners really did execute Lincoln was executed on last week’s episode of “The 100” and tonight Bellamy was left dealing with the consequences of his actions.

Bellamy had unfortunately turned over many good men to Pike. However, he thought that he had enough time to rescue the lot of them before any true damager could be done. Like say an execution. Only he was wrong about the amount of time he had and it was a mistake that ended up costing him his sister. Who later written him off after she took out all of her frustrations on him.

Octavia had unfortunately stayed close enough to Arcadia in order to see what happened to Lincoln once she and the others escaped. So she had seen his death and everything had then changed for her after he died. And that’s why she hadn’t had her arms open for her brother when they saw each other again.

In fact, she attacked him. She just saw him and promptly began to beat the living daylights out of him though Bellamy hadn’t stopped her. He could have raised his hands to block the blows or he could even have tried to restrain her seeing as no one else was willing to interfere. Yet, he hadn’t done any of those thing. He let his sister nearly beat him to death because he felt like he deserved it.

And yet she hadn’t felt better afterwards. She just moved on. Octavia had told her brother that they were done and it soon became clear that her new mission in life was going to be killing Pike. So Octavia had been willing to listen when Monty radioed Bellamy because she said that they had a prisoner to trade if it were a trap.

But Bellamy called her on her real reason for wanting to meet up with Pike’s men. He said she was hoping it was a trap because she wanted her opportunity to get to Pike. Who she wanted to kill however Octavia wasn’t the only person that wanted. Everyone that was hiding in that cave had wanted their chance to kill Pike and Kane was also up for it if the lifted the Grounders’ blockade. And allowed them to become the thirteenth clan again.

So someone of course mentioned Clarke. What happened to Clarke if she’s still trapped in Polis and Bellamy was right about Lexa being dead? Though Octavia surprised everyone by saying she doesn’t care about what happened to Clarke. Clarke in her eyes had made a choice and so it on her head if something happened.

Meanwhile, back in Arcadia, Jaha and his followers have managed to breakthrough Raven’s resistance. Raven had apparently found the one way she could disable the creepy AI in her head and so A.L.I.E gave her back some of her memories, but only the ones that she knew would break Raven. Like Finn’s death and her own torture back at Mount Weather. And that’s why Raven submit in the end.

Though Raven hadn’t known that Abby was going to be next. One of the followers had drugged her while she had been focused on treating Raven. So Abby hadn’t see that Jackson that had gone over to the other side much less that he would stand by while both Jaha and A.L.I.E threatened her into accepting A.L.I.E into her own head.

And yet Abby had no choice. A.L.I.E had made Raven cut her own wrists so the only way Abby could help her was to take that pill. However, Pike hadn’t known that his people were slowly being converted into accepting someone else’s authority. He had been too busy using Monty and later Octavia into getting Bellamy to reveal the hide-out of the other “traitors”.

Only Bellamy hadn’t betrayed his sister. At least not that second time. He had actually led Pike and Pike’s people through the blockade so he had Octavia negotiate a truce. They hand over Pike and in turn the Grounders lift the blockade. So Bellamy was able to save Octavia, Monty, and Kane’s life. Yet, Kane had wanted to know why.

He asked Bellamy if he turned Spike over because of his sister or because it was the right thing to do? However, Bellamy didn’t have answer for him and so Kane told him that he should try to figure it out just so he would stop being lost. And while Bellamy decided to go back to Arcadia with Monty and Octavia, Kane offered to go with the grounders to meet the new commander.

Kane had wanted to negotiate with the new commander to see if they were still considered to be the thirteenth clan, but the young woman in question had other things on her mind. Such as cementing her own position as well as getting to know Murphy. So even if she did see the value of having a thirteenth clan, she probably wasn’t going to help them with their A.L.I.E problem.

A.L.I.E had managed to convert every member still behind at Arcadia and Clarke arrived just as Jasper was escaping with Raven. So she thought it was best to go with them and let Jasper truly explained what happened in her absence. And why Lincoln was dead.


Kristine Francis:
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