The Americans Recap 5/18/16: Season 4 Episode 10 “Munchkins”

Tonight on FX The Americans airs with another all new Wednesday, May 18 season 4 episode 10 called “Munchkins,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, a discretion from Paige’s (Holly Taylor) past resurfaces and threatens to destroy the family

On the last episode making the stakes – and terrible consequences – of the Cold War plain. Even with that in mind, was Elizabeth able to complete the painful process of the “Patty” operation?  Did you watch last week’s episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for your enjoyment.

On tonight’s episode per the FX synopsis “a discretion from Paige’s past resurfaces and threatens to destroy the family, which sparks chaos for Philip and Elizabeth and forces Paige to reevaluate who her parents really are.”

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be a great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of FX’s “The Americans” Season 4 episode 10 – at 10 PM EST!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s episode of The Americans kicks off with Elizabeth at Young Hee’s house having dinner with her husband Don and the kids. Things are a bit awkward since Don thinks that he had sex with Elizabeth. He excuses himself from the dinner table and says he has work to do.

At home Philip and Paige are making dinner. Paige is full of questions, as usual, she wants to know about Philip’s family. He tells her that he grew up in Siberia, his father was a logger, and he died when he was 6 years old. Philip confesses that his parents were “tough” – that’s the way that people had to be back then.

Elizabeth and Philip meet with Gabriel. He fills them in on a new asset he recruited, she’s a librarian in her mid 40’s. Gabriel wants to know how close they are to getting the Level 4 access codes fro Don – Elizabeth insists that she is very close. Meanwhile, Philip is still trying to convince Gabriel they should leave alone the new flesh eating virus that William is working on, but Gabriel says that the Center “insists.”

At the FBI, Aberholt and Stan’s new boss is cracking the whip. Stan jokes that since Gaad left, the FBI has turned in to “Munchkinland.” Stan convinces Aberholt to go get drinks with him after work, they are going to meet up with Martha’s father.

Pastor Tim’s pregnant wife shows up on Philip’s doorstep. She’s a hot mess and has been crying. She tells them that Tim went missing while he was on his mission in Ethiopia. And, she knows that Elizabeth and Philip are responsible. Apparently, Ethiopia is a Russian client state and the country is swarming with USSR troops. Philip tries to her that they had nothing to do with it, but Alice won’t listen. She says that she made a tape, revealing that they are spies and gave it to her lawyer, if anything happens to her or Tim doesn’t come home – then her lawyer is giving the tape to the FBI.

Tatiana and Oleg are in bed together again. After they have sex, they lie in bed together and joke about eating Twinkies. Tatiana tells Oleg that she needs a favor from him. She needs a female computer expert in her 50’s that speaks perfect English. Obviously Oleg wants to know what she needs a computer expert for. Tatiana says she can’t talk about I, she says that she is from one of those “departments that you don’t talk about.”

Back at the Jennings House, Elizabeth and Philip are in full blown panic mode. Meanwhile, Paige isn’t convinced that her parents are innocent. Paige points out that it is pretty suspicious that Tim went missing in a Russian controlled country. Elizabeth tries to shut down Paige’s suspicions and tells her that Alice is just upset and is “talking crazy.”

Paige heads to the church to talk to Alice – she tells her that she loves and Pastor Tim. Alice hugs Paige and comforts her. Alice says that she knows that she loves her, she is just so scared.

Eberholt and Stan meet up with Martha’s dad at the bar. He doesn’t understand how his daughter is still missing – and hasn’t turned up. Martha’s dad thinks that their KGB theory is ridiculous, he says Martha is honest and loyal, and that Clark character must have brainwashed her.

Paige heads home and fills her parents in on her meeting with Alice. Philip says that they made some calls to the people they know in Ethiopia, and they are going to help look for Pastor Tim too. Paige asks what is going to happen if Alice turns over the tape – her parents explain that they will all have to move to Russia, Paige freaks out.

Meanwhile, Gaad is living the good life in Thailand. Three Russian men walk in to his hotel room. They tell him that they have a proposal for him. Gaad tries to make a run for it and he falls through a sliding glass door – a huge piece of glass stabs him in the stomach, he bleeds out in a matter of seconds and stops breathing. The Russians leave as quickly as they arrived – it looks like he won’t be accepting their proposal.

Philip heads to Kimmy’s house – the teenager he almost had to sleep with last season. He sneaks in to her dad’s office, he’s a CIA operative, and collects a recording from his office. Kimmy is high as a kite, she tells Philip a “secret” and confesses that her dad works for the CIA.

Paige stops by Stan’s house looking for her brother, he’s not there but Stan’s son Matthew invites her inside. They chat and Stan’s son reveals that his dad is busy dealing with the missing secretary (Martha) at the FBI office that turned out to be a spy. Obviously since Pastor Tim is missing, Paige finds this interesting. She tells him about Pastor Tim missing and he agrees to take her to the church to check on Alice. When Paige arrives, everyone is celebrating, apparently they found Pastor Tim and he is okay. Alice takes Paige aside and apologizes – she tells her to tell her parents that she is sorry for the misunderstanding.

Elizabeth gets a message from Young Hee – she’s freaking out about her husband Don, she can tell that something is wrong with him. She begs Elizabeth to call her so that they can talk.
Paige heads home and tells her parents the good news about Pastor Tim – she apologizes for accusing them of making him disappear. Her parents give her a lecture about trust, and promise that they won’t lie to her.

Tatiana is briefing Arkady in his office and an envelope is delivered to him. He seems thrown for a loop, he explains to Tatiana that a mission didn’t go as planned. Is he talking about Gaad’s death?
At the FBI office, Eberholt takes Stan aside. He tells him that he doesn’t know any details yet, but Wolfe is about to make an announcement that Agent Gaad is dead.

Elizabeth heads to Gabriel’s house – she tells him it is time to make their move and get the codes from Don. Gabriel can tell that Elizabeth isn’t as ready as she says that she is. Gabriel asks Elizabeth what Young Hee’s family is like. She admits that they are close, and loud, she says that Gabriel would like them, and confesses that she likes them. Gabriel tells Elizabeth that she has already done the hard part. Elizabeth snaps back, “No the next part is the hard part, the family will never recover.”

Gabriel offers to ask the Center if there is another way in, not through Don and Young Hee – she tells him to find out.


Amanda Austin:
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